Stacia Glenn Leaves The Tacoma News Tribune

(Twitter announcement) A bit of personal news: Today was my last day as a reporter for
@thenewstribune. Next week I start a new job as recreation communications consultant for
@waDNR. Iā€™m sad to leave journalism but excited for a change.

5 thoughts on “Stacia Glenn Leaves The Tacoma News Tribune

  1. If I worked in the print media I would certainly be looking to move into another field. Sad for them, as it was for telephone operators, bookstore owners, travel agents, data entry workers, and the Mom and Pop grocery……….

    FWIW Yeoman is not a term looked kindly on in today’s world (along with any other word containing “man”}. šŸ™‚

  2. It’s easy to pick on newspapers, but the journalists efforts are yeoman in a business that is eroding rapidly. Put yourself in their shoes…they walk in to work everyday knowing fewer and fewer people read their work and fewer advertisers want to pay for their audience. Probably not as much fun as they thought it would be on day one.

  3. Stacia and the few remaining reporters and editors at TNT work very hard and do their best. Just not nearly enough of them to actually cover a county of 900,000 people.

  4. Since she worked for McClatchy I bet she is not all that sad to go. Up here calling the Bellingham Herald a joke is too kind. A disgrace from the top down is more accurately descriptive.

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