A word from Michael O’Shea about Charlie Brown

This from Michael O’Shea……
My sunny wine country day turned pretty dark and bleak today, with the news that one of the most loved and talented radio personalities to ever “touch” my life is apparently entering the final days of his, in hospice care, on Bainbridge Island, Washington.

I received the terrible news a little while ago that my dear friend and former KUBE and KJR-FM morning show superstar, Charlie Brown, is facing his final fight. He’s been suffering for some time a debilitating progressive disease, that I was made aware of about 5 or 6 years ago at the 30th KUBE reunion in Seattle.

I entered the restaurant and saw Charlie almost rushing to meet me at the door…and in a noticeably impaired way said to me: “Before Anything I want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship and all you did for me in my career”. In my mind I should have said the exact same words to him.

My heart goes out to Charlie and his longtime wife Kimberly (I used to go on double dates with Charlie and Kimberly in 1981). To his sons and daughter…and to all the “Kubesters” who’s lives have been so indelibly “touched” by Charlie.

Godspeed my friend and if I could see you at this moment I’d say to you:

“I want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship, and how much you did for me in my career”.

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