Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: Debbie Deutsch traffic reports with Gary Lockwood and Chet Rogers, KJR, October, 1978

This is a continuation of the previously posted “Gary Lockwood’s Police Blotter.” It’s an extended clip of KJR from 1978 with Gary, Chet Rogers, and many complete Debbie Deutsch traffic reports. Get some “Cheap and Sleazy News from Hollywood,” and find out where Stewart Street has been during his latest caper in “KJR Money Mystery” episode 20.

Runtime: 36:26


2 thoughts on “Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: Debbie Deutsch traffic reports with Gary Lockwood and Chet Rogers, KJR, October, 1978

  1. What was that intro used on the traffic reports. I would like a copy of that music bed if anyone has that.

  2. Thanks for this post, Sam. We all loved the interactions between Debbie Deutsch and the KJR personalities.

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