How long since you’ve heard a record by Diana Dors? Serenade Radio UK just played “The Point of No Return”
Les Baxter And His Orchestra – Ruby
Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme – A Fine Romance
Tommy Dorsey Orch. with Jo Stafford & Frank Sinatra – Snootie Little Cutie
The Serenade Radio site has helpful hints, such as how to avoid the Tune-In commercials. Works for those that have an Amazon account. First time I’ve seen this workaround with Alexa.
Is there a competition on this forum to see who can post the greatest number of disjointed messages that show no concern with spelling, punctuation, grammar, or syntax?
In 1961, Tacoma civic leader Bob Corcoran, along with businessman Frank Karwoski, opened a sports supply store in Lakewood. The store later moved to a 6th Avenue location. Joining Corcoran in the enterprise as Vice-President of the company, Tacoma-Seattle TV and radio sportscaster Bob Robertson. Vic Cozzetti was sales manager at the operation.
During the mid-1960s, Corcoran would broadcast little league slow pitch baseball on Channel 13 from Tacoma’s Heidelberg Park and regional college basketball on Channel 11 with Doug McArthur.
For a period of time, Corcoran had a midday talk show on 1360 KMO each weekday.
In 1964, Bob Robertson was calling play-by-play for the PCL Tacoma Giants on Channel 11. In December, Robertson, Corcoran, McArthur, along with John Jarstad, signed on to broadcast 13 University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University basketball games on KTNT 11. The company was Corcoran’s Pacific Northwest Sports Productions.
In 1964, Corcoran and Vic Cozzetti would broadcast a series of college baseball games from the University of Puget Sound over KTVW 13.
Corcoran was a booster of the Tyees of Tacoma, a local group playing just for the fun of it. Community donations supported the team and Corcoran, though having no official tie to the Tyees, helped out with supplying uniforms.
Corcoran’s sports supply store was one of the many sponsors of the yearly Tacoma Salmon Bake at Point Defiance, buying ad space in the newspaper and brochures.
1. Any plugins/apps which had hampered the speed or performance of QZVX were eliminated this weekend. The “Popular Posts” plugin has been eliminated. No satisfactory replacement is available.
2. The site was swept for ‘dead links’. Readers are encouraged to report any posts which have issues with graphics that do not load or have dead links.
Emmett Watson/Seattle P-I, June 17, 1971 – Today’s top definition award goes to KAYO’s disc jockey Don Lane defining an elephant.
“That would be a mouse that was designed by the Pentagon and built by Lockheed on a cost-plus contract.”
Hey Y’all, if you haven’t yet sampled RewoundRadio.Com – with its 24/7 preservation of Top 40 Classic Radio Oldies – today would be a good day! Jon Wolfert is live from the Jingle Palace in Dallas, not only playing the hits, but revealing the early days of radio in Australia and the early PAM’s jingles. ENJOY!
Our MENU has changed… some adjustments have been made on the blog front-end and internally. The blog has been moved to new servers without any loss or significant downtime. This is supposed to improve performance overall. New SPAM filters were installed and batteries in the smoke alarms. Readers may notice some cleanup has been done, we are always looking to eradicate clutter and make the site simpler to navigate. We have restricted registration capabilities and there will be no new registrations going forward. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. Overall, the site has been tightened up and winterized. Please be careful not to twist the knobs up beyond “10” and stay out of the red.
Thank you!
“The SUV, like a magnet, drew the other vehicle into it’s pull force, at the same time the impetus of the SUV’s forward movement resulted in a collision of great magnitude between the two vehicles.” said bystander Ferd Finkley, part-time stocker at a local grocery store.
Feliks Banel has a special show coming up this weekend—
Join me LIVE this Sunday night – October 13, 2024 – at 8pm Pacific Time on SPACE 101.1 FM in Seattle (and streaming everywhere via for a special episode of CASCADE OF HISTORY marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of broadcasting legend and VOICE OF THE SONICS Bob Blackburn.
We’ll have tons of rare vintage audio from throughout Bob’s long career on the West Coast, and Bob’s son will join us live for the entire hour.
KGRG AM& FM have gone silent. This happened in late June.
KGRG-FM 210A Auburn, WA
K207AP Sumner & Lake Tapps, WA
Silent STA Request
June 2024
KGRG-FM has lost the use of its licensed transmitter site. The station discontinued operation on
June 20th, and the antenna has been removed from the tower. Operation of associated FM
translator K207AP was discontinued on June 18th, in anticipation of loss of its input
programming feed.
The licensee will now be seeking a new transmitter site for KGRG-FM, and requests Silent STA
for a full six-month period to facilitate that search. The translator will remain silent while the
KGRG-FM remains silent, and a six-month Silent STA is therefore requested for the translator,
as well.
Listening to one of our local stations yesterday, I heard a two minute spot break (four :30s). I don’t remember what the first two were for, but #3 was for an aspiring U. S. Senator and #4 was for his opponent, the incumbent.
Back in the day, the traffic girl would have been in deep trouble with the street scrounger and the G. M. for scheduling any competing businesses in adjacent breaks, much less in the same break, and never right up against each other. Just bad business, how-to-piss-off-the-client 101. And it seems to me that political spots had some more stringent legal requirements than that.
We have a problem with the economy when the announcer’s voice has to be sped up at the end of a Taco Bell commercial to explain the details of a discount on a bean burrito.
Two things they do now that were unheard of: Sometimes to get a sixty second long spot they just have the same 30 play twice in a row. First time I heard that, years back, I thought the cart machine had skipped its cue tone. Of course nobody has cart machines anymore. But the most annoying is some ad for a vitamin or supplement that is easy to understand. Then at the end they speed it up to meet requirements for legal disclaimers….but you cannot understand a word of it. Like Mickey Mouse on speed. It all seems so amateur. Then you have the satellite stations where the length of the local break does not match the network break, so when it automatically switches back you hear the butt end of the networks commercial. Speaking as a geezer, back in the day any jock who was so sloppy would not last long.
The Top 15 Classic Rock songs of All-Time. So says an article on the web. Possibly click-bait, but these are songs you’ve heard each and every day as you have listened to your local Classic Rock radio station. No matter the city you live in, these and 85 other songs are played ad nauseum and have been for decades. ENOUGH!!! Who can listen, seriously? I ask you!!!!
These stations continue to exist because radio programmers … ugh! Shoot me now!
The Datsun B210 was actually a great little car for many reasons in the 1970s, but no one drives them any longer because a better car was developed in a heartbeat and all those better vehicles were replaced by much, much better cars. The reason– BETTER IDEAS!
But RADIO. It’s the same as it has been since the 1970s, only much less entertaining.
Sep. 13, 2024 at 4:33 pm, The Seattle Times reported that “a river otter pulled a young child into the water at the Bremerton Marina on Thursday morning as the child was walking down the dock with their mother”.
Their mother? Is the otter a stepsibling or a foster otter?
850 Black Information Network. Not even showing up in the Nielsen ratings at all. How has that multiple station/cluster ownership worked out for radio? Really no better than the Mom & Pops would have done, except the corporation can write-off the losses and survive.
PODCASTS. I much prefer the video version when available. In fact, sometimes I will forego listening to a podcast that I might enjoy just because there is no visual. Any others prefer the video pods?
I am not sure if anyone can help me, I had an uncle Name Lawrence Brehmer ( The Crazy Cowboy) KTAC radio station. I was wondering if there are any recording that I might be able to obtain?
You’re in luck. The Tacoma Public Library has digitized some of the audio tape in the Murray Morgan Papers. Some of them have airchecks of newscasts on them. He taped them with a microphone up to the radio, so in some cases, you can hear him banging on a typewriter in the background.
