Summer 2024 TalkRadio-News Schedules

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Seattle Post-Intelligencer=(P-I); Seattle Times=(Times); Seattle Star=(Seattle Star); Tacoma Time=(Tacoma Times); Tacoma Ledger=(Ledger); Tacoma News Tribune=(TNT)

1922 (Times) March 22 Radio
1922 (Seattle Union Record) Radio October 23
1922 (Times) November Radio Features
1922 (Times) December Programming & Radio Silence/Radio Husband
1923 (Times) Radio Features
1924 (Ledger) Western region Radio listings
1924 (Times) December 11 State of Radio
1925 (Times) Radio Features
1926 (Times) Radio Features
1927 (Times) Radio
1927 (Ledger) Radio January 1
1928 (Ledger) Radio
1928 (Times) Radio
1929 (TNT) May Radio
1929 (TNT) Radio
1929 (P-I) October Radio
1929 (P-I) Radio
1929 (Seattle Star) May 30 Radio
1929 (Seattle Star) August 22 Radio
1930 (Ledger) April 24 Radio
1930 (TNT) June 5 Radio
1930 (Ledger) July 10 Radio
1930 (Times) September 18 Winter Schedule Radio
1930 (Times) October Radio
1931 (TNT) January 15 Radio
1931 (Times) Radio
1932 (Times) Radio
1932 (P-I) December 30 Radio
1933 (Times) Radio
1933 (TNT) June 14 Radio
1933 (Ledger) August Radio
1934 (Ledger) May Radio
1934 (TNT) December 5 Radio
1935 (Times) January & September Radio
1935 (TNT) May 18 Radio
1935 (Times) December 5 Radio
1936 (TNT) January 18 Radio
1936 (TNT) October 14 Radio
1937 (Times) Radio
1937 (TNT) October Radio
1937 (TNT) October 18 Radio
1938 (TNT) March 11 Radio
1938 (Times) Radio
1939 (Tacoma Times) February 4 & 7, Radio
1939 (Tacoma Times) Radio
1939 (Tacoma Times) June Radio
1939 (Tacoma Times) November Radio
1940 (Times) Radio
1940 (TNT) January Radio
1940 (TNT) October Radio
1941 (Times) Radio
1941 (TNT) March 9 Radio
1941 (TNT) October 11 Radio
1942 (Tacoma Times) January 2 Radio
1942 (TNT) February Radio
1942 (Tacoma Times) March Radio
1943 (Times) Radio
1943 (Tacoma Times) February Radio
1944 (TNT) Radio
1945 (TNT) April Radio
1945 (Times) Radio
1945 (TNT) Radio
1946 (Times) Radio
1946 (TNT) January Radio
1946 (TNT) Radio
1946 (TNT) May Radio
1947 (Times) Radio
1947-Seattle Star ceases publication – Radio listings August 13
1948 (TNT) November Radio
1949 (TNT) February Radio-TV
1949 (Times) August Radio-TV
1949 (Times) October Radio-TV
1950 (TNT) Radio
1951 (TNT) June 6th Radio
1951 (Times) TV
1952 (TNT) February 25th Radio
1952 (TNT) April Radio-TV
1952 (TNT) December 10 Radio
1953 (Times) March Radio
1953 (Vancouver BC Sun) Radio
1953 (Vancouver BC Sun) Radio Highlights
1954 (TNT) July 25 TV & Radio
1954-1 (Vancouver BC Sun) Radio
1954-2 (Vancouver BC Sun) Radio
1954 (Vancouver BC Sun) May Radio
1954 (Times) April Radio-TV
1954 (TNT) August Radio
1954 (TNT) October 30th Radio
1955 (TNT) January 1st and 5th Radio
1955 (Times) Radio
1955 (TV GUIDE) Channels
1955 November Radio & TV
1956 (Times) Radio-TV
1957 (TNT) January Radio
1957 (Times) Radio
1957 (TNT) October Radio
1958 (TNT) March Radio
1958 (TNT) April TV
1958 (TNT) June 2 Radio
1958 (TNT) June 25 Radio (KTWR added)
1958-1 (Times) Radio
1958-2 (Times) Radio
1958-3 (Times) Radio
1958 (TNT) October Radio
1958 (Times) November Radio
1959-1 (Times) Radio
1959-2 (Times) Radio
1959 (TNT) June 16 Radio
1959 (TNT) August 1 Radio
1959 (TNT) August Weekly TV
1960 (P-I) January 6 Radio/TV
1960 (P-I) January 14 Radio
1960 (TNT) April Radio
1960 (Times) June Radio-TV
1960 (TNT) June Radio
1960 (P-I) December 10th Radio
1960 (Times) December 18 Radio
1961 (Times) Radio-TV
1961 (TNT) July Radio-TV
1961 (Times) September 3rd Radio
1962 (TNT) February Radio-TV
1962 (Times) Radio (1)

