Elise Woodward Does Football Play-by-play, Another Leaves FOX 13 and Radio Snubbed In Awards List

Elise Woodward, UW sideline reporter, filled in last weekend and will again tomorrow, for UW radio play-by-play broadcaster Tony Castricone, whose wife recently gave birth to their son. This is Woodward’s first play-by-play assignment. The games are heard on 950 KJR.

KING 5’s Evening, released 2021’s Best of Western Washington annual viewers choice poll winners list. This year, there were no entries for Best Radio Station.

Olivia LaVoice is leaving KCPQ FOX 13. Originally assigned to unsolved crimes, LaVoice is just one of many heading for the exit at the station. Lately, her assignments at KCPQ have been in general field reporting. LaVoice is looking for a new gig specifically focusing on unsolved crimes and will also be starting a podcast on the subject soon.

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