Former Seattle police chief and Communications Director placed on administrative leave

DEVELOPING— FOX 13 insiders knew details of how the relationship developed. One told me, “It was obvious.
KING 5 and FOX 13 both jumped on this…
This story has scandal written all over it!

4 thoughts on “Former Seattle police chief and Communications Director placed on administrative leave

  1. Anyone following the connection between Diaz and Tompkins saw this coming. FOX 13 insiders were well aware of the relationship between Diaz and Tompkins. I heard from one employee who laid out the events leading up to Tompkins attaining the role of Communications Director and how the relationship between Diaz and Tompkins developed. A special position was set up within the department at the urging of Diaz so that Tompkins would get a cushy gig UNDER the then police chief.
    Scandal hit after several employees within the department came forward with accusations against Chief Diaz. Diaz then stepped down and at the same time threw out a smoke screen, coming out as a gay man. That has all been previously reported. The house of cards started falling. Now this development…

    1. It’s gotta hurt to lose a $340,000 job. Diaz will get a hefty severance package–if he is damn lucky. Do you think the “gay man” ruse was concocted just in case it came to this?

      1. FOX 13 had to report it otherwise it would have reflected poorly on them. Looks like they had no problem getting the story out there. David Rose broke the story this evening on FOX 13, along with reports by KING 5 and KUOW FM (which may have been first with this report.)

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