KMO newscast 12/1965 Begins 8:03 Ends 15:10, turns dial to KTNT, ends 20:50 after TOH ID and start of Mutual newscast. KMO newscast until 26:39, dial turns to music on KTAC (âSunny Side Upâ per the published schedule). At 31:02 KTAC announcer intros Murray Morgan newscast, you can hear Morgan clear his throat and quickly turn down his radio, then he delivers the newscast from his home studio:
Roall Erickson KVI 4/20/1966 newscast until 5:44, then KTAC news with Bruce McMichael and sports with Johnny Welsh until 17:14, then KTNT news with Bob Cleland until 32:06. Recording resumes with music from KTNT (Hal Hills Show) and Bob Cleland news from 4/19/1966:
KMO Newscope with Clay Johnson, 4/20/1965. At 10:30, there is a Titus Ford spot with the same guy who did the Bill Pierre ads in Seattle:
My goodness, man! You have struck GOLD. Give these a listen, folks. KTNT covered the Tacoma City Council meetings and the reports were aired blow-by-blow. Good stuff!
Speaking of no punctuation, William Faulkner once wrote a 1,288-word sentence. Victor Hugo wrote an 800-word sentence. Eventually they dropped punctuation at the end but these sound like poorly written high school papers.
After a purge, there comes the less expensive new hires. We are seeing an exodus of reporters and anchors at all of the stations. Then the newbies come in.
Ever since I played the hits at First Media’s KUBE 93 with Gary Bryan, Mary White, Charlie & Ty, Wendy Christopher, Stitch Mitchell and the gang in the mid-80’s, and then leaving radio in 1989 after a year or so stint doing morning drive at Viacom’s KBSG 97.3 “The Best Oldies” – I searched long and hard for an oldies music stream that satisfies – without all the obnoxious commercials and other mayhem. Originally, it was Rich Brother Robbin and his internet oldies stream Rich Bro Radio from Oceanside, California, who had DJ stints at San Diego’s KCBQ, XHPRS, 105.7 The Walrus, as well as 1970’s stops at L.A. stations KIQQ (K-100) and others. But along about January 2016, all that came to a screaming halt because of an dramatic increase in royalty fees as ruled upon by the Copyright Royalty Board. Soon after, Rich Bro Radio disappeared from the internet.
But lo and behold, have I found a NEW HUM DINGER! REWOUND RADIO.COM from New York and it’s a keeper! Their music library is HUGE and they do the oldies right with just the right jingles, and never any commercials, just wall-to-wall Oldies. Listen on the weekend for live shows from Allan Sniffen and Jon Wolfert, and of course the Rewound Radio DJ Hall Of Fame shows. Coming up for Labor Day Weekend its GULP FULLS of WLS and WCFL. So, give it a whirl… it’s the BEST thing since KJR and KUBE 93!
STOP using MASTER CLASS to describe cooking like a pro, writing a book, selling a TV show, running a company, etc.
It is another tired expression that has us reaching for the Excedrin.
ARC Seattle is expanding to 3 hours – starting next Monday, July 22nd!
Join @tyrahmajors, me, & the rest of our team from 7-10am each weekday morning – starting next week on KUNS-TV. (To find us, just look for the CW Network on your channel guide)
*** Oof! More lifestyle tv in daytime. For some reason, the programmers at KOMO4 think this is great entertainment. It is one step above The View or that terrible Ellen Degenerate show. KUNS TV exists solely to re-broadcast KOMO4 programming and the CW network. Adding the ARC program (the name means NOTHING to us) doesn’t improve anything about KUNS — geez! Change the call letters, those are terrible calls.
Most people couldn’t care less what others say, irregardless. But misuse of language needs to be nipped in the butt. Maybe this is just an escape goat for the broader problem of the decline of education, but though I have been biting my time, cringing at each foe paw, it is possibly a mute point. Face it. It’s a doggie dog world. Sometimes, I just want to go curl up in a feeble position and dye.
Yap, it’s a doggie dog world and a good thing too! It makes it worth living when I ask my dog to gimmie five and he extends a friend paw, not that other kind.
I shouldnât say it.
I donât want to sound self serving.
Listen Jack
My wife is looking at me.
Look folks
Watch me
Donât donât
Itâs not hyperbole
The idea that
What are we doing here?
C’mon man
Here’s the deal
“Guess what”?
Not a joke
In fact,
Gimme a break!
The fact of the matter is
for example
Number 1…
Number 3…
Ugh Nevermind
Câmon man – what a condescending remark
Anyway (then silence) – “. . . my mind just caved in for the fifth time in three minutes.”
Ugh Nevermind – what an insulting thing to say
âGuess whatâ? – F— you, tell us what!
Itâs not hyperbole – in fact, the fact of the matter is hereâs the deal!
I donât want to sound self serving – but why not, every politician, especially me, is a self-serving S.O.B.
And that crooked fake smile, what an appetite killer, at a state dinner or a Union Gospel Mission “pray or starve”.
My new vehicle comes with XM and HD. Will HD offer something I enjoy? Still navigating the features of this SUV, but so far XM does not offer anything I would listen to.
A B&I commercial featuring Bob Corcoran. The commercial is dated 1965 but is black and white. This had to be recorded at KTVW Channel 13, the station Corcoran worked for and the paneling behind him was in the KTVW studio.
Some great nostalgic video in this collection.
Thanks again, Michelle!
I was listening to KGY (KYYO HD2) Olympia 95.3 this afternoon. So tired, and it wasn’t the warm weather. The Oldies choices are not doing it for me. KGY has to step it up and run Oldies from the late 50s thru the 70s. It has got to change.
Former President Jimmy Carter. The open mouth and look of dementia…similar to the look on Joe Biden’s face each day. Biden often appears to be asleep, during meetings and other events.
Carter’s grandson says Carter is NOT awake some days in hospice care.
Although I have never been a fan of KOMO’s now retired Eric Johnson, permit me to link to one of his Eric’s Heroes segments, which features my videophile offspring from about 6 years ago. I thank him for it!
Who will take the place of Eric Johnson now that he has left KOMO. Will Preston Phillips get the job with Molly Shen? I think they should go two females, Molly and Hannah Knowles. Knowles is smooth in the field and on the Live Desk. It would be a bold move for sure, but when you add in Shannon O’ Donnell on weather, you get a strong female trio for 5 and 6. Mary Nam could also move from her current anchor assignment, but I would opt for something new and different on the main shows. Would love to hear others weigh in on this. It is a big decision for KOMO and they will save money no matter what and Sinclair loves that. I wonder if they will rotate some folks in with Molly and then take the videos to a focus group for more reaction.
From the ‘everybody has a podcast these days’ department, @komonews colleagues @ChrisDaniels_TV and @NikoTamurian have started one on Seattle sports. Niko has only been in town for about three years, making him an expert , right? I like his work but perhaps a bit ‘fanboyiish’ at times. Chris is a strong news guy but has turned to sports with the Kraken’s arrival and hopes for expansion Sonics. Sports media here loves to cheerlead, not criticize, or face losing team access or paid team partnerships with stations. Oh, remember to like and subscribe.
Emmy report from 6-2: Why does The Seattle Times get to enter the Emmy contest and then WIN 1? Ridiculous. They don’t represent the TELEVISION ARTS AND SCIENCES, last time I checked. I’m sure it was fine work, but don’t compete against the industry you ridiculed, as papers did for years. Explain NATAS!. Oh wait, I know! Entry fees and dinner tickets, plus a set of totally manufactured and relaxed rules to allow a wild west of entries.
Some other NW Emmys handed out:
Overall Excellence-@KING5Seattle (snaps KGW Portland’s 4-win streak)
News Anchor, ElleThomas7-KIRO
Weather, Leah Pezzetti-KING
Sports, Orlando Sanchez-KGW;
Best AM news show medium market, KGW;
Best AM & PM News show major market, KOMO.
KGW in Portland took home the most by unofficial count.
One other note: A bit surprising, when after he and his team at KOMO picked up three EMMYs, Eric Johnson did NOT win for his writing – his bread and butter. Now, close to his retirement date, SInclair will salivate and save $250-350K, best guess, due to his longevity in Seattle TV.
In Illinois, legislative alchemy is transforming snarling dogs into pettable puppies.
05/21/2024: State house submits bill amending the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009. Changes references from “offenders” to “justice-impacted individuals”.
I’m betting most of those would be BIPOC marginalized citizens, or people without papers. To say that they have “offended” is just downright racist. Why not call them systemic-racism affected victims.
