KBRD Airchecks: Todd Shelton June 1982, Steve Sibulsky June 1984

The Todd Shelton piece is from June of ’82 Just two AM drive news breaks.

Todd Shelton – KBRD – June 1982 (3:53)

This is my final shift from June of ’84. The entire track is over 30 minutes… I scoped the commercials to bring it in at just under 13!

Steve Sibulsky – KBRD -June 1984 (12:51)

Some notes:

This was a Saturday afternoon shift. Even on weekends, the full-timers only pulled 3-hour shifts!

The spot load was pretty high…and we very carefully ‘ranked’ our spots by obnoxiousness! The most irritating spots – coded as sevens- ran at the :45 break, so as to keep listeners thru three quarter hours before they got fed up! It worked…we had some terrific TSL numbers!

Note the Bob Cochran liners and the Wein Air Alaska spot at the very end!

You’ll also find printouts (remember TapScan?) of the Fall ’83 Arbitron showing my PM drive numbers…I actually beat KIRO!


7 thoughts on “KBRD Airchecks: Todd Shelton June 1982, Steve Sibulsky June 1984

  1. Try “JIB on the Web,” put together by alumni of WJIB in Boston. The presentation is quite authentic. There are even occasional spots featuring Marlin Taylor, the Bonneville BM consultant behind KIRO-FM/KSEA (among other stations).

  2. I enjoyed working at KBRD in the late 80’s.
    There are still some easy listening stations on the Internet. I listen to KABL 960.

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