R.I.P. Stan Foreman

Stan Foreman passed away yesterday, August 8, 2021, after a short stay in a Palm Desert, CA., hospital. Stan was a radio and records legend (KGHO Aberdeen/Hoquiam) a Capitol Records superstar rep., and a member of the Legendary Beachcombers band. MORE

RADIO CONFERENCE CALL with STAN FOREMAN (recorded December 2020)

From ALLACCESS.COM: Longtime promotion rep in the PACIFIC NW, STAN FOREMAN, has passed away. He’d moved to LA QUINTA, CA some years back.
“Worked in Top 40 radio fifteen years from 1960 to 1975. During those years also was involved with concert promotion and dances, built and owned a live music club, and was the leader of a very popular regional rock band. Entered the record business in ’75 working at ABC RECORDS & TAPES in SEATTLE then joined CAPITOL RECORDS HOLLYWOOD in ’76 where I spent the next 22 years as a promotion and marketing executive with not only West Coast responsibilities but also many Top 40 radio stations around the country in selected large markets.”

Stan had retired to La Quinta, California in 1998. He was involved in entertainment working with many of the upscale private country clubs providing live music as a solo act (keyboards and vocals) and also with his four-piece band THE ROAD RUNNERS playing Classic Rock, Blues, and oldies. Also booking musical talent for local country clubs, music venues, private and corporate events.

3 thoughts on “R.I.P. Stan Foreman

  1. I met this class act in 1982 at a dinner party for Heart. I accidently spilled my drink onto his dinner plate, needless to say I was completely embarrassed. He was so kind and funny about the whole thing! From then on we became very good friends. He was such a master at his job and had one hell of a career. I feel so blessed to have known him. You’ll always be my Rock Star…….RIP my dear friend!

  2. “Stan the man!” One song comes to mind to describe him…”Smooth “. Kicking myself for missing a recent chance to reunite. Steve West, Nick Anthony, Stan Foreman, Kent Phillips,Buzz Barr and Rob Sherwood are my personal radio Mt. Rushmore.

  3. I grew up 2 doors down from Stan. Later I got into the sales side of radio at mother giant KJR then KISW. Even became a bought into a small station. Not sure that was prompted when my 10 year old self knew stan, but who knows.

    I also had a rock band for many years, but it does seem like the Legendary Beachcombers got all the good gigs. I wonder how that happened, hmmmmm.


    Sorry to see you go Stan.

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