1962 (Times) Radio (2)
1962 (Times) July 16th Radio
1963 (TNT) January Radio
1963 (P-I) April Radio
1963 (TNT) August Radio
1963 (TNT) September Radio
1963 (Times) Radio
1963 (Times) Review-Radio
1964 (Times) January Radio
1964 (P-I) June 7th Radio
1964 (P-I) June 10th Radio
1964 (TNT) April Radio
1964 (TNT) August Weekend Radio
1964-1 (Times) Radio
1964-2 (Times) Radio
1964 (P-I) August 4 Radio
1964 (P-I) December 25 Radio
1964 (P-I) December 29 Radio
1965 (P-I) January 13th Radio
1965 (P-I) April 5th Radio
1965 (Times) April Radio-TV
1965 (TNT) June Radio
1965 (Times) Radio
1965 (Times) Sunday Radio
1966 (TNT) April Radio
1966 (TNT) December 10 Radio
1966 (TNT) December 20 Radio
1966 (Times) AM & FM Radio
1966 (Times) October Radio
1966 (Times) Western Washington FM
1967 (Times) Radio
1967 (Times) Sunday Radio (1)
1967 (Times) Sunday Radio (2)
1967 (TNT) June Radio
1967 (Times) Sunday Radio (3)
1967 (P-I) July 3 Radio
1967 (P-I) December 8 Radio
1968 (TNT) January Weekday Radio
1968 (P-I) February 6 Radio
1968 (P-I) April 28 Radio
1968 (P-I) June 14 Radio
1968 (TNT) July Radio
1968 (Times) Sunday Radio
1968 (Times) Weekday Radio
1968 (P-I) December 2 Radio
1969 (TNT) January Weekday/Saturday Radio
1969 (Times) Weekday Radio
1969 (Times) Radio
1969 (P-I) January 15 Radio
1969 (P-I) June 10 Radio
1969 (P-I) October 8 Radio
1969 (P-I) December 3 Radio
1970 (TNT) January Weekend/Weekday Radio
1970 (Times) Features
1970 (Times) January Weekday Radio
1970 (Times) AprilWeekday Radio
1970 (TNT) May Radio
1970 (Times) May 24th Weekday Radio
1970 (Times) August Weekday Radio
1972 (TNT) August 19 Radio
1970 Spokane Tv
1971 (TNT) January Radio
1971 (Times) August Weekday Radio
1971 (Times) Weekday Radio
1972 (Times) Radio
1972 (Times) February Radio
1972 (Times) March Radio
1972 (Times) 1 Radio
1972 (Times) 2 Radio
1972 (Times) August (1)Radio
1972 (Times) August (2) Radio
1972 (Times) October Radio
1972 (Times) November 1 Radio
1972 (Times) November 2 Radio
1973 (TNT) February Radio
1973 South Sound Radio
1973 (TNT) August Radio
1973 (TNT) October Radio
1973 (Times) Radio
1974 (Times) Radio (1)
1974 (Times) Radio (2)
1976 (Times) Radio Formats
1978 (Times) Radio Formats
1978 (Times) Radio
1979 (Times) Radio
1980 (Times) Western Washington FM
1981 (Times) Radio
1982 (Times) AM Radio
1982 (TNT) Radio
1983 (Times) FM Radio
1983 (TNT) Radio
1984 (TNT) Radio
1985 (TNT) Radio
1985 (TNT) November Radio
1986 MEDIATRIX Seattle Radio Profile
1986 (TNT) September Radio
1987 (TNT) April Radio
1987 (TNT) December Radio
1988 (TNT) January Radio
1988 (TNT) October Radio
1989 (TNT) January Radio
1989 (TNT) August Radio
1989 (TNT) October Radio
1990 (TNT) March Radio
1989/1990 (P-I) Radio
July 1990 Radio Guide AM Grid 1
July 1990 Radio Guide AM Grid 2
July 1990 Radio Guide FM Grid 1
July 1990 Radio Guide FM Grid 2
July 1990 Radio Guide Saturday AM Grid 1
July 1990 Radio Guide Saturday AM Grid 2
July 1990 Radio Guide Saturday FM Grid 1
July 1990 Radio Guide Saturday FM Grid 2
1990 (TNT) November Radio
1991 (TNT) September Radio
1992 (TNT) May Radio
1992 (TNT) November Radio
1993 (TNT) July Radio
1993 (TNT) December Radio
1994 (TNT) April Radio
1994 (TNT) January Radio
1994 (TNT) November Radio

(1945-1959) Bellingham Herald Radio & Tv
1953-1959 (TNT) Puyallup Radio
1955 Spokane (Spokesman Review) Tv-Radio
1955-1959 Longview, Wa.(Daily News) Radio-TV
1955-1959 Tri-Cities Herald Radio-TV
1955-1969 (Vancouver, Wa) Columbian – Portland Radio-Tv
1957-1960 Bellingham (Herald) Radio
1956-1965 KONP Port Angeles Programming

Here is a radio publication covering popular western region channels, Broadcast Weekly, from 1931. These are just part of the vast library of documentation available at
There are 4 (four) pages for each daily schedule. Use the ARROW keys to scroll the document pages for each day.
3-29-31 Sunday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory

3-30-31 Monday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory 3-31-31 Tuesday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory 4-1-31 Wednesday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory 4-2-31 Thursday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory 4-3-31 Friday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory

4-4-31 Saturday Broadcast Weekly WorldRadioHistory

Sea-Tac 1990 TV Guide issue station listings
South-west BC edition from 1988
KVOS scan [late 50s?]

courtesy of Mike [Cherry]

Phil Roger looks back at Sea-Tac TV channel line-ups:
The Puget Sound has enjoyed relative TV network stability over the years. But when you roll back the clock to the 50s, history tells another story as you’re aware.
First snapshot: Nov ’57 (1 of 5 – Pre-KIRO, CBS on KTNT. KOMO-NBC, KING-ABC.)

Move ahead to Feb ’59. KIRO on for one year with CBS.
Also note KTNT lists a Seattle address. This confused me for years because I knew 11 was in Tacoma. Perhaps a branch business/sales office?
(2 of 5)

Moving on to Nov ’59. NBC goes over to 5, ABC heads to KOMO.
Do you think some of the original staff at 13 smiled when KOMO didn’t get to hold onto NBC?

A new year, a new decade: Jan ’60.
No changes..yet.
Fast forward to mid-year, June ’60. What’s this?! CBS returns to 11!
Of course, it wouldn’t be the last time

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