(FB 1-13-25) Remember writing your outlines for a book report in high school?
They started with a TITLE followed by
A.) Subsets of the plot, broken into points describing the
1. Foreshadowing,
2. The imagery, and
3. The symbolism, in the story.
Then the topics are simplified further with
a. point of view,
b. the conflict, and
c. summary of characters.
I’ve written an outline of my 20+ years working as a broadcast meteorologist that includes all of these literary devices (and more…).
For me, the most enjoyable part to write may be the character descriptions and the plot analysis.
However, as much as I have relished my chapters of atmospheric education and mastering the build of my own weather forecasts from numerical models,
I am making a stealthy departure in the next chapter.
In my conclusion, I am no longer presenting on a local tv station, delivering my weather stories to you daily. I am working on the location for my new chapter about a different angle in my career. I don’t have it yet. I’m looking, researching, and applying.
Currently, my toes are in the cold, wet grass of Seattle while my hands are reaching through the cloud outlines and every layer of earth’s atmosphere while grasping for the stars.
I promise to update you on my progress. Please keep me in your most positive thoughts while I find a new job for a new chapter. #outlook #science #career
Jason Remington — Admin/Editor | Airchecks
KTOY | KVAC (WA-1974) | KDFL (WA-1975) | KTTX (TX- 1976) | KWHI (TX-1976) | KONP (WA-1977) | KBAM (WA-1978) | KJUN (WA-1983) | KRPM (WA-1984) | KAMT (WA-1986) | KASY (WA-1988) | KBRD (WA-1989) | KTAC (WA-1990) | KMTT (WA-1991) | KOOL (AZ-1994)
Rebecca, I saw you arrive at KIRO as Chief Meteorologist, taking the reigns from Andy Wappler, and depart with Julie Francavilla and Jenny Hogan, no notice to viewers. KIRO has had numerous exits over the years, and I’ve heard their Program Director is difficult to work with. Julie and Jenny never returned to local broadcasting, but you did. Moved to Aljazeera weather in Chicago for a stint, then back to the PNW at KCPQ for another stint, and had some longevity with KOMO. We didn’t get too personal this time as with KIRO, no more Rainier cherries. Love is hard. Good luck.
my wife and I really enjoyed watching she and Michelle on the weekend They were great joking and interacting with each other. Rebecca was so accurate in the weather , when she said showers would clear up and sunshine would be here at noon the sun would be shining at noon. She will be sorely missed.
I’ve been googeling you for weeks Rebecca. My dad and I always looked forward to your presentation and interactions with the other anchors. We sure do miss you! I’m glad to finally know whats up with you. Best wishes with your job hunt! And only positive vibes for your future!
Sure miss you, Rebecca. Of course we wonder why you left. We’ve appreciated you, your expertise, even your fashion style. It was clear you wanted to do your best in every way for those of us inviting you/KOMO into our homes. Hope you will let us know where we can find you next.
Rebecca you were awesome and professional. We missed you right away. Really right away.
Go forth and shine!
So sad to see her go, will miss
I knew something was up when she was a no-show during the past couple weeks. I initially thought she was on vacation, but then I remembered the same thing happened when she was on KIRO TV over a decade ago, disappeared with no explanation. I really hope it wasn’t because of a `bad’ viewer out there in either case – she definitely doesn’t deserve that.
I always enjoyed watching your weather forecasts, Rebecca. Take care, be safe, and good luck with your new endeavors!
Miss her a lot , we will miss Rebecca, wondered where she was ,thought she was on vacation, komo news is getting really bad, guess it’s time to watch # 7, Rebecca will be missed by many
A loss indeed. Rebecca, you always made the weather reports informative and fun. I sense that viewers will turn their attention elsewhere now. Komo changes have been awful and this viewer is changing channels. Wishing you all the best.
I really do miss you, Rebecca. I was upset when you disappeared with no trace or mention on the station. I hope it was strictly your decision. I will watch other stations more for weather reports now except when Shannon or George is doing them. I hope you will keep us posted. KOMO didn’t say anything about your leaving.
Good luck!
~Trella Hastings
January 16, 2025
What a SHOCK to realize that Rebecca was gone.
At first I thought you were on vacation, then eventually realized that there was a new weather person in Stella Sun.
Rebecca, you were a Bright Spot delivering the weather reports. I’ve watched you ever since you first came to KOMO-4.
There is No Replacing YOU!!!
I will Always Remember You ❤️.
Take Good Care of Yourself, and Please figure out how to let us know how you are.
A Loyal Fan,
Scarlette, Victoria and Malibu
I was missing you the last couple of weeks with the weather when you and Shannon alternated. I understand the need for change and hopefully you’ll find what you’re looking for. You did a great job! I can’t imagine how ‘y’all do it! Keep us updated as to what you’re doing. Thanks
I just stopped watching channel 4.
Sorry to see you go, you were the only one that consistently got it right.
Just bummed.
Hope no other heads roll on KOMO. I really enjoyed both of our meteorologists on channel 4. What’s up with that!
I missed seeing you the past few days you Rebecca! I had to look up why you were no longer on Komo.
I wish you the very best in your next endeavor!
Sunny skies ahead for you.
She is a great weather person. Very personable and great at what she does. Would hope KOMO would have had the sense to keep her.
We really will miss you Rebecca. I remember meeting you at the Mecca cafe where you shared your dream of working in television. I’ve followed your career ever since and rejoice in your success. Please keep your fans informed of the new horizons and good luck.
Good luck on your next journey. But, I’ve watched you for all the time you’ve been in Seattle and so enjoyed watching you on KOMO. Your forecasts were always so informative, and I loved your interactions with the staff….especially some of your guesses on the Komo Question! Gonna miss you! Don’t be a stranger!
Sorry to see Rebecca go. My husband and I thought she had finally found a great match being on Komo. She had gotten very comfortable in front of the camera and was doing such a good job. Wow, really shocked to hear this one.
On a brighter note, happy to see Theron Zahn back on the weekend desk in the morning, both days. Will keep my fingers crossed this is not just another fluke for the last weekend.
The new KOMO news director begins his cuts
She probably saw the writing on the wall, heard of new KOMO ND Neerman’s reputation and bailed.
There is a real possibility that she will set her sights on a station outside our market…stay tuned.