Jeff Snyder’s Rare Audio: KFKF News, Russia’s Luna 2 Moon Landing (1959). 1964: 2 KBVU Station IDs

Two KBVU 1540 station identifications from early 1964

(Listening time :32)
Based on my reading of the Luna Program on Wikipedia, it seems that this is from 10:55 AM (Pacific) on Sept 14, 1959 (Luna 2); however, it’s possible that it’s April 2, 1963 (Luna 4, less likely), or a 1965 program (Luna 5, 6 or more likely 7).

(Listening time :56)

More recording from Jeff Snyder

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

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