June 1938- Jerry Geehan, sportscaster of KVI, Tacoma has become engaged to Miss Dolores Gipple of Tacoma.
May 1933- Wallace Gade, announcer of KVI, Tacoma, was married April 22 to Miss Polly Fredericks, who appears as “Celia Lee” in a cooking school program on KVI and KPCB.
March 1938 Big Band — SIX microphones were needed to pick up the swing music of a 200 -piece band featured at the Tacoma Musicians’ Ball March 3 and broadcast for a half-hour on Mutual. The band was led by Washington State’s Lieutenant Governor Victor A. Meyers and the program originated on KMO, Mutual’s Tacoma outlet. Included on the program were a 40-piece accordion band, 14 pianists and a 25-piece old-timers band.
October 1938–Out of the Kitchen — Short-waved interviews with Tacoma housewives in their homes are carried on the Just Calling quarter -hour sponsored thrice-weekly by Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, on KVI, Seattle. Program includes questions on home economics by Kay Kelly, director of KVI’s women’s programs.
March 1939- Mrs. Earl T. Irwin, manager of KVI, Tacoma, addresses the Associated Women Students of the U. of Washington Feb. 21 on “Opportunities for Women in Radio.”
March 1939 Charles Foll, announcer. formerly with KWLK, Longview. Wash., recently joined KMO, Tacoma, as newscaster.
March 1939 — Horticulture Delineated – Gardening tips are offered on Poole’s Garden Guide, sponsored on KVI, Tacoma, by Poole Seed Co., Tacoma, three times a week. A woman garden authority gives advice and interviews local and visiting gardeners. Programs are remoted from garden shows.
December 1936–KVI, Tacoma, placed its new Western Electric transmitter, using 1,000 watts night and 5,000 day, into operation at Point Heyer on Vashon Island in Puget Sound. A 444-foot Truscon tower is used, with an air-plane beacon that can be seen both in Seattle and Tacoma.
Feb 1 1938 – FCC application–NEW- Tacoma Brdcstg. Inc., Tacoma – CP 1420 kc 100 w 250 w D unl.
Oct 1939–KMO, Tacoma, Wash., built a special display-studio at the recent Tacoma Home Products Exposition and broad- cast daily programs, promoting home-town products. The exhibit included recording and playback apparatus, for visitors entertainment. Special booklets were prepared on the radio industry and handed out to visitors. Jerry Geehan, KMO announcer, also handled the exposition public address work.
November 1934–“Mike Bites Dog” It was Mark Hanna, famous editor who told his fledgling reporters that when a dog bites a mailman it isn’t news, but when a man bites a dog-—that’s news. And radio has revealed that when a dog talks into a mike so the listeners can understand it, that’s also news. So it happened with KJR, Seattle, which “discovered” and interviewed “Boots,” Tacoma’s talking dog over the station. Promptly all three of Seattle’s newspapers sent reporters and photographers to cover this “news broadcast.” So did the Associated Press and United Press. On the air the listeners heard “Boots'” say in his doggy dialect: “I want my mom.” Earlier, at a “press conference,” “Boots” spoke more of his repertoire, which included “My My” and “I want out.” After the 15-minute broadcast, 105 telephone calls were received asking for more information about the dog.
April 1938–KIRO, Seattle, on April 6 inaugurated its home-service auditorium. seating 250, for daily half-hour programs. The installation includes a model kitchen, electric organ, etc., and the setup is managed by Helen Malloy and Isabel Campbell, who conduct the daily cooking schools for housewives and the Saturday children’s cooking school.
Feb 1933–Installation of a complete Robert Morton pipe organ in its studios in the Winthrop Hotel is announced by KMO, Tacoma. The organ was dedicated in a special program Jan. 12.
September 1938–KOL Suit for Damages Is Dismissed by Court – Suit of Seattle Broadcasting Co., operating KOL, for $250,000 damages for alleged conspiracy, against Senator Homer T. Bone (D- Wash.) Saul Haas, collector of customs in Seattle and part owner of KIRO, Seattle, their wives, CBS and KIRO was dismissed in Superior Court at Tacoma Sept. 2. Dismissal had been requested by plaintiff’s attorneys in a statement declaring the suit had been begun in good faith, but that it had been found on “further investigation of the facts, particularly of the files of the FCC, that the allegations could not be substantiated” and that “the assertions made against Sen. Bone were without foundation.” The suit charged that Sen. Bone used his public office in connection with KIRO activities and against KOL, a charge which he categorically denied in his answer to the suit. In a statement issued coincident with the withdrawal of the suit, Archie Taft, president of KOL, said the suit was begun in good faith and based upon information reported by former representatives and by other persons not directly interested “who, for what now appear to be reasons of their own, volunteered what at the time seemed to be facts.” He added that, upon investigation, particularly of the files of the FCC, “we found that the allegations could not be substantiated. We also found that the assertions made against Senator Bone were without foundation.” Senator Bone, upon being apprised of the withdrawal, said he was glad to know what had happened. He said he could not do anything but commend “the sense of fairness which induced the
plaintiffs in this action to act honestly upon the facts they discovered. If they believed the former statement I can’t blame them for filing the suit.”
July 1937 – James Warren Wallace, chief engineer of KVI, Tacoma, is the father of a 7-pound son born recently.
Dec 1931 — Dill Raps Coasts Hold on Channels -Attacking clear channels on the two coasts as wasteful of the nation’s radio facilities, Senator Dill, (Dem.), Wash., criticized the Federal Radio Commission at a hearing before Chief Examiner Ellis A. Yost on Dec. 9 for its “failure” to adjust broadcasting conditions in this country. He appeared as a witness for KVI, Tacoma, an applicant for the faciltiies occupied by KXA, Seattle. The former station operates limited time on 760 kc. with 1 kw. KXA is on 570 kc. with unlimited time and 500 watts. Senator Dill said he hoped the Commission will work out administrative details itself, but cautioned that if it did not, Congress would have to take a hand and enact remedial legislation. He said he would be the last one to foster any move to set aside or allocate frequencies for education or labor. The Commission should take a “broad view of the whole broadcasting situation” to avoid Congressional intervention, he said. “A town of over 100,000 people is entitled to a radio station in this day and age to get on the air with programs,” the Senator asserted. He added it was his view that between 6 and 8 p.m. more people listen to their radios than at any other time during the day. Judge John Kendall, of Portland, appeared as counsel for KVI, and Paul D. P. Spearman represented the Seattle station.
Source: Broadcasting Magazine
Hello, are there any recordings from the Out of the Kitchen radio show that you mention in this article?
All best,
Magnetic recording tape was developed in 1928. Many recordings, well into the 1950s, were recorded to vinyl discs. It seems highly unlikely that there was any long-term significance to KVI for recording the live remote broadcasts for any future use. While good for short term use, magnetic tape is highly prone to disintegration. Depending on the environment, this process may begin after 10-20 years. Radio stations like KVI changed ownership and in many cases moved to new locations (KVI was in Tacoma but later moved to Seattle) and materials and files were discarded over time. So, what was available in the 1930s would probably not have survived, had it been recorded in the first place. Consider that more important programming of that era was not deemed significant enough to archive.
Choice gossip. Reads like a script from Walter Winchell’s “Jergens Journal”.
With items separated thusly … might have been filed away as a substitute San Francisco Chronicle column during any upcoming vacation of Herb Caen.