Tom Leykis: Could Rush Limbaugh be fired? 2005 audio

KLSX/Los Angeles, audio recorded April 13, 2005.

Runtime:  11:36

3 thoughts on “Tom Leykis: Could Rush Limbaugh be fired? 2005 audio

  1. I remember hearing Sean Hannity on WABC – self-described “squeaky voiced kid from Long Island” – slurping and slobbering every day over his personal god Rush Limbaugh. Then one day Hannity started moving up the ladder, and the two words “Rush” and “Limbaugh” mysteriously vanished from his vocabulary.

    1. Yes, Sean Hannity has changed his opinion on things and put things behind him on his climb to the top. He has probably lost a lot of friends along the way.

  2. I get the impression that Leykis actually wanted to see Rush fail. Being able to use profanity would not be his #1 objective. But, moving up in the talk show popularity ranks might have been, even if that meant stepping over Rush.

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