🎼🎵🎶✌ SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ✌🎼🎵🎶 Broadcast talent looking at 60-day furloughs, pay cuts, and layoffs are likely considering a career change. The talent takes the brunt of current economic times, while some corporate execs get bonuses. It just doesn’t seem right…The Tacoma News Tribune CoronaVirus Reporting Fund – The newspaper is asking for donations in order to stay afloat. Watch for the Trib to abandon the print edition and move to online distribution only. Either that or a merger with the Seattle Times…States should declare bankruptcy rather than depend on federal funding. Brilliant! Mitch McConnell said it. While the nation faces tough financial times, retirees face the loss of their pensions while the workforce sits idle, in government-imposed quarantine. Will the USA suffer a depression reminiscent of the 1930s? Will your stock investments, 401k, and savings account be depleted? Or is it all part of the agenda of the Deep State? It depends on who you listen to…Televangelist Jim Bakker said he’s been cut off by credit card companies after he was accused of selling a fake coronavirus cure and asked viewers to send cash or checks or he may have to file for bankruptcy…Britain’s Star reports: The number of new people signing up to British Naturism, the country’s national organisation for those who like to spend their time in the buff, has risen by more than 100% this month (April) since the coronavirus lockdown began. During the lockdown, virtual events supported by British Naturism include naked yoga, a naked ‘pub crawl’ and the upcoming World Naked Gardening Day on May 2…Even though most stores are closed, credit card companies are cutting limits on cardmember credit…If you are trying to cut your debt, may I suggest STOP HOARDING TOILET PAPER and hand sanitizer? Rubbing alcohol is also being bought in bulk. Consumers are using this to make hand sanitizer, causing shortages of Isopropyl alcohol in drug stores and supermarkets. The 16 oz bottle usually sells for about $1 in stores. Fear not! You can buy a quart of isopropyl alcohol online for $29.95…A petition is gaining traction on Change.org for streaming services like Netflix, Disney Plus, and Amazon Prime to give 60 days of free service…FOX Executive Officers – Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, John Nallen, Viet Dinh, and Steve Tomsic will forego their salaries through September 30, 2020. FOX News CEO Suzanne Scott is taking a 50% pay cut while the company deals with the COVID pandemic. This while other broadcast corporations are laying off/furloughing employees and cutting the pay of remaining staff members… During this pandemic, the QZVX staff remains in our home offices, reporting the latest media news and providing new content to keep readers informed and entertained.
Lou Robbins — Admin/Editor | Airchecks
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