A young Pat O’Day assaulted at radio station over strange conspiracy theory

Spokane Spokesman-Review May 1958
(Paul Berg changed his name to Pat O’Day when he started in Seattle radio)

6 thoughts on “A young Pat O’Day assaulted at radio station over strange conspiracy theory

  1. One night at KAYO, a couple of Indians phoned and wanted to hear a nice Indian song so I played Red Wing, an old standard praising an Indian girl by that name. Wrong song – the same guys called back and said they were going to be outside when I got off work at 2:00 A.M. and beat me up. I called SPD and they told me if someone was going to do that they wouldn’t call first, so relax, so I did and lived to tell about it.

  2. Scary situation that radio people can face. Decades later, talk show host, Alan Berg was shot and killed. Being a public figure has its dangers for sure.

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