Delilah Plans Full-Service Radio Station

Delilah Rene has announced that her plans to upgrade her Oregon radio station include assistance from Smokey Rivers, Gary Nolan, Chris Mays, and Jim Ryan. Noting that the town does not have its own newspaper or other radio station, Delilah hopes to bring involve the community and young, local talent with programming that includes local news and local DJs. Radio&MusicPros

Brandi Kruse setting up at Wright Park in Tacoma for a live shot…

2 thoughts on “Delilah Plans Full-Service Radio Station

  1. It’s my impression that nationally syndicated Delilah helpd to kill, or nearly so, local radio.

    1. Syndicated vt programming is killing local radio. It has come full circle, from the days when radio was network programming (Arthur Godfrey, Amos & Andy and live performances of orchestras nightly, to disc jockeys of the late ’50s. The decision to move away from live and local at a time when the Internet and mp3 players pose such a threat. There are plenty of people that don’t know that the morning radio show emanates from Dallas, and probably wouldn’t care if they knew.

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