Aircheck: KJR-FM ‘70s reunion week; Emperor Smith, Charlie Brown, Chet Rogers

‘The Emp’ and Chet Rogers join Charlie Brown in this segment from the ‘70s reunion week on KJR-FM.  Original air date 1995.

Runtime: 11:59

5 thoughts on “Aircheck: KJR-FM ‘70s reunion week; Emperor Smith, Charlie Brown, Chet Rogers

    1. What a great clipping. Wish I could say I remember Evel Knievel showing up at the Aurora Valu-Mart in April, 1970 – but I was in first grade. I know the Beatles officially broke up right about then. I heard about that from one of the 8 girls who lived next door, and they probably heard it from Emperor Smith on KJR

  1. A whole week of such craziness. So cool. “Would the old format work?” Emp says NO. Due to fragmentation.
    These days, we don’t have very much to choose from on terrestrial radio. This aircheck is awesome!

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