“The Boston Celtics were sold for $6,100,000,000 – that’s BILLION with a B!”
Cable “news” anchors love to bulge their eyes and raise their eyebrows while babbling “that’s BILLION with a B!” as if it’s a scoop. That should be ample reason for those of us with an I.Q. above zero to never say it again. [Comment Title: Banish “Billion with a B”]
“Comments” in POST & PAGES will now be included in SEARCH results. I have looked at some very expensive options for this. I decided to work at it myself. After coding for a couple days this week, I have now figured it out. This along with the TITLE on Comments were two things I have been wishing for for quite some time. [Comment Title: IMPROVED SEARCH CAPABILITIES]
Designed to solve the issue with FORUM comments, all comments can now include a title of your choosing, specific to your comment. This is available on Post, Page, and FORUM comments.
You have the option to use this feature. If you decide not to add a title, the RECENT COMMENTS will simply show: “Comment by____ on FORUM: Off-Topic Comments____” or “Comment by____ on (name of post or page)
Another day, researching and pounding out The Only News Fit To Print. A few may disagree with my editorial hot takes, as opposed to the many, many Russian OnlyFans models that follow me on social media.
Just finished updating and installing a great SEARCH plug-in. Tricky set-up but now perfected. Better than the usual WordPress search that comes standard. https://www.qzvx.com/menu/
Kudos to CNN for its coverage of the NASA astronauts’ return home and splashdown this afternoon; Lots of scientific information as well as the human, emotional side of the trip for the astronauts and their loved ones waiting for them here at home. Fine coverage.
King Charles III, a classical music fan who has studied the cello, piano and trumpet, released an eclectic playlist on Monday featuring 17 artists, including Beyoncé, Bob Marley and Grace Jones.
Charles said, “Music has that remarkable ability to bring happy memories flooding back from the deepest recesses of our memory, to comfort us in times of sadness, and to take us to distant places . . .”
The king is absolutely right, and you can’t bring those sweet memories back unless you’re playing the original hits. Pay attention, music directors, and thanks for the memories.
When I’m feeling a little green around the gills or just in slightly over my head, I always head for Ivar’s ’cause nobody fries up a better panacea food.
FREE SPIRIT OTR https://www.youtube.com/@johnadams6378
A collection including Rod Serling’s Zero Hour, The Death of Superman, Harry Nile, Cisco Kid, Jungle Jim and more!
Broadcasters and former broadcasters may be noticing an uptick in bad grammar and spelling in newspapers, blogs and social media.
The average American, depending on their upbringing, may be prone to errors. Those in the broadcast industry should be held to higher standards.
Yet, we see errors in usage of the English language in national press, major blogs and the social media of broadcasters.
Laziness. It has to be laziness. Alcohol. Maybe drink has taken a toll.
Maybe ex-broadcasters have lost hope and have turned to drugs. All is lost.
Sloppiness. We see it daily, time and time again, on newspaper and tv and radio station websites.
When you see something-say something. Call it out. Email the editor. Whether it be CNN or the NY Times, FOX 13 or KJR FM.
We, at QZVX, always make good on errors brought to our attention. Feel free to critique our grammar and spellink errors.
And share with us what other goofs you see on the Internet, here in the FORUM comments.
Jason, It’s NO WONDER! Look at the multi-tudes who allowed the propaganda of a PLANNED-demic to reach their core and they went out and took the so-called ‘MANDATED’ jabs and boosters and donned their masks! 17-Million DEAD worldwide and who knows how many others were deprived of livelihoods by the disasterous effects of the shots and boosters – for a pandemic that DID NOT EXIST! I refer everyone to Dr. David Martin, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Amandha Vollmer and many others who were telling the terrible truth. Not only is there a reduction in cognition, given all the weird grammar and spelling errors, there have also been ENUMERABLE car accidents, people running off the roads, into the guard rails and general accident rate increases that are unexplainable. Also, given that I monitor Pierce County Fire on a regular basis, the other day in the span of a 30-minute period, there were ALS *(Advanced Life Support) calls for THREE Cardiac Arrests! That’s unheard of! Of course, the media has been to blame from the git-go, e.g., the dancing nurses and all the influential propaganda bribes of FREE MOVE TICKETS and Free Hamburgers and Fries… IF YOU GO GET THE SHOTS! What’s wrong with America’s PSYCHE? Wake up people, you’ve ALL had the wool pulled over your eyes! DO THE RESEARCH and see how you’ve been hoodwinked!
I too am beyond disgusted with the poor grammar and sloppy pronunciation of common words; going….gunna. For a few years at KXRO I was occasionally directed to the NBC Pronunciation Guide as a hint to “get it right the first time”!
