AZ Suns broadcaster Al McCoy passes

KTVK3/KPHO5/ – The Valley community is mourning the loss of a beloved longtime member of the Phoenix Suns organization. Al McCoy, who served as the “Voice of the Suns” for over five decades, has died at age 91. McCoy has battled health issues since last year, causing him to miss 13 home games during his final tenure with the Suns.

1 thought on “AZ Suns broadcaster Al McCoy passes

  1. I got hooked on basketball with eighteen years of the SuperSonics and, when I moved to Phoenix, went to most of the Suns games. Al McCoy had a long run, but I think Seattle’s Bob Blackburn was better on the air. One Suns game, I asked Bob at halftime to say “Hi” to the folks back home, as he did whenever the Sonics were on the road. He was friendly.

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