Justice-impacted? Yet another word salad afflicted elected official.
Yes lets forget and ignore the victims. You know POS, drug infested, ditbag impacted, law abiding citizen that has done nothing to deserve the coddling of the criminal justice system.
And yet more from the bozos on the bench: an Ohio man got a torn esophagus from a bone in his boneless chicken wings. He sued and the Ohio Supreme Court told him that “boneless” doesn’t mean “without bones”, and he should have known better.
Thanks to the money paid to corporate attorneys in past law cases your fast food may kill you–but that’s the chance you take.
McDonald’s should just have customers sign a waiver at the drive-thru. It would be cheaper than lawsuits.
Well, Adrian Diaz is out as Seattle Police Chief (and demoted). I wonder what this means to former KCPQ Fox 13 main female anchor Jamie Tompkins, who months after doing a TV ride-along with Diaz was named to a major communications job at SPD and then elevated to head of his command staff (how did that work out given the law suits and today’s decision)?
As a result, Diaz was part of major (and perhaps false) rumors about the relationship after this happened, including multiple media stories about it (KUOW for one). Of course, she had NO law enforcement experience to boot. Sue Rohr may want to remove Tompkins from the command job even though just interim boss for now. Probably some people will leave on their own. Some she may ask to get out of her way. Interesting conundrum for her.
That was my first thought. My understanding is, they were a couple. That seems like corruption, being given a position made especially for you, because you are the main squeeze of the police chief. Seattle, little Chicago.
Last few:
Judy Collins – Move On
Matt Dusk – On the Street Where You Live
Etta James – At Last
Frank Sinatra – Drinking Again
Frank Sinatra – I Like The Sunrise
Rosemary Clooney with The Hi-Lo’s – Together
Dean Martin – Arrivederci Roma
Louis Prima – Basin Street Blues/When It’s Sleepy Time Down South
Stan Kenton – How Deep Is The Ocean (How Blue Is The Sky)?
Nancy Wilson – I Believe in You
Mel Torme – Just One Of Those Things
Marissa Mulder – Chelsea Morning
Glenn Frey – For Sentimental Reasons
Nat King Cole – My Lips Remember Your Kisses
Dolores Gray – Penthouse Serenade (When We’re Alone)
To all the fanboys and girls and the naational Emmy judges of Inside the NBA, you’ll get over it. Grown men giggling like little children, loudly talking over each other, running up and down steps, debris falling on Barkley, stupid fishing hats and bit. Enjoy the end. My guess is Barkley will end up on NBC’s new
Basketball Night in America on NBC Sunday nights come ’25, but ’tis their misfortune.
Thanks to Sam Lawson for prompting some final touch-ups to the new layout here at QZVX. The new look is complete and lookin’ pretty nifty. Sam has been added to the Admin staff here and has a corner office over-looking the parking lot and loading dock.
Welcome Aboard, Sam!
King County grand jury indicts public officials in police payoff scandal on July 27, 1971.
From the sixth paragraph:
“In January 1967, The Seattle Times published a series of articles exposing the system. Mayor Braman impaneled a blue-ribbon commission to investigate the Times allegations.”
I wonder if The Seattle Times would be able to do that today.
Right now it looks like it’s trying, investigating Martin Selig and his local real estate vacancies, cash shortages, late pays, defaults and bankruptcies, as well as his habit of stiffing his contractors.
Does that sound like somebody we know? Somebody who’s spending four days a week lately in a ‘freezing’ room?
An online publication had this story on 3/26/2024:
JCPenney will close all stores in under a week leaving fans of department store scrambling for alternative for 24 hours–
By Elizabeta Ranxburgaj, The US Sun
A MAJOR department store chain will shut its doors for 24 hours in a few days. JCPenney will shut its doors for staff and customers to observe a holiday. The chain will be closed for Easter Sunday on March 31. This means shoppers looking to visit the store on this day will have to re-evaluate their plans.
—-This is not news. This is not breaking news. This is not a major story. The US Sun reporter obviously had to turn in something and attempted to make news out of thin air. Or–this was actually written by AI.
Either way, this was an example of the media attempting to make news where there is really nothing to report.
According to LinkedIn, that reporter is a “trainee” .
Elizabeta (Lizzie) Ranxburgaj – Reporter at The US Sun & Londoners News sites, Fast-track NCTJ Trainee at News Associates
Sinclair is adding the Tennis Channel’s T2 channel to the KOMO NextGen lineup. A Tennis Channel press release describes T2– With original programming and events that do not appear on Tennis Channel, T2 debuted in 2022 and since has provided fans with more annual free, live tennis than ever in U.S. television history. From January through November, professional tennis features multiple tournaments every week most of the time, sometimes as many as six at once. These consist of menâs and womenâs competition; singles, doubles and mixed matches; all day long from various time zones around the world. Tennis Channel has the U.S. media rights to almost all of it, meaning T2 can stand alone among FAST sports channels in its ability to bring live, top-tier coverage of one of the countryâs historically popular sports â every day.
The Tacoma News Tribune is cutting back again! The newspaper will now deliver a print edition ONLY on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The digital edition is available 24/7 in real time. and doesn’t cost near as much as the print edition. But, we will miss the ink stains on our fingers. The digital edition is lackluster, local coverage is scant, and I doubt things will get better. The newspaper is fast becoming a thing of the past.
“Scottsboro’s Only Hometown Radio Station, WWIC-AM 1050, Scottsboro, Alabama, your home for traditional country and bluegrass music.”
But right now I’m listening to high school baseball. Play-by-play man Greg Bell says, “Tomorrow’s game might be internet only because they’re a little short on employees down at the radio station.”
Greg Bell is in his 37th year of calling Scottsboro High football, basketball, baseball and softball. Bell was inducted into the Jackson County Sports Hall of Fame/Class of 2018 on January 12, 2019.
Dipping a little toe in the icy hiring pool, Seattle radio adds at least one new star to the roster…
KZOK hires Ashley Ryan, producer of the Chuck & Buck show at SportsRadio KJR, as Saturday morning air personality.
The post about Sherman crashing a construction zone and the break-in and tussle with cops is from a previous incident in 2021. It is old news but appears to be new. Confusing. Needs clarified.
From AP SEATTLE (AP) â Former NFL star Richard Sherman was arrested early Saturday on suspicion of driving under the influence, according to the Washington State Patrol.
In a probable cause statement, Trooper Jordan Hazzard-Thomas, who helped respond to the traffic stop, reported talking to Sherman and noticing âthe odor of intoxicantsâ and that Shermanâs eyes appeared to be âbloodshot and watery.â
Emails seeking comment on Shermanâs arrest were sent Saturday to a representative listed on his social media sites and to an attorney who has represented him in the past. The King County Prosecuting Attorneyâs Office said in a statement that Sherman was expected to have a court hearing Monday.
KCPQ FOX 13 sports anchor, Aaron Levine posted on X:
Confirmed by WSP: Richard Sherman was arrested for DUI and was booked in the King County Jail around 4am. (Saturday) Per WSP, this under investigation so no other details can be released until the prosecutorâs office files the case.
I wonder if this will have any effect on his sports broadcast career. Sherman has definitely crossed the line this time. His earlier dust up with his ex at her parents’ home only sidelined his career for a minute.
FROM FAMILY INCIDENT: “authorities said he crashed his SUV in a suburban Seattle construction zone, tried to break into his in-lawsâ home, and fought with officers who used a police dog to apprehend him”
A dui in Washington isn’t much these days. If his previous dust up didn’t affect him I doubt this will.
4,325 posts here on the blog as of 2/24/24 — plus special pages like AM RADIO, TV, CHART & LINKS etc., and thousands of links to audio, pictures, video, pdf’s etc. I try to spend an hour or so each week scouring the site to make sure everything is still in place and visible/accessible.
If you see something wonky, missing links etc. Let me know. Thanks!!!
Trivia – A quick search shows that 104 posts mention Pat O’Day. Only 104?