Daily press conferences at the White House emphasize the difference in how a large percentage of young people speak the language, as compared to say, Boomers.
Boomers were not taught to put emphasis on any part of words like BUTTON.
The youth, up to and including those in their late 30s, lose it slightly before the T, putting the emphasis on the ON. Sounds like BUTT IN rather than BUTTON.
All words like this, CURTAIN becomes CURT IN, etc.
The word should flow. No stop-pause or special emphasis.
Sounds like they are stumbling at the T. T is not a stop or pause, and not a signal to emhasize what comes after the T.
You have to ask, what changed in the educational system, as far as teaching ENGLISH?
I know math had an overhaul.
I dread to think what changes they made to History.
Which Seattle radio station had a “WHERE YOUR FRIENDS ARE” jingle? Was it “too soon” since KIRO had been using the term “the Friendly Station?”
Talk amongst yourselves…
Years later, it still bothers me. I thought I would get over it, in time. If you are like me, 6’2″, gray hair and somewhat curmudgeonly, it still bothers you that Len Sampson replaced Buddy Webber at KOMO 4.
I’m watching Little Bites and was curious about the star, with whom I’m unfamiliar. This is an actual AI bio, on a schlock site called Net Worth Planet:
Krsy Fox (Knee High Fox, Chrissy Fox, Christine Danielle Connolly) was entered into the world at the place of Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada,on 14 February, 1984. However, by profession, she is a Actress, Editor, Producer.
Those monkeys still tapping away on their Smith-Coronas on behalf of Wm. Shakespeare should have no worries about being passed over for future gigs.
If you have a public library card and a smart tv, download the KANOPY app on your tv. Follow the instructions, set up an account–this links to your tv. You may find some rare and hard to find movies, old made for tv movies, documentaries AND MORE (as the commercials say) and… etc.
Watching a made for tv movie that I saw on the night it aired, and not again until tonite. Today’s technology has opened up a treasure trove of goodies.
“Picture Mommy Dead” – The movie stars Don Ameche, Zsa Zsa Gabor…
I guess the writing was on the wall for KGO after they switched away from Talk years ago. Not sure that News/Talk will survive on AM alone, even at 810 AM.
Check out SAN, Straight Arrow News.
This is what local TV News should look like, at least initially, based on current technology.
A full-service news platform. Also, capsule summaries delivered to readers on X and other major social media platforms, drawing viewers to the station website. Serious news items, not The Question of the Day, or Hollywood gossip.
TV stations should be adopting these features now. Stories should be delivered in audio, text and video. Currently, tv and radio station websites are only an afterthought.
There is no future for local tv unless they adapt to an online delivery method. The current OTA model is not sustainable in the new environment.
Local tv will be available through subscriptions — without the cable tv middleman. This has to happen and local tv stations have to adopt the new technology and delivery methods, for news AND programming.
Ty Rosenow has a great collection of Old Time Radio programs suitable for many hours of enjoyable listening. Check them out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TyRosenow/videos
I have been listening to Accu-radio the past few weeks.
App is free-they don’t charge for the service.
Combine genres for a mix – unlimited
no DJ interruptions
No fees
I’ve combined the Beautiful Music-Beautiful Piano & Big Band stations tonight. I can add other genres, remove a genre… good stuff!
“The Boston Celtics were sold for $6,100,000,000 – that’s BILLION with a B!”
Cable “news” anchors love to bulge their eyes and raise their eyebrows while babbling “that’s BILLION with a B!” as if it’s a scoop. That should be ample reason for those of us with an I.Q. above zero to never say it again. [Comment Title: Banish “Billion with a B”]
Who’s face is on the $6 Billion dollar? [Comment Title: For what it’s worth]
“Comments” in POST & PAGES will now be included in SEARCH results. I have looked at some very expensive options for this. I decided to work at it myself. After coding for a couple days this week, I have now figured it out. This along with the TITLE on Comments were two things I have been wishing for for quite some time. [Comment Title: IMPROVED SEARCH CAPABILITIES]
Designed to solve the issue with FORUM comments, all comments can now include a title of your choosing, specific to your comment. This is available on Post, Page, and FORUM comments.
You have the option to use this feature. If you decide not to add a title, the RECENT COMMENTS will simply show: “Comment by____ on FORUM: Off-Topic Comments____” or “Comment by____ on (name of post or page)
Another day, researching and pounding out The Only News Fit To Print. A few may disagree with my editorial hot takes, as opposed to the many, many Russian OnlyFans models that follow me on social media.

