Former KPIX Bad Boss Seen Roaming The Halls @ KOMO 4

Scott Jones
FTVLive (Scott Jones) has reported that Mark Neerman is in town and was seen touring the KOMO complex this week. If you believe what you hear about Neerman, he is an ASS, a JERK, and he treats people like CRAP. It was Neerman that decided that Ryan Yamamoto was ready for prime-time at KPIX. 415 Media reported that Neerman fomented a TOXIC environment at KPIX (the CBS station in San Francisco) and was GROSSLY INCOMPETENT. Neerman, an IDIOT, a BUTTHEAD, a SCHMUCK, a BLOWHARD, reportedly yelled at employees, including women (KOMO has a lot of women on staff and in front of the camera). The reason Neerman was fired from KPIX? Neerman showed a lack of direction and had a dismal run at KPIX. Any politically-correct thinking individuals should not read past this comma, Neerman was often labeled a BULLY! [Info from 415 Media]
Rich Lieberman
A bad hire for any station, it would seem. That is, if Rich Lieberman has trustworthy sources, and I believe he does. Though 415 Media, the Rich Lieberman blog covering SF tv & radio, is pretty much a gripe fest for Lieberman each day, he has broken some big stories and had some exclusive interviews with SF media insiders. 415 Media has a healthy cadre of readers including those in the industry. Media folks might have more of a dislike/hate relationship with Lieberman but they still read his blog. Lately, Rich Lieberman has switched from print to video blogging. If you want your quick news fix, fuhgeddaboudit! On a good day, you’ll have to sit through 15-25 minutes of bitching, gossip, and funding requests to get a nugget of useful info. You have to wonder if all of the Bay area media ND/PD/GM types suck as much as Lieberman says they do. Is Neerman the total POS we are told that he is? Let’s hope the brain trust at Sinclair can make better hiring choices.

The Grinch Behind 415 Media
Blogger Under Attack For Provocative Speech

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