4 Radio Guys Walk Into A Bar – Podcast

Meeting up at the Cloverleaf Tavern in Tacoma on February 8, Randy Roadz (KOHO 101 Wenatchee / Leavenworth – Icicle Broadcasting Program Director / Middays), Paul Thompson (STAR 101.5 KPLZ), Nic Scott (News Director @ News-Sports-Talk 1470 KELA Centralia), and your humble, yet lovable QZVX blogmeister, Jason Remington. This site was PugetSound.media at the time of this recording.
The topic was RADIO. Randy Roadz had brought recording equipment, and except for a 10-minute segment which was distorted, the conversation is presented here for your listening pleasure. Good stories about some of the radio stations and co-workers we met along the way. Nic Scott opens with KGHO stories, late night visitors to the station, the name Buzz Barr comes up as well as “Play Misty For Me” memories — and the beer at the CloverLeaf flows. There was also an abrupt ending, which is explained at the end of the podcast.


For reference purposes, here is the Roy Otis aircheck.

4 thoughts on “4 Radio Guys Walk Into A Bar – Podcast

  1. Paul Thompson is an ACE DJay. His tennis serve sucks however, but he is worth listening to on the Radio…occasionally

  2. Great meeting you Jason…Just for the record, Jill Taylor is middays at KPLZ. I’m the utility Jock. My mom loved this!
    Rest of the family not to impressed! Pretty sure it ended abruptly because we were thrown out? 86’d

    1. Actually that was a reference to Randy Roadz middays at KOHO. I thought for a moment you had found an error on my part. Of course, that was not the case. I make no errers!

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