Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: KJR-FM ‘70s Reunion Week – Norm Gregory, Kevin O’Brien, 1995

Kevin O’Brien @ 95 KJR-AM

I don’t know who originally recorded this in 1995, but I suspect it may have been Norm Gregory. The quality is a bit rough, but we hear Norm, Kevin O’Brien, Emperor Smith, Pat O’Day, Ann Wilson (of Heart), and Ric Hansen who shares a tape of Kevin nearly blowing a KJR Cash Call. By the way, the current amount in the KJR Cash Call jackpot is $588.

Runtime: 19:42

2 thoughts on “Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: KJR-FM ‘70s Reunion Week – Norm Gregory, Kevin O’Brien, 1995

  1. 1967 I got my first paying job in radio while still in high school. But it was on a beautiful music station, the only FM in the Tri-Cities at that time. So I was far from a Kevin O’Brien, but just being on the air was exciting.

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