Gary Lockwood Police Blotter Collection

Stories include: Man severs fingers in the name of art, bartender finds customer dead drunk in bar. (6:39)

Federal Way man’s love for his ex still burns, Alice Cooper look-alike contestant a shoo-in. (6:13)

Prowler breaks-in, takes nothing, but leaves selfie, Pakistan’s public whippings draw stadium crowds. (6:58)

Pike Street miscreant takes swing at cop, Illinois man serves disgusting dish at party and this leads to assault charges. (7:06)

Sgt Rogers assists in arrest in Sequim, attempted assisted suicide gone wrong, (6:20)

Masked male stripper accused of ludicrous buffoonery, man attempts suicide in outdoor toilet and fails. (6:21)

Everett man insures that ex-wife won’t get the house, man sues father-in-law for fraud. (5:41)

2 thoughts on “Gary Lockwood Police Blotter Collection

  1. Jason thank you for posting these it brings back a lot of memories when I used to drive home from work Seattle to Tacoma listen to KJR everyday Absolutely absolute classic From Gary and Chet

    And then I remember when Gary went to mornings and I think it was Gary and Greg Herscholt.

    Shared your website on Tacoma area Next Door social media (Similar to facebook)

    Hope you could find some more of these they are classic

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