Investigative Reporter Recent Addition To KTVB/Boise, Alexandra Duggan

Alexandra (Alex) Duggan joined KTVB 7 in June of 2022, after working at the Idaho Press as a crime reporter. At Channel 7, she now reports on crime, courts and does investigative pieces. Alex broke a big story yesterday: Nine officers filed complaints against their Boise police chief. It was recommended that the chief be placed on leave. It never happened. A toxic work environment, with officers accusing Chief Ryan Lee of “conduct unbecoming.” These accusations allege that Lee called his employees names like, “a–hat” and “idiot,” as well as “hucklebuck,” a derogatory term meaning a “hillbilly” and eye-rolling others in meetings. Five other officers retired early, three of them were captains, nearly wiping out an entire command staff. If that is not enough background for you… Lee was previously under criminal investigation for allegedly breaking an officer’s neck in a briefing in 2021.

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