Amity Addrisi leaves TV behind for corporate PR

Amity Addrisi announced that Thursday September 19 would be her last day on the air. She didn’t look too happy in making this announcement. So, what is behind it? A new gig at the Allen Institute. She is following the science! She will be doing PR for the Institute.

Author: Lou Robbins

Lou Robbins --- Admin/Editor | Airchecks KTOY | KVAC (WA-1974) | KDFL (WA-1975) | KTTX (TX- 1976) | KWHI (TX-1976) | KONP (WA-1977) | KBAM (WA-1978) | KJUN (WA-1983) | KRPM (WA-1984) | KAMT (WA-1986) | KASY (WA-1988) | KBRD (WA-1989) | KTAC (WA-1990) | KMTT (WA-1991) | KOOL (AZ-1994)

10 thoughts on “Amity Addrisi leaves TV behind for corporate PR

  1. Fred Dowell:

    I know exactly which young lady with the dark, long hair parted in the middle you are speaking of. I don’t watch the show often either but once in a while I do and I really liked Amity on the news desk as well as on this program.

    1. Well I agree with your comment about these pay for pay shows like Amity show and Seattle refined both suck and I just happened to turn on the TV that day and saw her mentioning what was going to happen I don’t normally watch the show

      But I’m sure she’s going to enjoy your new job and she’s going to be a hottie in person and she’ll know how to me manipulate some of the press when she talks to them who wouldn’t love coming to home at night and seeing her in the house

      Oh and on Friday I will tape her last show just to see what’s going on and see everybody cry

      The one particular show I enjoyed was when Sean Tibbetts of Tibbets shawnhill Restaurant in Tacoma prepare to Dish and he was voted one of the top 50 restaurants in the country

      So it’ll be interesting to see who they put in her place there’s a couple people on staff that I hope they don’t there’s one gal her hair looks terrible her appearance on TV is just not up to par she needs to stay in the background

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