From the Feb. 10, 2024 Los Angeles Times:
L.A. County sheriffâs deputy injured after accidentally shooting himself, officials say
A Los Angeles County sheriffâs deputy was wounded Friday night after accidentally shooting himself while unholstering his weapon, Sheriffâs Department officials said Saturday.
The deputy was wounded in the lower torso, officials said. The unintentional discharge occurred about 10 p.m. at the Temple City sheriffâs station, officials said.
Officials said the deputy was taken to a hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening, and was stable Saturday morning.
No mention of how he became injured or how long after the shooting the injury occurred. Also omitted were details of the deputy’s unintentional discharge.
I’m guessing the first two paragraphs explained how it happened and that the injuries occurred immediately when the gun discharged.
The last paragraph seems to contradict my theory, but…
KIRO 7 and other COX stations beg customers to contact the Direct TV & UVerse companies and demand that the stations be added back to the service. Adding these stations back, at a higher rate, raising the cable tv bill of each customer and putting more money in KIRO 7’s coffers. Just a big money grab from the owners of the tv station versus the nbig money grab being pulled off by Direct TV/UVerse.
Customer … Screwed!
KIRO’s website tells you:
DIRECTV has given some customers long-term contracts with heavy termination fees, while eliminating some of programming you love. Donât let them get away with broken promises. Take action today!
and urges customers to drop Direct TV and switch to other streamers that carry KIRO 7.
Why not just switch to FOX 13. It is a better news product. Or KOMO. KOMO 4 is also popular.
And when those two stations start the same money grab against Direct TV, there will also be KING 5 to switch to or KIRO 7, because KIRO 7 will be back on Direct TV, taking customers for a ride.
Good one, Jason! Not the same old stuff. Nice to hear the old standards by different artists, new arrangements.
Playing the same records over and over, no matter how good they are, is what killed music radio for anyone with an attention span longer than two seconds.
“Playboy” by Kathy Kirby. Haven’t heard that for a while! I wonder how many different songs are called “Playboy”. Living proof that you can’t copyright a song title.
And Frank Sinatra Jr. First ex and I saw his show at the Puyallup Fair fifty some years ago.
Award-winning journalist Charles Osgood, who anchored “CBS Sunday Morning” for 22 years and was host of the long-running radio program “The Osgood File,” died Tuesday at home in New Jersey.
When speaking to Rolling Stone in a 2007 interview after four decades out of the public eye, Weiss looked back on stories from her past, including the time James Brown booked her for a Texas show. âWhen I walked out onstage, I thought he was going to have a coronary,â she said. âHe didnât realize I was white.
Bye-Bye! KVOS
KUNS announced on December 27, 2023 that KVOS Bellingham will pick up the Univision affiliation. The station is owned by Weigel Broadcasting and is currently carrying Heroes & Icons (H&I) which will move to a subchannel of KVOS.
As was mentioned here by a reader, KVOS is nothing like the CBS affiliate you grew up watching in Bellingham. KVOS has city-grade coverage of Vancouver, and Victoria BC, but is a mere rimshot into parts of Seattle. KVOS is owned by Weigel Broadcasting. (info KVOS, NWBroadcasters. KUNS video:
I remember dropping by KVOS one night, in the â60âs researching a paper I was doing for a class. Was able to waltz right in, and there sat the announcer, who would come on during program breaks and read live ads. Turns out the guy (Rick Chase?) lived right across Ellis Street from the station and could have been a student at Western. KVOS was totally aiming for the Vancouver, B.C. market, and I believe beer commercials were not allowed by the Canadian channels so Channel 12 did a real killing appealing to those sponsors. At least until the Canadian Government put the kibosh on that revenue stream. Itâs amazing that frequency has survived all this time.
Someone just mentioned on the Portland Radio Guide site ( that the Spanish-language network Univision is moving to Weigel-owned KVOS-TV 12.1. Any confirmation here to this site? Iâm a bit surprised, because KVOS, even though now based in Seattle, is still licensed to Bellingham and its over-the-air signal from Orcas Island only reaches portions of the Seattle market. KVOS certainly is FAR different now from its many years as a CBS affiliate in northwest Washington.
How long since you’ve heard a record by Diana Dors? Serenade Radio UK just played “The Point of No Return”
Les Baxter And His Orchestra – Ruby
Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme – A Fine Romance
Tommy Dorsey Orch. with Jo Stafford & Frank Sinatra – Snootie Little Cutie
The Serenade Radio site has helpful hints, such as how to avoid the Tune-In commercials. Works for those that have an Amazon account. First time I’ve seen this workaround with Alexa.
Is there a competition on this forum to see who can post the greatest number of disjointed messages that show no concern with spelling, punctuation, grammar, or syntax?
The next best thing to hearing old-time-radio drama, reading the script.
Check out:
Generic Radio
Let George Do It!
During the mid-1960s, Corcoran would broadcast little league slow pitch baseball on Channel 13 from Tacoma’s Heidelberg Park and regional college basketball on Channel 11 with Doug McArthur.
For a period of time, Corcoran had a midday talk show on 1360 KMO each weekday.
In 1964, Bob Robertson was calling play-by-play for the PCL Tacoma Giants on Channel 11. In December, Robertson, Corcoran, McArthur, along with John Jarstad, signed on to broadcast 13 University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University basketball games on KTNT 11. The company was Corcoran’s Pacific Northwest Sports Productions.
In 1964, Corcoran and Vic Cozzetti would broadcast a series of college baseball games from the University of Puget Sound over KTVW 13.
Corcoran was a booster of the Tyees of Tacoma, a local group playing just for the fun of it. Community donations supported the team and Corcoran, though having no official tie to the Tyees, helped out with supplying uniforms.
Corcoran’s sports supply store was one of the many sponsors of the yearly Tacoma Salmon Bake at Point Defiance, buying ad space in the newspaper and brochures.
Maintenance note:
1. Any plugins/apps which had hampered the speed or performance of QZVX were eliminated this weekend. The “Popular Posts” plugin has been eliminated. No satisfactory replacement is available.
2. The site was swept for ‘dead links’. Readers are encouraged to report any posts which have issues with graphics that do not load or have dead links.
I think we need term limits for tv new anchors. Andrea Mitchell appears to be slurring her words and not quite comatose but possibly on Quaaludes.
Cute co-ed spinning platters on WCCS, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Emmett Watson/Seattle P-I, June 17, 1971 – Today’s top definition award goes to KAYO’s disc jockey Don Lane defining an elephant.

“That would be a mouse that was designed by the Pentagon and built by Lockheed on a cost-plus contract.”
Quincy Jones, a true musical legend in Seattle and across the world, died yesterday, November 3, 2024. He was 91.
I have Soul Bossa Nova on the Magnavox console stereo whenever I’m feeling frisky.
Hey Y’all, if you haven’t yet sampled RewoundRadio.Com – with its 24/7 preservation of Top 40 Classic Radio Oldies – today would be a good day! Jon Wolfert is live from the Jingle Palace in Dallas, not only playing the hits, but revealing the early days of radio in Australia and the early PAM’s jingles. ENJOY!
Our MENU has changed… some adjustments have been made on the blog front-end and internally. The blog has been moved to new servers without any loss or significant downtime. This is supposed to improve performance overall. New SPAM filters were installed and batteries in the smoke alarms. Readers may notice some cleanup has been done, we are always looking to eradicate clutter and make the site simpler to navigate. We have restricted registration capabilities and there will be no new registrations going forward. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. Overall, the site has been tightened up and winterized. Please be careful not to twist the knobs up beyond “10” and stay out of the red.
Thank you!
99% of women underestimate the power of making their man a sandwich and delivering it to him in a sundress.
“The SUV was driving westbound on Pine Street at a high rate of speed, ran a red light and crashed into each other, detectives said.”
Ad copy, news copy, whatever, it’s not a bad idea to read it to yourself out loud before sharing it with the public.
“The SUV, like a magnet, drew the other vehicle into it’s pull force, at the same time the impetus of the SUV’s forward movement resulted in a collision of great magnitude between the two vehicles.” said bystander Ferd Finkley, part-time stocker at a local grocery store.
