Hannah Knowles Joins KOMO 4 News

Life announcement📣
Excited and honored to announce I’m joining the legendary
@komonews team and moving back to my roots, Seattle!

Most recently, Knowles was Weekend Anchor and Reporter at WWMT/Kalamazoo, Michigan.

6 thoughts on “Hannah Knowles Joins KOMO 4 News

  1. I saw you today, first time, you are truly awesome. Your voice is very clear and sharp. Thats what caught my attention. your voice doesn’t change like one of the other reporters. Hers is annoying because it goes from child like to a deep male voice. You are enjoyable to listen to. Well come to my news channel.

  2. Good luck in Seattle Hannah!! You will be missed here in Kalamazoo!! You were always so great and fun when reporting the news. Take care and again good luck! Goodbye! Oh by the way I loved seeing pic. Of your little dog remmi my grandkids loved him too!! Again take care Karen in portage mi.

  3. We will miss Hannah Knowles , good Luck in Seattle you are a good reporter and on weekends Channel 3 news,we will miss watching you on weekends. It’s sad all the good people leave West Michigan for other States.. take Care Ron & Bonnie kuehle from Battle Creek michigan 5/21/2022

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