Weather Center Dedicated to Steve Pool

45 year KOMO tv veteran, Steve Pool, returned to the station this week for a special ceremony in his honor.

4 thoughts on “Weather Center Dedicated to Steve Pool

  1. So Blessed to have met Steve Pool & his Dad at a matinee showing of the Nut Cracker. My daughter’s were young & so excited to meet a TV star!! When we approached him to say Hello, he was so kind. We told him how much we loved watching him on KOMO 4. Interesting enough, his father was in a wheelchair chair & he said to us, ” Thank you so much for watching, this is my Father & he is Amazing!”. When I heard of Steve’s cancer we immediately started to pray for him & his family. God Bless You & The Entire Pool Family!!!

  2. I wonder how Steve feels about that BLM movement….I mean, here is a guy who had a great career, apparently not worried about the “endemic racism” built into the system that he so readily survived!….the whiners never stop whining!

  3. 45 years at any job is amazing. In broadcasting, really rare. Steve Pool’s easy-going but highly informative style wears well. His smile and positive personality, never cloyingly sweet but always pleasant, made him a “friend” to hundreds of thousands he never met.

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