Feliks Banel has a special show coming up this weekend—
Join me LIVE this Sunday night – October 13, 2024 – at 8pm Pacific Time on SPACE 101.1 FM in Seattle (and streaming everywhere via for a special episode of CASCADE OF HISTORY marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of broadcasting legend and VOICE OF THE SONICS Bob Blackburn.
We’ll have tons of rare vintage audio from throughout Bob’s long career on the West Coast, and Bob’s son will join us live for the entire hour.
Correcting an oversight: Bruce Caplan has been added to the COLUMNIST directory in our menu.
KGRG AM& FM have gone silent. This happened in late June.
KGRG-FM 210A Auburn, WA
K207AP Sumner & Lake Tapps, WA
Silent STA Request
June 2024
KGRG-FM has lost the use of its licensed transmitter site. The station discontinued operation on
June 20th, and the antenna has been removed from the tower. Operation of associated FM
translator K207AP was discontinued on June 18th, in anticipation of loss of its input
programming feed.
The licensee will now be seeking a new transmitter site for KGRG-FM, and requests Silent STA
for a full six-month period to facilitate that search. The translator will remain silent while the
KGRG-FM remains silent, and a six-month Silent STA is therefore requested for the translator,
as well.
Can you name the famous actor in this photo from 1935?
Robert Stack…always Untouchable.
I see the resemblance. But, No! You might be surprised to know who it is.
Maybe Robert Stack.
The answer may shock you.
Burgess Meredith
YES! Burgess Meredith. What a difference 30 or 40 years makes.
Ah, indeed, The Penguin, Mick from Rocky, the man whose thick glasses break with all the time in the world to read from Twilight Zone.
In my top 5 favorites of TZ.
Listening to one of our local stations yesterday, I heard a two minute spot break (four :30s). I don’t remember what the first two were for, but #3 was for an aspiring U. S. Senator and #4 was for his opponent, the incumbent.
Back in the day, the traffic girl would have been in deep trouble with the street scrounger and the G. M. for scheduling any competing businesses in adjacent breaks, much less in the same break, and never right up against each other. Just bad business, how-to-piss-off-the-client 101. And it seems to me that political spots had some more stringent legal requirements than that.
One of the things we were told by management, that if we run into back-to-back competitor spots, carry the second spot to the next stop-set.
We have a problem with the economy when the announcer’s voice has to be sped up at the end of a Taco Bell commercial to explain the details of a discount on a bean burrito.
Two things they do now that were unheard of: Sometimes to get a sixty second long spot they just have the same 30 play twice in a row. First time I heard that, years back, I thought the cart machine had skipped its cue tone. Of course nobody has cart machines anymore. But the most annoying is some ad for a vitamin or supplement that is easy to understand. Then at the end they speed it up to meet requirements for legal disclaimers….but you cannot understand a word of it. Like Mickey Mouse on speed. It all seems so amateur. Then you have the satellite stations where the length of the local break does not match the network break, so when it automatically switches back you hear the butt end of the networks commercial. Speaking as a geezer, back in the day any jock who was so sloppy would not last long.
or a lot of small print that’s too small and fuzzy to read and it’s not on the screen long enough to read even if you could make it out.
Apparently liz dueweke is heading back to seattle any ideas where she will land?
I have heard this rumor. She should not have left. Hopefully she will find an opportunity here. Seems that KIRO could be a landing place.
Has RADIO entered hospice yet?
These stations continue to exist because radio programmers … ugh! Shoot me now!
The Datsun B210 was actually a great little car for many reasons in the 1970s, but no one drives them any longer because a better car was developed in a heartbeat and all those better vehicles were replaced by much, much better cars. The reason– BETTER IDEAS!
But RADIO. It’s the same as it has been since the 1970s, only much less entertaining.
Sep. 13, 2024 at 4:33 pm, The Seattle Times reported that “a river otter pulled a young child into the water at the Bremerton Marina on Thursday morning as the child was walking down the dock with their mother”.
Their mother? Is the otter a stepsibling or a foster otter?
Dick Ellingson talks right up to the post!
Herbie Flowers died September 5, 2024; was session guitarist and made pocket change on hundreds (or was it thousands?) of albums
Some interesting insight into the not so glamorous life of a sideman:
1959 TV listings – The SeaFair Gold Cup Race was broadcast all day on KOMO 4, KING 5, and KIRO 7.
850 Black Information Network. Not even showing up in the Nielsen ratings at all. How has that multiple station/cluster ownership worked out for radio? Really no better than the Mom & Pops would have done, except the corporation can write-off the losses and survive.
PODCASTS. I much prefer the video version when available. In fact, sometimes I will forego listening to a podcast that I might enjoy just because there is no visual. Any others prefer the video pods?
I am not sure if anyone can help me, I had an uncle Name Lawrence Brehmer ( The Crazy Cowboy) KTAC radio station. I was wondering if there are any recording that I might be able to obtain?
It would be a rare treat if anyone had audio from that era. QZVX welcomes ANY audio of local radio from that period.
You’re in luck. The Tacoma Public Library has digitized some of the audio tape in the Murray Morgan Papers. Some of them have airchecks of newscasts on them. He taped them with a microphone up to the radio, so in some cases, you can hear him banging on a typewriter in the background.
KTNT city council meeting 10/15/1968: Part 1: Part 2:
KMO newscast 12/1965 Begins 8:03 Ends 15:10, turns dial to KTNT, ends 20:50 after TOH ID and start of Mutual newscast. KMO newscast until 26:39, dial turns to music on KTAC (âSunny Side Upâ per the published schedule). At 31:02 KTAC announcer intros Murray Morgan newscast, you can hear Morgan clear his throat and quickly turn down his radio, then he delivers the newscast from his home studio:
William B. Tanner jingle demo reel:
October 1968 news and commentary from Tacoma radio:
Roall Erickson KVI 4/20/1966 newscast until 5:44, then KTAC news with Bruce McMichael and sports with Johnny Welsh until 17:14, then KTNT news with Bob Cleland until 32:06. Recording resumes with music from KTNT (Hal Hills Show) and Bob Cleland news from 4/19/1966:
KMO Newscope with Clay Johnson, 4/20/1965. At 10:30, there is a Titus Ford spot with the same guy who did the Bill Pierre ads in Seattle:
My goodness, man! You have struck GOLD. Give these a listen, folks. KTNT covered the Tacoma City Council meetings and the reports were aired blow-by-blow. Good stuff!
Added these to audio collection in AIRCHECKS page 2. Not including the full City Council meetings.
KAYO, KING, KOL and KTAC jingle packages added. See AUDIO pages for each station.
People keep asking why I don’t use punctuation at the end of the story headlines. It’s because a period seems so final.
Speaking of no punctuation, William Faulkner once wrote a 1,288-word sentence. Victor Hugo wrote an 800-word sentence. Eventually they dropped punctuation at the end but these sound like poorly written high school papers.
Whatâs up with channel 7? New people all over the place.
After a purge, there comes the less expensive new hires. We are seeing an exodus of reporters and anchors at all of the stations. Then the newbies come in.
Ever since I played the hits at First Media’s KUBE 93 with Gary Bryan, Mary White, Charlie & Ty, Wendy Christopher, Stitch Mitchell and the gang in the mid-80’s, and then leaving radio in 1989 after a year or so stint doing morning drive at Viacom’s KBSG 97.3 “The Best Oldies” – I searched long and hard for an oldies music stream that satisfies – without all the obnoxious commercials and other mayhem. Originally, it was Rich Brother Robbin and his internet oldies stream Rich Bro Radio from Oceanside, California, who had DJ stints at San Diego’s KCBQ, XHPRS, 105.7 The Walrus, as well as 1970’s stops at L.A. stations KIQQ (K-100) and others. But along about January 2016, all that came to a screaming halt because of an dramatic increase in royalty fees as ruled upon by the Copyright Royalty Board. Soon after, Rich Bro Radio disappeared from the internet.
