The FOX 13 editor’s first edit was “Hannukah: Those Jews…amirite?”

This is a big complaint of “grammar police” on social media. I was deputized, so this type of lazy posting jacks my jaws.

Apparently, blah is a filler or placeholder while the editor researched what Hannukah was all about. But, something sparkly, or maybe a squirrel caught his eye and threw him off track. He hit ENTER and this happened.
Not a good look for FOX 13 — a NEWS channel. This is basically, the face of KCPQ FOX 13 on social media.
It would be comical if it wasn’t a serious subject matter, like a peoples’ religion.

1 thought on “The FOX 13 editor’s first edit was “Hannukah: Those Jews…amirite?”

  1. For 25 years now, when I write and need to look up a date or fact or mark where I left off, my place holder is some variation of xx or more xxxxx. That way even running simple spell check finds any leftovers I missed. Which is good because a xxx remnant would not be great. Using a word that is rude but spell check will not single it out is bad journalistic practice prone to embarrassing errors such as is displayed here.

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