Burn Out: Liz Dueweke’s Unofficial Mental Health Survey

Not certain if this is a survey or promoting an idea. The topic of mental health, related to stressing about Covid related issues, seems to be affecting a lot of people. Maybe Americans just need to GET A GRIP! The media is at fault for promoting a never-ending “doomsday scenario” around a virus. This has not let up over the past 18 months. They have made their bed and can now lie in it.

The economy is tanking. Get ready for stress around gas and food prices. This is the America voters chose in November. Happy yet?
(Liz Dueweke is a news anchor at Q13 KCPQ.)

2 thoughts on “Burn Out: Liz Dueweke’s Unofficial Mental Health Survey

  1. People seem to have no inner strength these days. Everyone is suffering from PTSD, ADD, ADHD, or (Insert your acronym here). So many are on medication or are “self medicating”. It’s sad. I hate to see what happens where real adversity strikes.

    Mental health has “seeped into our everyday lives” because we have been conditioned by the media and the psychiatric community. Ms Dueweke is only helping to perpetuate and promote her viewers stress. It is what I have come to expect from today’s media.

    1. Agreed. The media is pushing an agenda. The public is helpless and needs the steady, controlling hand of big government and the CDC.

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