KOMO’s Steve Pool has died

He died on Nov. 22 after a battle with an illness. He was 70-years-old.

Steve was a Seattle broadcasting pioneer on KOMO 4 serving as the station’s beloved weatherman and frequent host of charitable events. He began his career as an intern at the station when he was still a college student at the University of Washington in 1974. (KOMO)

A message from Steve’s wife–posted on social media:
Dear Friends,
I am here to share the sad news that my dear husband, my love, has passed away from early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. He fought this terrible disease privately for several years, and with every ounce of his being. He told me multiple times to “never count me out” and we never did. This past week it became too much and he passed away peacefully. We are so blessed to have had him in our lives. He was an extraordinary man, husband, father and good friend to many. Please know that he truly loved his job and this community and felt so privileged to be a part of your lives. You were all so good to him and thereby good to us. Our hearts are irretrievably broken. Please say a prayer for him and our family. Much love, Michelle and our daughters Lindsey and Marissa

5 thoughts on “KOMO’s Steve Pool has died

  1. Hard to believe he’s gone. Early onset Alzheimer’s, he seemed sharp as a tack in some of the more recent or so, videos. That must have come on quick or he was real good at hiding it in the public eye. Definitely not an illness anyone would want to drag on with. For the sake of caretaker or family members.

    Ps: don’t feel comfortable using my name as I’m in the business. Thanks

    1. My cousin’s wife died of Early Onset Alzheimer’s. She was 66. So did her father at about the same age. It was a bit over a year from diagnosis to her passing.

      1. My father suffered from Alzheimer’s for nearly 2 years. It is a shame that it robs a person of their happy memories.

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