But lo and behold, have I found a NEW HUM DINGER! REWOUND RADIO.COM from New York and it’s a keeper! Their music library is HUGE and they do the oldies right with just the right jingles, and never any commercials, just wall-to-wall Oldies. Listen on the weekend for live shows from Allan Sniffen and Jon Wolfert, and of course the Rewound Radio DJ Hall Of Fame shows. Coming up for Labor Day Weekend its GULP FULLS of WLS and WCFL. So, give it a whirl… it’s the BEST thing since KJR and KUBE 93!
Hearing a couple of tunes I haven’t heard on other Oldies channels, R&B deep cuts. Me likey!
STOP using MASTER CLASS to describe cooking like a pro, writing a book, selling a TV show, running a company, etc.
It is another tired expression that has us reaching for the Excedrin.
Types of clothing you should stalk up on for the winter. I have seen that spelling of stock twice this week.
Game changer
A sea change, one could say.
Stalking up is what purse snatchers do.
Political Commentary:
Talking is cheap people follow like sheep
Even though there is no where to go.
Steve McCarron (KOMO 4) posts:
ARC Seattle is expanding to 3 hours – starting next Monday, July 22nd!
Join @tyrahmajors, me, & the rest of our team from 7-10am each weekday morning – starting next week on KUNS-TV. (To find us, just look for the CW Network on your channel guide)
*** Oof! More lifestyle tv in daytime. For some reason, the programmers at KOMO4 think this is great entertainment. It is one step above The View or that terrible Ellen Degenerate show. KUNS TV exists solely to re-broadcast KOMO4 programming and the CW network. Adding the ARC program (the name means NOTHING to us) doesn’t improve anything about KUNS — geez! Change the call letters, those are terrible calls.
Most people couldn’t care less what others say, irregardless. But misuse of language needs to be nipped in the butt. Maybe this is just an escape goat for the broader problem of the decline of education, but though I have been biting my time, cringing at each foe paw, it is possibly a mute point. Face it. It’s a doggie dog world. Sometimes, I just want to go curl up in a feeble position and dye.
Yap, it’s a doggie dog world and a good thing too! It makes it worth living when I ask my dog to gimmie five and he extends a friend paw, not that other kind.
So often, Hollyweird types die in 3’s…this time it was Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons and Shannen Doherty. Strange how that happens.
(1) Peter Marshall and (2) Maurice Williams and (3) Gena Rowlands
Odd, but it seems to happen that way.
Biden speech writer cheat sheet…
I shouldnât say it.
I donât want to sound self serving.
Listen Jack
My wife is looking at me.
Look folks
Watch me
Donât donât
Itâs not hyperbole
The idea that
What are we doing here?
C’mon man
Here’s the deal
“Guess what”?
Not a joke
In fact,
Gimme a break!
The fact of the matter is
for example
Number 1…
Number 3…
Ugh Nevermind
Five star list, Jason!!
Câmon man – what a condescending remark
Anyway (then silence) – “. . . my mind just caved in for the fifth time in three minutes.”
Ugh Nevermind – what an insulting thing to say
âGuess whatâ? – F— you, tell us what!
Itâs not hyperbole – in fact, the fact of the matter is hereâs the deal!
I donât want to sound self serving – but why not, every politician, especially me, is a self-serving S.O.B.
And that crooked fake smile, what an appetite killer, at a state dinner or a Union Gospel Mission “pray or starve”.
My new vehicle comes with XM and HD. Will HD offer something I enjoy? Still navigating the features of this SUV, but so far XM does not offer anything I would listen to.
The answer is …NO. And that is a sad story.
I bet you hear a lot of Red Norvo records – good jazzy Xylophone Music is what XM has always stood for.
“I’m not an honest man but I played one on TV.”
Anyone on tv is an actor. Pretty much the same thing for radio. Who can you trust?
âTime Is Running Outâ As NAB Pushes Grassroots Effort For AM Act
A B&I commercial featuring Bob Corcoran. The commercial is dated 1965 but is black and white. This had to be recorded at KTVW Channel 13, the station Corcoran worked for and the paneling behind him was in the KTVW studio.
Some great nostalgic video in this collection.
Thanks again, Michelle!
I was listening to KGY (KYYO HD2) Olympia 95.3 this afternoon. So tired, and it wasn’t the warm weather. The Oldies choices are not doing it for me. KGY has to step it up and run Oldies from the late 50s thru the 70s. It has got to change.
Former President Jimmy Carter. The open mouth and look of dementia…similar to the look on Joe Biden’s face each day. Biden often appears to be asleep, during meetings and other events.

Carter’s grandson says Carter is NOT awake some days in hospice care.
Jimmy might just be pretending to be unaware while he contemplates changing his will. What’s that sound, grandson’s sweat glands popping open?
When is Part Two of Randy’s interview with Gary Taylor going to be posted??
Awaiting that audio download from Randy Roadz.
Although I have never been a fan of KOMO’s now retired Eric Johnson, permit me to link to one of his Eric’s Heroes segments, which features my videophile offspring from about 6 years ago. I thank him for it!
Who will take the place of Eric Johnson now that he has left KOMO. Will Preston Phillips get the job with Molly Shen? I think they should go two females, Molly and Hannah Knowles. Knowles is smooth in the field and on the Live Desk. It would be a bold move for sure, but when you add in Shannon O’ Donnell on weather, you get a strong female trio for 5 and 6. Mary Nam could also move from her current anchor assignment, but I would opt for something new and different on the main shows. Would love to hear others weigh in on this. It is a big decision for KOMO and they will save money no matter what and Sinclair loves that. I wonder if they will rotate some folks in with Molly and then take the videos to a focus group for more reaction.
From the ‘everybody has a podcast these days’ department, @komonews colleagues @ChrisDaniels_TV and @NikoTamurian have started one on Seattle sports. Niko has only been in town for about three years, making him an expert , right? I like his work but perhaps a bit ‘fanboyiish’ at times. Chris is a strong news guy but has turned to sports with the Kraken’s arrival and hopes for expansion Sonics. Sports media here loves to cheerlead, not criticize, or face losing team access or paid team partnerships with stations. Oh, remember to like and subscribe.
Tacoma’s, Broadway’s and Hollywood’s Janis Paige died yesterday at 101. Seven years ago, she told #MeToo about being sexually assaulted in 1945.
Emmy report from 6-2: Why does The Seattle Times get to enter the Emmy contest and then WIN 1? Ridiculous. They don’t represent the TELEVISION ARTS AND SCIENCES, last time I checked. I’m sure it was fine work, but don’t compete against the industry you ridiculed, as papers did for years. Explain NATAS!. Oh wait, I know! Entry fees and dinner tickets, plus a set of totally manufactured and relaxed rules to allow a wild west of entries.
Some other NW Emmys handed out:
Overall Excellence-@KING5Seattle (snaps KGW Portland’s 4-win streak)
News Anchor, ElleThomas7-KIRO
Weather, Leah Pezzetti-KING
Sports, Orlando Sanchez-KGW;
Best AM news show medium market, KGW;
Best AM & PM News show major market, KOMO.
KGW in Portland took home the most by unofficial count.
One other note: A bit surprising, when after he and his team at KOMO picked up three EMMYs, Eric Johnson did NOT win for his writing – his bread and butter. Now, close to his retirement date, SInclair will salivate and save $250-350K, best guess, due to his longevity in Seattle TV.
Beat the Clock’s Roxanne has died.
I remember Bud Collyer as the radio version of Superman and then host of To Tell The Truth.
In Illinois, legislative alchemy is transforming snarling dogs into pettable puppies.
05/21/2024: State house submits bill amending the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009. Changes references from “offenders” to “justice-impacted individuals”.
I’m betting most of those would be BIPOC marginalized citizens, or people without papers. To say that they have “offended” is just downright racist. Why not call them systemic-racism affected victims.
Or these scholars…
Maybe this Queen…
Justice-impacted? Yet another word salad afflicted elected official.
Yes lets forget and ignore the victims. You know POS, drug infested, ditbag impacted, law abiding citizen that has done nothing to deserve the coddling of the criminal justice system.
And yet more from the bozos on the bench: an Ohio man got a torn esophagus from a bone in his boneless chicken wings. He sued and the Ohio Supreme Court told him that “boneless” doesn’t mean “without bones”, and he should have known better.
