Pat O’Day and Pat Cashman on ‘the (206)’

Another Pat, TV and radio personality Pat Cashman, shared his memories of Pat O’Day with friends and colleagues who worked at KJR. The video he sent along is heartwarming and funny….the editor

“I know that beyond all his manifest talent and industry stature, we all have stories of how abundantly kind and encouraging Pat O’Day was to us other more mortal practitioners. He was big, but his head wasn’t. He always kept a sense of proportion and a wonderful ability to laugh at himself.

“Note the attached cameo he did for my ‘the (206)’ show (KING-5) a few years ago. After doing another bit on a subsequent occasion, he dashed from our studio to catch a ferry—still wearing his mic. We didn’t get it back for a month…I hope—and am sure—that wherever he is right now, there IS a mic near at hand.”……..Pat Cashman

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