Bruce Caplan: 50 Years Ago, Turkey & Arthur Godfrey

Bruce Caplan’s story of what it was like, being one of the few families in the neighborhood with the new technology called TELEVISION.

1 thought on “Bruce Caplan: 50 Years Ago, Turkey & Arthur Godfrey

  1. Hi Bruce.
    We have met before! Once when I was trying to wish Wayne’s brother a happy birthday I ended up sending that birthday wish to you instead.
    Small world huh. I used to be Wayne’s next door neighbor and I consider Wayne Eberhart my long time best friend. I am 87 years old. I have now
    moved in with my son and daughter-in-law and have been here for almost six years. How neat that that Bruce “mistake” turned out to be okne of Wayne’s good friends.

    Anne Haworth 😉

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