Thanks to the money paid to corporate attorneys in past law cases your fast food may kill you–but that’s the chance you take.
McDonald’s should just have customers sign a waiver at the drive-thru. It would be cheaper than lawsuits.
Well, Adrian Diaz is out as Seattle Police Chief (and demoted). I wonder what this means to former KCPQ Fox 13 main female anchor Jamie Tompkins, who months after doing a TV ride-along with Diaz was named to a major communications job at SPD and then elevated to head of his command staff (how did that work out given the law suits and today’s decision)?
As a result, Diaz was part of major (and perhaps false) rumors about the relationship after this happened, including multiple media stories about it (KUOW for one). Of course, she had NO law enforcement experience to boot. Sue Rohr may want to remove Tompkins from the command job even though just interim boss for now. Probably some people will leave on their own. Some she may ask to get out of her way. Interesting conundrum for her.
That was my first thought. My understanding is, they were a couple. That seems like corruption, being given a position made especially for you, because you are the main squeeze of the police chief. Seattle, little Chicago.
“It’s worth noting that . . .”
No it isn’t.
“McDonald’s new menu: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW.”
As if they have some inside scoop on that slop.
More mellow internet radio:
Last few:
Judy Collins – Move On
Matt Dusk – On the Street Where You Live
Etta James – At Last
Frank Sinatra – Drinking Again
Frank Sinatra – I Like The Sunrise
Rosemary Clooney with The Hi-Lo’s – Together
Dean Martin – Arrivederci Roma
Louis Prima – Basin Street Blues/When It’s Sleepy Time Down South
Stan Kenton – How Deep Is The Ocean (How Blue Is The Sky)?
Nancy Wilson – I Believe in You
Mel Torme – Just One Of Those Things
Marissa Mulder – Chelsea Morning
Glenn Frey – For Sentimental Reasons
Nat King Cole – My Lips Remember Your Kisses
Dolores Gray – Penthouse Serenade (When We’re Alone)
A product of DEI, Joy Reid, has come out as Mrs Potato Head.

To all the fanboys and girls and the naational Emmy judges of Inside the NBA, you’ll get over it. Grown men giggling like little children, loudly talking over each other, running up and down steps, debris falling on Barkley, stupid fishing hats and bit. Enjoy the end. My guess is Barkley will end up on NBC’s new
Basketball Night in America on NBC Sunday nights come ’25, but ’tis their misfortune.
Thanks to Sam Lawson for prompting some final touch-ups to the new layout here at QZVX. The new look is complete and lookin’ pretty nifty. Sam has been added to the Admin staff here and has a corner office over-looking the parking lot and loading dock.
Welcome Aboard, Sam!
New Orleans singer Clarence ‘Frogman’ Henry, of ‘Ain’t Got No Home’ fame, has died.
King County grand jury indicts public officials in police payoff scandal on July 27, 1971.
From the sixth paragraph:
“In January 1967, The Seattle Times published a series of articles exposing the system. Mayor Braman impaneled a blue-ribbon commission to investigate the Times allegations.”
I wonder if The Seattle Times would be able to do that today.
Right now it looks like it’s trying, investigating Martin Selig and his local real estate vacancies, cash shortages, late pays, defaults and bankruptcies, as well as his habit of stiffing his contractors.
Does that sound like somebody we know? Somebody who’s spending four days a week lately in a ‘freezing’ room?
Freezing in order to keep everyone awake. That doesn’t always work.
Best line of the week:
OJ Simpson died. Now he can rest in peace, knowing his wife’s murderer is dead.
New page layout is excellent!!
Thank you! to clean my musical palate.
An online publication had this story on 3/26/2024:
JCPenney will close all stores in under a week leaving fans of department store scrambling for alternative for 24 hours–
By Elizabeta Ranxburgaj, The US Sun
A MAJOR department store chain will shut its doors for 24 hours in a few days. JCPenney will shut its doors for staff and customers to observe a holiday. The chain will be closed for Easter Sunday on March 31. This means shoppers looking to visit the store on this day will have to re-evaluate their plans.
—-This is not news. This is not breaking news. This is not a major story. The US Sun reporter obviously had to turn in something and attempted to make news out of thin air. Or–this was actually written by AI.
Either way, this was an example of the media attempting to make news where there is really nothing to report.
According to LinkedIn, that reporter is a “trainee” .
Elizabeta (Lizzie) Ranxburgaj – Reporter at The US Sun & Londoners News sites, Fast-track NCTJ Trainee at News Associates
Beginning at 10:00 A. M. Pacific time
Livestream of the Oso Landslide 10-Year Remembrance and Memorial Dedication 3/22/24
McClatchy and Gannett chains drop Associated Press to save money.
The decision by Gannett, the nationâs largest newspaper chain, severs a century-old partnership. It âenables us to invent our own stories.â
I guess McClatchy and Gannett will get their news from social media now. Brilliant!
But only when they’re all pooped out from a hard day of inventing their own bull poop.
Just now on Out Front: “Next up on CNN, Oprah Winfrey’s weight loss. After this break, first clip from latest interview!!”
Sinclair is adding the Tennis Channel’s T2 channel to the KOMO NextGen lineup. A Tennis Channel press release describes T2– With original programming and events that do not appear on Tennis Channel, T2 debuted in 2022 and since has provided fans with more annual free, live tennis than ever in U.S. television history. From January through November, professional tennis features multiple tournaments every week most of the time, sometimes as many as six at once. These consist of menâs and womenâs competition; singles, doubles and mixed matches; all day long from various time zones around the world. Tennis Channel has the U.S. media rights to almost all of it, meaning T2 can stand alone among FAST sports channels in its ability to bring live, top-tier coverage of one of the countryâs historically popular sports â every day.
The Tacoma News Tribune is cutting back again! The newspaper will now deliver a print edition ONLY on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The digital edition is available 24/7 in real time. and doesn’t cost near as much as the print edition. But, we will miss the ink stains on our fingers. The digital edition is lackluster, local coverage is scant, and I doubt things will get better. The newspaper is fast becoming a thing of the past.
And no more newsrooms filled with ink-stained wretches and shouting editors wearing green plastic visors.
But do not fret, tomorrow’s Grandpappy will be flaunting his Keyboard Kalluses to the whippersnappers gathered at his swollen feet.
“Itâs a very slippery slope” must never be uttered again. Never!
Tell it to the judge.
And decapitate the next person who says “wrong-headed”.
I don’t even know what wrong-headed means.
We have a lot of things we have to unpack.
Try Ex-Lax
Music as beautiful as Prescott – KAHM
Pretty nice, and the player is good looking, too.
Seattle Times reports that longtime (25 years) KEXP afternoon drive DJ, Kevin Cole, will exit the station this summer.
“Scottsboro’s Only Hometown Radio Station, WWIC-AM 1050, Scottsboro, Alabama, your home for traditional country and bluegrass music.”
But right now I’m listening to high school baseball. Play-by-play man Greg Bell says, “Tomorrow’s game might be internet only because they’re a little short on employees down at the radio station.”
Greg Bell is in his 37th year of calling Scottsboro High football, basketball, baseball and softball. Bell was inducted into the Jackson County Sports Hall of Fame/Class of 2018 on January 12, 2019.
While watching KIRO 7 news at 6pm today, I caught a report of a dog rescue on Vashon Island’s KVI Beach.
Boeing Dreamliner passengers and crew slam into ceiling, airline “regrets any inconvenience and discomfort”.
Di$comfort. Hmmm… we $hall $ee.
Steve Lawrence died yesterday 3/7/2024, age 88.
I watched a few of his videos yesterday. SMOOTHER than Sinatra. I remember Steve Lawrence from the Mike Douglas show appearances.
CNN sign taken down marking a symbolic end to CNN Center in Atlanta GA
So long, CNN. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Dipping a little toe in the icy hiring pool, Seattle radio adds at least one new star to the roster…
KZOK hires Ashley Ryan, producer of the Chuck & Buck show at SportsRadio KJR, as Saturday morning air personality.
The post about Sherman crashing a construction zone and the break-in and tussle with cops is from a previous incident in 2021. It is old news but appears to be new. Confusing. Needs clarified.
