Greg Cook Speaks About Cancer Treatment

5/24/21 –So today I got to ring the bell, wrapping up 7-weeks of radiation therapy for my diagnosis of prostate cancer.
In 3 months I’ll have a blood test to check my PSA score to see what’s what.
Another blessing over the last 7 weeks – while waiting for treatment, I got to chat with several folks also there for radiation. We shared our stories and feelings and it was helpful and therapeutic.
Regardless of what’s ahead of me, I’m leaning on Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Greg Cook with Renee Broadwell

Greg Cook (Grant Broadwell), former KTAC personality, later worked part-time at KSON San Diego, then mornings at KIFM San Diego. Parted ways with KIFM January 2016. Now lives in San Diego.

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