1 thought on “KZAMMED by Attorneys, Lockjock To Remain At KJR

  1. From the Internet Archive (www.archive.org) we reclaim some of our Lost Comments:

    mikec says:
    August 5, 2018 2:04 pm at
    Somehow I thought this tale took place later on when 92.5 had become KLSY “Classy 92.5” Noting the date stamp on Victor’s article, 92.5 was definitely still K-ZAM, albeit in it’s final days as an eclectic rock/AAA station. I’m now wondering if Sandusky’s interest in Lockjock was to hire him as the new morning host for their format switch which occurred in Sept. This would eventually be Bruce Murdock’s shift at “Classy”

    pugetsound says:
    August 5, 2018 2:25 pm at
    The salary mentioned works out to be about $75K (?) per year. LAN ROBERTS made no more than $30K when he was top morning man in Seattle. Boss Jocks at KHJ in 1966 made $15K according to Ron Jacobs. Was Lockwood’s salary inflated? LEVITY LIMELIGHT jocks Norm Gregory and Gary Shannon took home less than $20K per year each. Not what we thought at the time.

    mikec says:
    August 5, 2018 4:12 pm at
    wow! $75K seems way out of whack – I wonder how much Bruce Murdock was paid for the morning gig on KLSY?

    Steven Smith says:
    August 6, 2018 2:56 pm at
    As to the salaries, this was 1983, so they were higher than 1960s. By 1983, in Bellingham, our best full time air staff was making at about a thousand a month. I was the operations manager, engineer and everything for SRO at Kbfw and I made about 27,000 a year. So 75k might be too high for Seattle, but it does not seem too out of whack for an in demand personality.

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