From AP SEATTLE (AP) â Former NFL star Richard Sherman was arrested early Saturday on suspicion of driving under the influence, according to the Washington State Patrol.
In a probable cause statement, Trooper Jordan Hazzard-Thomas, who helped respond to the traffic stop, reported talking to Sherman and noticing âthe odor of intoxicantsâ and that Shermanâs eyes appeared to be âbloodshot and watery.â
Emails seeking comment on Shermanâs arrest were sent Saturday to a representative listed on his social media sites and to an attorney who has represented him in the past. The King County Prosecuting Attorneyâs Office said in a statement that Sherman was expected to have a court hearing Monday.
KCPQ FOX 13 sports anchor, Aaron Levine posted on X:
Confirmed by WSP: Richard Sherman was arrested for DUI and was booked in the King County Jail around 4am. (Saturday) Per WSP, this under investigation so no other details can be released until the prosecutorâs office files the case.
I wonder if this will have any effect on his sports broadcast career. Sherman has definitely crossed the line this time. His earlier dust up with his ex at her parents’ home only sidelined his career for a minute.
FROM FAMILY INCIDENT: “authorities said he crashed his SUV in a suburban Seattle construction zone, tried to break into his in-lawsâ home, and fought with officers who used a police dog to apprehend him”
A dui in Washington isn’t much these days. If his previous dust up didn’t affect him I doubt this will.
A DUI should be taken very seriously. But I am sure he has a good attorney.
In a construction zone? Oooh. They’ll double the fine from nothin’ to nearly nothin’.
Burning question: why would a guy want to break IN to his in-lawsâ home? OUT I can understand.
Scanty panties!! As Harry Caray used to say, “You can’t beat fun at the old ball park”.
What’s next, naming rights? It brings a whole new meaning to the term “bobblehead”.
Even more proof that Harry was right:
More good radio
4,325 posts here on the blog as of 2/24/24 — plus special pages like AM RADIO, TV, CHART & LINKS etc., and thousands of links to audio, pictures, video, pdf’s etc. I try to spend an hour or so each week scouring the site to make sure everything is still in place and visible/accessible.
If you see something wonky, missing links etc. Let me know. Thanks!!!
Trivia – A quick search shows that 104 posts mention Pat O’Day. Only 104?
From the Feb. 10, 2024 Los Angeles Times:
L.A. County sheriffâs deputy injured after accidentally shooting himself, officials say
A Los Angeles County sheriffâs deputy was wounded Friday night after accidentally shooting himself while unholstering his weapon, Sheriffâs Department officials said Saturday.
The deputy was wounded in the lower torso, officials said. The unintentional discharge occurred about 10 p.m. at the Temple City sheriffâs station, officials said.
Officials said the deputy was taken to a hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening, and was stable Saturday morning.
No mention of how he became injured or how long after the shooting the injury occurred. Also omitted were details of the deputy’s unintentional discharge.
I’m guessing the first two paragraphs explained how it happened and that the injuries occurred immediately when the gun discharged.
The last paragraph seems to contradict my theory, but…
Unintentional Discharge? Try Depends ®
Breathtaking headline from
Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartnerâs divorce is finalized, officially ending their marriage
Yes, I think that’s how divorce works.
Bob Edwards of NPR’s “All Things Considered” and “Morning Edition” died last Saturday, 2/10/2024.
âI like sitting at the mic and being on the radio,â Edwards said shortly before leaving NPR. âThatâs still a kick.â
That quote could be from any of us in the biz. It explains why we did what we did.
Brain dead MSNBC moderator: “Uhhhhhmmm I do have to ask ummm you and uummm because . .”
One of the first things taught in broadcasting school: Avoid crutch words or phrases.
I learned that in the first class at Ron Bailie’s. It was called the verbalized pause.
KIRO 7 and other COX stations beg customers to contact the Direct TV & UVerse companies and demand that the stations be added back to the service. Adding these stations back, at a higher rate, raising the cable tv bill of each customer and putting more money in KIRO 7’s coffers. Just a big money grab from the owners of the tv station versus the nbig money grab being pulled off by Direct TV/UVerse.
Customer … Screwed!
KIRO’s website tells you:
DIRECTV has given some customers long-term contracts with heavy termination fees, while eliminating some of programming you love. Donât let them get away with broken promises. Take action today!
and urges customers to drop Direct TV and switch to other streamers that carry KIRO 7.
Why not just switch to FOX 13. It is a better news product. Or KOMO. KOMO 4 is also popular.
And when those two stations start the same money grab against Direct TV, there will also be KING 5 to switch to or KIRO 7, because KIRO 7 will be back on Direct TV, taking customers for a ride.
This popped up on my Facebook feed. Listened for an hour or so. Quite nice!
This popped up on my Facebook page. Listened for an hour or so. Quite nice!
Good one, Jason! Not the same old stuff. Nice to hear the old standards by different artists, new arrangements.
Playing the same records over and over, no matter how good they are, is what killed music radio for anyone with an attention span longer than two seconds.
“Playboy” by Kathy Kirby. Haven’t heard that for a while! I wonder how many different songs are called “Playboy”. Living proof that you can’t copyright a song title.
And Frank Sinatra Jr. First ex and I saw his show at the Puyallup Fair fifty some years ago.
Prayers for Charles and his family. I enjoyed his work for many years.
Award-winning journalist Charles Osgood, who anchored “CBS Sunday Morning” for 22 years and was host of the long-running radio program “The Osgood File,” died Tuesday at home in New Jersey.
Charles Osgood was a guy who made turning on the radio worthwhile. Are there any left now?
Annie Nightingale died January 11, 2024 at age 73; D.J. on BBC Radio 1 for 53 years
Mary Weiss, who led The Sharangri-Las, died January 19, 2024.
When speaking to Rolling Stone in a 2007 interview after four decades out of the public eye, Weiss looked back on stories from her past, including the time James Brown booked her for a Texas show. âWhen I walked out onstage, I thought he was going to have a coronary,â she said. âHe didnât realize I was white.
Joyce Randolph, who played Trixie Norton on “The Honeymooners”, passed away January 13, 2024 at age 99.
From the article, it appears she was wealthy, based on her husbands’ earnings while he was alive, not The Honeymooners.
More Good Oldies Radio
From Rothesay, New Brunswick
“Oldies96” Community Radio
Bye-Bye! KVOS
KUNS announced on December 27, 2023 that KVOS Bellingham will pick up the Univision affiliation. The station is owned by Weigel Broadcasting and is currently carrying Heroes & Icons (H&I) which will move to a subchannel of KVOS.
As was mentioned here by a reader, KVOS is nothing like the CBS affiliate you grew up watching in Bellingham. KVOS has city-grade coverage of Vancouver, and Victoria BC, but is a mere rimshot into parts of Seattle. KVOS is owned by Weigel Broadcasting. (info KVOS, NWBroadcasters. KUNS video:
I remember dropping by KVOS one night, in the â60âs researching a paper I was doing for a class. Was able to waltz right in, and there sat the announcer, who would come on during program breaks and read live ads. Turns out the guy (Rick Chase?) lived right across Ellis Street from the station and could have been a student at Western. KVOS was totally aiming for the Vancouver, B.C. market, and I believe beer commercials were not allowed by the Canadian channels so Channel 12 did a real killing appealing to those sponsors. At least until the Canadian Government put the kibosh on that revenue stream. Itâs amazing that frequency has survived all this time.
Someone just mentioned on the Portland Radio Guide site ( that the Spanish-language network Univision is moving to Weigel-owned KVOS-TV 12.1. Any confirmation here to this site? Iâm a bit surprised, because KVOS, even though now based in Seattle, is still licensed to Bellingham and its over-the-air signal from Orcas Island only reaches portions of the Seattle market. KVOS certainly is FAR different now from its many years as a CBS affiliate in northwest Washington.
CRAWLER: here is notification.
KJR FM beat KIRO AM in the battle for Sports radio ratings (December 2023)
KPLZ FM getting decent numbers.
KPNW ?? Oh, My!