Travis Mayfield: Why not give children more access to ” knowledge” (porn)?

Hutyler Co-Hosts Seattle’s Morning News

Don’t Let The Door…Oops! Too Late.

McMahon Leaves KTVL; Former Broadcasters Existing In A Strange New World

Milestones for Heather Mills & Kristin Vartan, Travis Mayfield Subs, and Eye Candy (Abby Acone & Liz Dueweke)

Libs Panic @ Elon Musk Twitter Revolution

Travis Mayfield Co-Hosts KIRO Morning Show

Travis Mayfield Subs This Week On KIRO FM

On His Way Out: Travis Mayfield Says Today Is About Him, Wears A Skirt On TV

Countdown To Friday: Travis Mayfield Saying Goodbye To Viewers Of FOX 13 KCPQ

Pin-Ups & Poses; Abby Acone, Ali Bradley, Claire Anderson, David Rose, Erin Mayovsky, Jamie Tompkins, Liz Dueweke, Tracey Leong, Travis Mayfield

Travis Mayfield To Exit FOX 13

Meet Travis Melanie Mayfield

Travis Mayfield Queersplains Hiring Practices

Pearls Before Nine. Travis Mayfield, You Go Girl!

Spring Fashion for Your Local TV News Guy

One Broadcaster’s Opinion: Low Wages Reason Media Lacks Diversity

Spurious Emissions: A Mid-Summer Rant