Les Parsons, Report of his Passing

It has been confirmed by the Channel 95 KJR radio OFC group that Les Parsons has passed. We first heard this sad news from Gordon Wood, who was a friend and neighbor of Les in the boating community where they lived in Hawaii. It took several days before word of Les’ official passing filtered down to the Pacific Northwest. Per Gordon Wood, in his original message to QZVX: “Les (Parsons) died Tuesday October 20, 2020, passing away aboard his yacht moored in the Ala Wai Harbor, in Waikiki, Hawaii. He had been in failing health for an extended period. He will be missed as one of the more irascible members of our little community.”

12 thoughts on “Les Parsons, Report of his Passing

  1. Les Parsons was on KISN, Portland…. then came up to KJR. I remember listening to him and “Wendy” in the KJR Traffic Copter afternoons.

  2. Sadly, our community has lost a fine friend and member, May we all remember the fine times we all had at the legislature doing our best to preserve boating for Hawaii. Aloha Les! Amen

  3. Worked in the mornings right next to him. Quite, very into his craft, and a top notch newscaster. Think he may have been friends with Homer Pope. Wonder if it was the boat he was building back in the 70’s.

    1. Les Parsons, the inimitable…friend, issue oriented, knowledgeable raconteur of peripatetic perspective, curmudgeon; over the decade we were close neither of us could have imagined current insanity, though we considered one another straight past eclectic to eccentric. Most eccentrics live life on our own terms, to somewhat more than slight avoidance, by passers by. When two such find ourselves circumstantially, daily companions within environment not of our own choosing (workplace survival), let alone 4, 5, 6, 7, more of us, daily ritual is mixed or stirred with spontaneity / wit. (such was Doc Freeman’s crew–customer; “I just need a little advice”—“Mike originated, but Les loved prognostication; “sell the boat and get a Winnebago”…)

      Les was high theater of absurd observation–which has only exacerbated since. Having not spoken with Les of recent years, he would certainly recommend we seek out risen examples today extant; (for-from, Les): https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2020/07/07/in-an-insane-world-madness-looks-moderate-and-sanity-looks-radical/. (picture tells all, and as Les and I completely agreed)

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