Radio Conference Call: Paul Thompson Interviews Burl Barer

Burl Barer
Paul Thompson hosts this Radio Conference Call with The Legendary Burl Barer from the town so nice, they named it twice… Walla Walla to Seattle’s KOL, KJR and KYYX. Burl joins our Paul Thompson in a simulcast with Matt Alan’s Outlaw Radio Network. Enjoy!!

Burl Barer (57:13)

13 thoughts on “Radio Conference Call: Paul Thompson Interviews Burl Barer

  1. Burl neglected to mention another lengthy non-hit he played on KOL. In winter 1972-73, during the evenings, Burl would play all 7:07 of Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks.” Interspersed between Bonzo’s drum hits, Burl would cue the mic and exclaim, “KAY-oh-el! KAY-oh-el!” Raised on records, born to rock and roll indeed. Thanks for interviewing the Boss Jock.

  2. Mike, I would love to hear the back story on these names. I was hoping to get to this with Burl, but ran out of time. Ben Dover (wtf) So glad I didn’t get sucked up in his vacuum. Peter Pan from Spokane? Too much!! Nelly should have spent time at the Walla Walla state prison for these names!!!

    1. I never liked silly names, usually handed out by management. A PD once told me he wanted me to use a silly moniker he had thought up. I never spoke those words… and never heard boo from him about it. Sometimes, you just have to ignore stupidity.

  3. Some names sound like a 3 martini lunch to me! Did Nelly ever assign a name to Burl or try? How about Big Billy Royal?
    That was Raul, forgot his last name. One of the deepest voices ever!

  4. Guys, in the Hospital following not one but TWO Intestinal reconstructions. Certainly wish they would have got it right the first time, a few days before. The only good thing about this downtime is, it is giving me the time to go through your Vault listening to the Podcasts or airchecks you left there. There was a hill across the River from Wenatchee where you could take a date after your own local show ended under the premise of listening to the “big- name” jocks out of Seattle. Wasn’t that many years later that I even had the opportunity to run head-to-head against Burl when he was on KJR; and I was over from 97/KREM doing Dan Foley’s show on Seattle’s KING, Summer of’75. Back when I was still in Wenatchee I remember sneaking over the mountains, and driving down to Harbor Island to go to KOL, and got to meet Paul Kuchlow (or Kutch, as he introduced himself.). Wow, I could write a book, Oh, wait I’ve already started one… You all are gonna l-o-v-e the title.

    1. John,
      I filled in for whoever took vacation time off in the summer of 1975 at KMEL. Ron Hoon who was scheduled, decided to do UW fulltime that summer and told me to contact Don Brenier. Got the job and stilled worked at KJR part time too off the air that summer. Meanwhile at KMEL I caused a lot of trouble but had a great time. Remember we had the lost dog and cat report and really made fun of it on the air. Don was great about it but told me to knock off the animal sounds! (lol) Did end up having to go to the owner, Craig’s home one night to be scolded for 8pm horn honk in’s that ticked off the Wenatchee police chief. The coolest thing was having KJR newsman Gary West doing special liners for me. My voice sounded like mickey mouse next to Gary’s. Would have stayed at KMEL, but no openings, and was offered full time at KGHO in Grays Harbor.

  5. Mike,
    Funny you would mention. In late 70s Jim Nelly offered a shift, but the $ were below what I had going at the time. All I remember well from that call was gunner this and big gunner that. Btw, Burl has always been on of my all time favorites. What an honor to be on the call with both Matt and Burl!

    1. I’ve known a couple alcoholics that had or gave themselves nicknames, like Gunner. And they loved talking themselves up. Red flag!

      1. I agree Jason, I was going to ask Burl about all the strange names given to some Kuj DJ’s. Mike mentioned Max Imput. I remember another one like We Willy. Maybe Mike knows some the other names Nelly came up with.

      2. Jay Buhner’s son is named Gunnar. Sometime in the early seventies, we were driving through town on the freeway and came up on an old unwashed beater, 20 year old Dodge K-Car or something. The license plate frame said “Gunnar’s Dad”. We pulled alongside and honked and Bone gave us a wave and a smile.

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