Just finished updating and installing a great SEARCH plug-in. Tricky set-up but now perfected. Better than the usual WordPress search that comes standard. https://www.qzvx.com/menu/
Kudos to CNN for its coverage of the NASA astronauts’ return home and splashdown this afternoon; Lots of scientific information as well as the human, emotional side of the trip for the astronauts and their loved ones waiting for them here at home. Fine coverage.
Had a tragedy in your life?
From today’s (3/10/25) New York Times:
King Charles III, a classical music fan who has studied the cello, piano and trumpet, released an eclectic playlist on Monday featuring 17 artists, including Beyoncé, Bob Marley and Grace Jones.
Charles said, “Music has that remarkable ability to bring happy memories flooding back from the deepest recesses of our memory, to comfort us in times of sadness, and to take us to distant places . . .”
The king is absolutely right, and you can’t bring those sweet memories back unless you’re playing the original hits. Pay attention, music directors, and thanks for the memories.
Of the many reasons I dislike Bill Nye, the fact that he is a Nazi, really pisses me off the most.
I often ask myself, why did Dino, Desi, and Billy never make it in the music business?
Words every broadcaster should know the definition of–
When I’m feeling a little green around the gills or just in slightly over my head, I always head for Ivar’s ’cause nobody fries up a better panacea food.
I see you slipped into an Italian accent at the end there.
Actually, I appropriated that dialect partly from my Norwegian grandmother and partly from Yogi Yorgesson.
I don’t watch tv very often, but when I do it’s reruns of Twilight Zone or The Sopranos. Never tire of those.
Adults must stop referring to a gun as a “pew pew”.
John, are you or were you a firefighter in Pierce County?
Why this feeling? Why this glow?
Why the thrill when you say hello?
It’s a strange and tender magic you do,
Mister Wonderful, that’s you.
I’m missing the point.
FREE SPIRIT OTR https://www.youtube.com/@johnadams6378
A collection including Rod Serling’s Zero Hour, The Death of Superman, Harry Nile, Cisco Kid, Jungle Jim and more!
Broadcasters and former broadcasters may be noticing an uptick in bad grammar and spelling in newspapers, blogs and social media.
The average American, depending on their upbringing, may be prone to errors. Those in the broadcast industry should be held to higher standards.
Yet, we see errors in usage of the English language in national press, major blogs and the social media of broadcasters.
Laziness. It has to be laziness. Alcohol. Maybe drink has taken a toll.
Maybe ex-broadcasters have lost hope and have turned to drugs. All is lost.
Sloppiness. We see it daily, time and time again, on newspaper and tv and radio station websites.
When you see something-say something. Call it out. Email the editor. Whether it be CNN or the NY Times, FOX 13 or KJR FM.
We, at QZVX, always make good on errors brought to our attention. Feel free to critique our grammar and spellink errors.
And share with us what other goofs you see on the Internet, here in the FORUM comments.
Jason, It’s NO WONDER! Look at the multi-tudes who allowed the propaganda of a PLANNED-demic to reach their core and they went out and took the so-called ‘MANDATED’ jabs and boosters and donned their masks! 17-Million DEAD worldwide and who knows how many others were deprived of livelihoods by the disasterous effects of the shots and boosters – for a pandemic that DID NOT EXIST! I refer everyone to Dr. David Martin, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Amandha Vollmer and many others who were telling the terrible truth. Not only is there a reduction in cognition, given all the weird grammar and spelling errors, there have also been ENUMERABLE car accidents, people running off the roads, into the guard rails and general accident rate increases that are unexplainable. Also, given that I monitor Pierce County Fire on a regular basis, the other day in the span of a 30-minute period, there were ALS *(Advanced Life Support) calls for THREE Cardiac Arrests! That’s unheard of! Of course, the media has been to blame from the git-go, e.g., the dancing nurses and all the influential propaganda bribes of FREE MOVE TICKETS and Free Hamburgers and Fries… IF YOU GO GET THE SHOTS! What’s wrong with America’s PSYCHE? Wake up people, you’ve ALL had the wool pulled over your eyes! DO THE RESEARCH and see how you’ve been hoodwinked!
And maybe airplanes falling out of the sky. Seems we have had a few of those lately.
I too am beyond disgusted with the poor grammar and sloppy pronunciation of common words; going….gunna. For a few years at KXRO I was occasionally directed to the NBC Pronunciation Guide as a hint to “get it right the first time”!
Daily press conferences at the White House emphasize the difference in how a large percentage of young people speak the language, as compared to say, Boomers.
Boomers were not taught to put emphasis on any part of words like BUTTON.
