Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: Larry Lujack – WLS, Chicago, November, 1969

This was a Saturday afternoon shift about 3 years after Larry left KJR, and a classic example of his irreverent style that’s so much fun to listen to. At one point he penalizes himself 15 yards for making fun of a football score. We also briefly hear Jeffrey Hendrix on news.

Runtime: 11:16

Related Larry Lujack articles:

6 thoughts on “Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: Larry Lujack – WLS, Chicago, November, 1969

  1. “Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind” was written by Chuck Barris as a “fictional” biography, in which Barris claims to be an assassin for the CIA. Surely we’re all aware, if you’ve ever seen “The Gong Show”, Barris deals in bizarre and twisted humor … this biography was just another weird example. George Clooney directed and starred in the movie version of the book.
    My understanding is Barris wrote his tribute to New Jersey’s Palisades Amusement Park one night in the early 60s in Manhattan. He’d already written a song about an amusement park and it was suggested he make the song title the name of an actual amusement park and nearby Palisades Park (which closed down in Sept. 1971) got the nod.
    The FBI, you say! I didn’t realize that “Funny Bunnies International” was a secretive organization. Or was that “Freaking Bizarre Individuals”? Maybe … “Factless Based Innuendos”? Exactly which FBI are you talking about?

  2. “Tallahassee Lassie, a song nobody remembers, except disc jockeys” and a complaint about how loud the stock car commercial is. But wait, there’s more. Machine gun sarcasm. Lujack at his best.

    1. Oh, pardon monsieur … I remember “Tallahassee Lassie” (#6•’59) quite well … and not as a deejay, but as a teenager on my transistor. As a teen, I was a huge Freddy Cannon (nee: Picariello, Jr.) fan. Other hits included, “Way Down Yonder In New Orleans” (#3•’59) ~ “Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy (’59) ~ “Transistor Sister” (’61) ~ “Palisades Park” (#3•’62) and “Abigail Beecher” (#16•’63)! Now that last one, “Abigail”, I’ll admit few of us (as teens or deejays) remember!
      By the way, “Palisades Park” was written by TV’s “The Gong Show” creator and host Chuck Barris.

      1. Barris wrote Palisades Park during an airplane flight. In his later years, Barris went off the deep end. There were stories that he claimed to work for the CIA or some nefarious group.
        By the way, when I am not writing for PugetSoundMedia, I am undercover for the FBI. I can’t really talk about it here.

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