FOX 13 Logo Coming To Your TV Screen Soon

The anticipated logo change at KCPQ 13 is happening soon. Slight changes were seen during newscasts this past weekend, possibly testing the new look. Weekend newscasts featured a FOX-like bug in the lower left of the screen, red and blue with time and temperature. The regular Q13 bug was back during the weekday newscasts. Here is the new, official, FOX 13 logo as seen on the KCPQ FCC Public Files. KZJO “Joe TV” becomes FOX 13 + [NWBroadcasters] [FOX13SEATTLE.COM]

5 thoughts on “FOX 13 Logo Coming To Your TV Screen Soon

    1. I recently signed up for HULU + Live (no commercials with on-demand programming) to get live tv and on demand. That service along with Prime Video/HBO Max/Showtime. And, it is still cheaper than Comcast, plus I can share the services with the kids and grandkids. Another nice thing about all these services, NO CONTRACTS.

      1. Traditional media knows it is doomed, and the covid hysteria I believe is part of their plan to stay relevant. They are purchased by Vaccine Inc.

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