Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: Repost: Robert O. Smith, KJR, 1967

Speed has been corrected, and some extra audio added to the beginning. Robert O. tries to give away a 1968 Plymouth Belvedere Wagon, does an Ed Sullivan imitation, and reads a live spot for “The KJR Beat.” Commercials seem to be pushing both uppers and downers, with Coke, Compoz, and Wakoz.

Runtime: 7:38

8 thoughts on “Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: Repost: Robert O. Smith, KJR, 1967

  1. His conceited disc jockey line makes sense. If you have ever seen the nervous hand movements of a jock who is trying so hard to be a Boss Jock and reaches for the pots and switches (the old boards) repeatedly, before finishing his bit and hitting the cart button. Embarrassing to witness.

    I remember Robert O. from his time at KOL and KTAC, but the KJR period not so much.

  2. I wonder if they actually published 26 issues of KJR Beat. And what about someone that subscribed for the year just prior to issue #22? I spend too much time pondering these things.

  3. I like Robert O’s comments during commercials. Not afraid to make fun of everything. 10:55 PM and the Top 40 radio station presented 5 minutes of news. These days, hourly news would be seen as a tune-out.

  4. I was one of the staff at KTVW-13 (1970’s) that switched the live Saturday night Dr Zinger show. No rehearsal, just this is what we are going to do next break. We pranked him one night and had the cameraman fully expose himself wearing a trench coat to Robert O during the live skit. Robert O lost it laughing and came back with” thats funny but if you turn around your really going to have a big laff. Then to commercial. Great times.

    1. Thank you, Galen. I met Robert O. when he was working at KTAC. He was a good guy and helped me by critiquing some of my airchecks years later. He is one person about whom I have never heard a negative story.

  5. That is one of the airchecks missing in my collection. No KJR Robert till now. I,m not trying to be critical, but it sounds like this recording has a little high rpm. Then again, KJR did soup their turntables. It sounds like late 67. I used to have a tape of Robert O, doing his last show on KSND. I let it get away. In the meantime, KOL was already promoting their new late night jock. “robert o, smith is back and KOL,s got him” So at one point on KSND, Robert O, commented that Bill Davidson is back and KSND has got him. Davidson replies “you scared me. i thought i was going to get a new job next week”

    1. Hey now, Robert O was my pops. and Love hearing some of this stuff but that didn’t sound at all like my dad. — then again I wasn’t even a thought in his mind then..

  6. A very early Robert O. aircheck. He sounded young, just starting to voice the impersonations, not yet perfected.

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