Randy Roadz started Radio at age 16 doing Saturdays at KAPA in Raymond, WA. Hometown Radio. KAPA Raymond, KITI Centralia, KGHO Hoquiam, KEDO/KLYK Longview. KDUX Aberdeen, KBRC Mt. Vernon, KQEU Olympia, KXRO Aberdeen, KKRV Wenatchee, KRXY Olympia, KGY/KGY-FM Olympia KMNT Centralia, KMAS Shelton / Olympia, Program Director / Afternoons, KOHO 101 Wenatchee / Leavenworth – Icicle Broadcasting – Randy is back on Afternoon Drive on KZAL Z Country 94.7 Wenatchee/ Manson. RADIO CONFERENCE CALL podcasts. Reach Randy via email randy@randyroadzcreative.com
I believe Jim Martin and Norm Gregory teamed up for Homework Hall of Fame in early 1969 at some point.
I stand corrected. I said after I heard the Gary Shannon’s interview that I enjoyed the Homework Hall of Fame. I forgot is was Tom Murphy and Norm Gregory that did that feature. If Tom reads this can you tell us where you came up with the questions you read and answered. Were they really from listeners?
I hope Tom talks more about those infamous salvation army “public service” programs which ran at 6am Sundays at KJR. I used to get up early just to hear it, it was hilarious.
As a teenager, I usually switched on KJR around that time of the morning. I recall the Salvation Army show and a news program called Let’s Talk About That.
Tom Murphy and Larry Lujack initiated the Homework Hall of Fame in 1966. When Norm Gregory arrived in early 1969 he was working with Jim Martin. They may have been doing the Homework Hall of Fame. In the summer of 69 I joined Norm and we began a feature called Levity Limelight.
Gary, on levity limelight you guys used to read letters from listeners, and there was one guy who wrote insulting letters regularly. Wish I could remember his name. It was only 52 years ago!
I will pass that to Randy Roadz, Brian. I also have a question for World Famous. It concerns being a judge on the tv talent show, Stairway To Stardom on KTVW 13.
World Famous answered—-
Hello Brian:
Regarding “Homework Hall Of Fame.” It was Pat’s idea. What made it a “Hall Of Fame” I don’t know other than it needed a name and that seemed to work as well any.
It was Larry Lujack and me that did it. To answer were the questions real and from listeners, yes, they were.
This is how it worked.
About 8:30PM during the last portion of Larry’s show he told the listeners if they had a question to call in and tell me what it was. I wrote them down. Larry and I decided which ones would work the best and then when my show started @ 9:00 I read the ones we would use. I told the listeners who wanted to answer the questions to call in and give Larry the answers. At the time KJR was very popular at UofW so many students provided the answers. One moment I still remember was some wise guy tried to get us to answer what was the formula for LSD?
We figured out what was up with that and mentioned we would not get an answer for that. The funny thing was, some student called and offered to provide the formula. We figured it was probably a chemistry major and he was mixing it up in the dorm.Wink
Hello Jason:
Nice to hear from you again. I do remember doing (taping) a show on Channel 13. I don’t really remember what it was but it could have been “Stairway To Stardom.” I remember that the leader of the group “The City Zoo” was involved and the taping was full of technical difficulties and dragging on and on.
Not sure if I was embarrassed or just worn out. Also I was supposed to be finished in time to do my radio show @ 2 PM. That didn’t happened and it meant that Bobby Simon had to go on almost two hours after the end of his show.
I made it up to him, since I was PD at the time, by giving him the next Saturday off so he had a long weekend.
Hope all this helps.