The youth, up to and including those in their late 30s, lose it slightly before the T, putting the emphasis on the ON. Sounds like BUTT IN rather than BUTTON.
All words like this, CURTAIN becomes CURT IN, etc.
The word should flow. No stop-pause or special emphasis.
Sounds like they are stumbling at the T. T is not a stop or pause, and not a signal to emhasize what comes after the T.
You have to ask, what changed in the educational system, as far as teaching ENGLISH?
I know math had an overhaul.
I dread to think what changes they made to History.
History is being altered as we speak. The news media can’t keep up, much less the schools.
Which Seattle radio station had a “WHERE YOUR FRIENDS ARE” jingle? Was it “too soon” since KIRO had been using the term “the Friendly Station?”
Talk amongst yourselves…
I don’t know, but KAYO had a “Home of the friendly fellers, that’s KAYO!” jingle.
Years later, it still bothers me. I thought I would get over it, in time. If you are like me, 6’2″, gray hair and somewhat curmudgeonly, it still bothers you that Len Sampson replaced Buddy Webber at KOMO 4.
I’m watching Little Bites and was curious about the star, with whom I’m unfamiliar. This is an actual AI bio, on a schlock site called Net Worth Planet:
Krsy Fox (Knee High Fox, Chrissy Fox, Christine Danielle Connolly) was entered into the world at the place of Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada,on 14 February, 1984. However, by profession, she is a Actress, Editor, Producer.
Those monkeys still tapping away on their Smith-Coronas on behalf of Wm. Shakespeare should have no worries about being passed over for future gigs.
The word “However” is misplaced. 80 years from now, will Krsy Fox be “exited” from this mortal plane or maybe re-routed?
You caught it! A few of us literate mortals do still exist.
More good internet radio: from Cork, Ireland. Irish and American classic country, 99% by Irish artists. Nice and mellow.
Also on mytuner, radiogarden etc.
Coincidentally, I am thinking about buying property in Brigadoon.
Bill Taylor sent this along.
Here’s a site that lets you listen to any radio station in the world.
That website had to be a mammoth project to complete –Jason
That’s the site I just mentioned above. I’ve been using it for about a year,
Ah yess! I have tried it out a few times. An amazing site. Very impressive.
Scotty Brink on KHJ, and some other fairly talented personalities. October 1966 in Los Angeles.
If you have a public library card and a smart tv, download the KANOPY app on your tv. Follow the instructions, set up an account–this links to your tv. You may find some rare and hard to find movies, old made for tv movies, documentaries AND MORE (as the commercials say) and… etc.
Watching a made for tv movie that I saw on the night it aired, and not again until tonite. Today’s technology has opened up a treasure trove of goodies.
“Picture Mommy Dead” – The movie stars Don Ameche, Zsa Zsa Gabor…
WAPO headline: “Jimmy Carter, 39th president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, dies at 100, his son says”
Sounds like a reliable source to me.
Which President’s SON said that??? OK, Carter’s. He would be a credible source.
KSFO is moving to 810.
I guess the writing was on the wall for KGO after they switched away from Talk years ago. Not sure that News/Talk will survive on AM alone, even at 810 AM.
Yes, we reported that on November 19th. https://www.qzvx.com/2024/11/19/san-francisco-cumulus-determined-to-bury-kgo-once-and-for-all/
The requirement of all registered members here is that they read the site DAILY. We’ll give you a concession due to the holidays.
Check out SAN, Straight Arrow News.
This is what local TV News should look like, at least initially, based on current technology.
A full-service news platform. Also, capsule summaries delivered to readers on X and other major social media platforms, drawing viewers to the station website. Serious news items, not The Question of the Day, or Hollywood gossip.
TV stations should be adopting these features now. Stories should be delivered in audio, text and video. Currently, tv and radio station websites are only an afterthought.
There is no future for local tv unless they adapt to an online delivery method. The current OTA model is not sustainable in the new environment.
Local tv will be available through subscriptions — without the cable tv middleman. This has to happen and local tv stations have to adopt the new technology and delivery methods, for news AND programming.
Statewide and local news is trying to survive in Montana.
Ty Rosenow has a great collection of Old Time Radio programs suitable for many hours of enjoyable listening. Check them out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TyRosenow/videos
I have been listening to Accu-radio the past few weeks.
App is free-they don’t charge for the service.
Combine genres for a mix – unlimited
no DJ interruptions
No fees
I’ve combined the Beautiful Music-Beautiful Piano & Big Band stations tonight. I can add other genres, remove a genre… good stuff!
Stephen King to get out of the radio business after forty years without a profit.