10/11/87-Christian station operated by remote control

VICTOR STREDICKE – October 11, 1987
Kirkland station KARR returned to its 1460 kHz. frequency in June with a new religion approach. The programming is supplied to the Kirkland transmitter from Oakland. Only the station managers and an engineer are regularly in the area. The new licensee, Family Stations, a nondenominational Christian organization, owns 15 similar radio stations and a shortwave radio system, and is soon to place a TV station in Sacramento. The firm does not sell advertising nor does it sell program time to denominations or radio preachers. Once monthly 24-hour “share-a-thon” asks listeners to support the station. Features include half-hour blocks of Bible study and readings, plus inspirational music. Familiar titles include “Unshackled,” drama series, and “Nightwatch,” late-night music program. At 7 p.m. weeknights, “Open Forum” features nationwide phone calls, with Harold Camping, president of Family Stations.
Camping said he is not a fundamentalist. “I’m a Biblist.”
“A pastor speaks to a congregation that pretty well agrees with him anyhow,” Camping said. “I stand in the open marketplace.
“Recently a caller professed to be a fundamentalist angry at the Supreme Court’s decision on creationism in the schools. I explained that the Bible says it’s up to parents to educate, so if they leave such things up to schools it’s their folly.
“Then the caller admitted he was a humanist and declared himself delighted with the Supreme Court.
“Calls like that make the program interesting,” Camping said. Camping, 66, used profits from his construction company to purchase his first station in 1958.
“Even in construction, I had an ongoing desire to share the Bible,” Camping said. “We have no company cars, no jets, our Oakland facility is a factory.” There are only a couple of part-time workers. He gets no salary.
“I found I had contributed $400,000 through my working life,” Camping said, “so I don’t hesitate to draw Social Security.”
Camping said the Kirkland station might become self-supporting in two or three years. “But we don’t even look at that. If one listener is straightened out, if one person comes to the truth, it is worth it.”

Author: Victor Stredicke

Former radio columnist for the Seattle Times (1964-1989). --- View other articles by Victor Stredicke

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