Radio Man Heads Back to Seattle TV

Brian Calvert, the longtime stalwart morning news anchor at 97.7 in Seattle is going to do double duty, joining the weekend morning team at KOMO-TV. Brian, a total pro behind the mike and in front of the camera, worked for me at the old NWCN doing fill-in weather. A wine afficiando, he also had his own Northwest Wine show online. He joins Lee Stoll at KOMO4 and rounds out the weather team after the departure of Kristin Clark.

4 thoughts on “Radio Man Heads Back to Seattle TV

  1. My husband and I both like him. Never a fan of Kristin Clark and so happy to see her leave. Too bad Abby Acone left after Kristin arrived. Anyone have the backstory on that?

    I think Brian has a pleasing personality and I like his voice. Neither of us listen to the radio so thanks for letting me know about his background but all in all, very happy with him. We will miss Theron on the weekend.

    Does anyone else out there remember when Theron and a young lady, who I believe was named Marne, were the co-hosts of the weekend news? She would bake something and bring it in for Theron to try. We always got a kick out of that segment.

  2. I personally don’t care for him cuz of some of his mannerisms on TV winking his eyes and trying to crack some jokes

    I don’t listen to 97.7 since Greg Hershel retire I don’t think Brian is that good

    And now he’s had the dyeah’s hair and his beard black what’s he afraid of that he’s going to look older because he’s got gray hair

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