There’s a concern over “Chick on the Street;” KSWD/Los Angeles, 2015 promo

This was one of the promos used to launch the new “Mark in the Morning” show on 100.3 “The Sound.” It features Mark Thompson (formerly of Mark & Brian on KLOS) and his daughter, Katie, the show’s “Chick on the Street” reporter.

Runtime: :59

[Click to hear Katie in action] on St. Patrick’s Day, 2015, in an earlier QZVX post.

9 thoughts on “There’s a concern over “Chick on the Street;” KSWD/Los Angeles, 2015 promo

      1. I’ve had a few of those.

        I figured I hit the wrong key, they were lost in cyber space, or Mr Remington just liked them too much to post. 😉

        1. To my knowledge, according to my precise memory, I do not recall any comments made by louis that I refused to post. I could be wrong, my memory may be faulty and besides, I take the Fifth. Most likely, missing comments are due to mechanical error. This whole Internet is nothing but a bucket of cogs, wheels and springs. Danged if it don’t work good most of the time, but there are moments when, clogged by dust, spiders or due to lack of proper lubrication, this network will grind to a halt. I hope this clarifies, simplifies, exemplifies and stupefies any questions about missing comments and we can move forward.

  1. For the Sound in Seattle, the old KSND call letters would have been my choice, had they been able to buy the call letters from the Monmouth, Oregon station.

  2. What struck me is that the unfunny morning man is allowed to display his tasteless, disgusting “personality”, and then the next guy on the air gets to play ten in a row.

    1. KVI seemed to be home for the AVERAGE GUY type of personality. Someone you would enjoy having a beer or play golf with. Classy but not stuffy. Comfortable chat and good music. Unlike so much radio these days, loud, offensive.

    2. (Reposted comment to Dick)….History shows that the listeners may have agreed with you as “Mark in the Morning” was replaced with a more music intensive show after a year and a half.

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