Elisa Jaffe To Retire, Kierra Elfalan Speaks Out As She Leaves KING 5

Elisa Jaffe announced on Monday that she is retiring from her career as a broadcast journalist. Jaffe joined KOMO television/radio in 1987. She has been a field reporter, TV news anchor, host, and executive producer of a KOMO tv talk show, Northwest Afternoon, morning host on 570 KVI, and drive time news anchor on KNWN News Radio (formerly known as KOMO radio). “Only 4 days left until retire. And already so booked up with commitments, classes, plans, and dreams, it makes me wonder how I ever found time in a day to get anything done.”

LEAVING SO SOON? — Kierra Elfalan exits KING 5 news: “LEAVING TV NEWS 💔: “I am leaving TV news…and my heart hurts just seeing these words. I truly believed I was going to be a KING 5 lifer, proudly wearing the yellow jacket until I retired…eventually coming to your home from the KING 5 desk where you would watch me grow old…”
Elfalan does not mince words when explaining her reason for leaving the business…

Many others have felt the same, they just haven’t fessed up publicly as Kierra has done. Kudos to Kierra Elfalan for speaking out and best wishes to her at Boeing.

6 thoughts on “Elisa Jaffe To Retire, Kierra Elfalan Speaks Out As She Leaves KING 5

  1. Another one leaves KING5. No surprise here but Cutthroat at the inclusive and diverse KING5? Shocking!

    Kierra is expecting something different at Boeing? My wife spent 34 years at Boeing and I had a decade there with my final position supporting corporate HQ’s before they left Seattle. Young Kierra has much to learn about the working world. 😉

    Happy retirement to Elisa Jaffe. Enjoy!

    1. There is a honeymoon phase with any job. Once you are there for any length of time, you begin to see what is behind the curtain.

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