(1970) Don McMaster, Rollin Herbst, Greg Collins – Automation VS. Personality Radio (Bellingham)

[Bellingham Herald, Dec 24, 1970]

3 thoughts on “(1970) Don McMaster, Rollin Herbst, Greg Collins – Automation VS. Personality Radio (Bellingham)

  1. Boy…I will have to get the info from you. Will Email. My luck with their online archives has been dismal. I end up, anything I find, locating it through the public library microfiche.

  2. Found this using the on-line archives of the BH. Like all newspapers, the Bellingham Herald printed radio schedules only in the day before tv and up to the time network radio was dying out. Radio info was sketchy thereafter. An article like this was a rare treat. The Tacoma News Tribune archive, on micro-film at the Tacoma library was a pain in the *** also. The on-line archive costs bucks but is better quality.

  3. Jason…I remember reading that article when I was a senior in high school working on getting into radio. I knew all those guys a bit, mainly Little Rollie…one strange cat. Jay Hamilton knew him too I think. Where on earth did you find that? The Bellingham Herald has such crude archives.

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