The Voice of Wenatchee, Randy Roadz, Guests on Magical Matt Alan’s Outlaw Radio

Saturday, Feb 26th, Randy Roadz checked in with Matt Alan on the Outlaw Radio show. The program is heard every Saturday at 3pm. Roadz has been pushing Matt Alan for the better part of a year to participate in the Radio Conference Call.

Matt Alan, former KRKO, KJR and Sirius XM broadcaster, hosts Outlaw Radio at

6 thoughts on “The Voice of Wenatchee, Randy Roadz, Guests on Magical Matt Alan’s Outlaw Radio

  1. Thanks Matt,
    Updated the link. Wish you had the show archived for those of us unable to catch it live.

    1. It was Burl all the way!!! But what a bonus it was to have them together! (earlier conference call) Love Matt! Was in touch often when he worked here in Seattle. Always enjoyed Matt on KJR and KNBQ. Randy’s interviews are fantastic and a big, big thanks to Jason for this site and all the entertainment that can be found here!

    2. You can’t go wrong with a Legendary Burl Barer interview!!
      Incidentally, the correct website is
      or better yet.
      Simply say, “Alexa, enable Magic Matt’s Outlaw Radio” Live EACH SATURDAY 3:04p pst.
      For our Podcast’s simply say “Alexa, play Magic Matt’s Outlaw Radio”.

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