Raisin’ Cain with Ichabod Caine

Ichabod Caine belongs to an elite group of Seattle radio morning personalities, the likes of which include Lan Roberts, Charlie Brown, Larry Nelson, Bob Rivers and Robin & Maynard. Caine has been recognized as one of the top jocks in the country by Billboard Magazine and he served as a host of KING-TV’s “Evening Magazine.” This is Ichabod’s story straight from his memories in words, with pictures, audio and video. “Icky,” as he is known to listeners and friends, speaks of his youth, radio, and faith. All of the following names — Randy Evans, Randoon, Big Ran, Ichabod, Icky, Ick and Caine — are used interchangeably and they are all aliases for the popular Seattle radio personality now known as Ichabod Caine. Special thanks to Gary “Shannon” Burleigh, Ichabod Caine, Jay Hamilton and Steve West for their thoughtful assistance in preparing this biographical article.………Steven L. Smith, QZVX.COM


Ichabod Caine entered the world in the “Twilight” hours in the small Olympic Peninsula logging town of Forks, Washington. Born into a family that encouraged a sense of humor, he fondly remembers, “laughing at dad when he hung licorice out his nose like a walrus. And I’ll never forget, one night after the family left a restaurant, how my father grabbed the top of a parking meter with both hands and jumped over it. Not just once, but all the way down the block. At 6 foot 6, it was a hysterical sight to behold.”

Icky’s parents were influential in his life

When young Icky was in the second grade his family moved from Forks to Port Townsend. It wasn’t a big move, they still lived on the Olympic Peninsula, but in one of the former officers’ quarters houses at Fort Worden. Back then, Fort Worden served as a “diagnostic center” for troubled juveniles.  Currently it is a state park.

Fort Worden by the sea, an abandoned early 1900s artillery base
Teen Spectacular poster

Growing up at Fort Worden, Ichabod spent his free time playing on the old military gun mounts, scuba diving at the beach, riding motorcycles and obsessing over rock and roll — eventually playing guitar in the Port Townsend based band known as “The Mob” (To view “The Mob” nostalgia page Click Here ). The band performed at the Seattle Center at a “Teen Spectacular,” one of the many events created by Pat O’Day. “The Mob” won a third place trophy in that competition.

Icky graduated from Port Townsend High School in 1968 and pursued his love of music at Olympic College. However, he dropped out once he discovered that music “theory” didn’t have anything at all to do with “playing” music. Caine recalls that at that time of career uncertainty, his mom’s wisdom and guidance came to his rescue: “She was like Lucille Ball — really funny! She played piano and taught school. One day she drug me to the Ron Bailie School of Broadcast and said: ‘Go here, you will be good at this.’ Mom was right. It was a perfect match, the opportunity to support myself playing music and joking around on the radio, are you kidding me?”

First Radio Job: KPUG-Bellingham

Ichabod’s first gig was in 1970 at KPUG-AM in Bellingham. He went by “Randy Evans” aka “Randoon” and “Big Ran.” Hired as a weekend jock, it was a chore to get to the station — commuting by ferry from Port Townsend to the mainland and then driving to Bellingham. It was worth the hassle though, because he could spend Saturday nights playing rock ’n’ roll records on the radio. After his Saturday late night shifts, he’d bunk on the couch in KPUG’s lobby. It was wakeup “crazy early” the next morning to run the traditional canned public affairs shows and paid programs that aired Sunday mornings. “The Scott Ross Show” was one such program that struck a chord with young Randoon. He explained, “Ross played rock ’n’ roll and spoke of Jesus in the most non-religious way. It wasn’t immediate, but nearly 25 years later that show was a major influence when I founded my weekend program ‘Honky Tonk Sundays.’ It featured interviews, music and stories of the lives and the faith of country stars. Syndicated from 1994-2000, it ran on hundreds of stations including Armed Forces Radio.” (A link to a full episode of “Honky Tonk Sundays” is in the “Ichabod Caine Media Library” that’s located at the bottom of this article.)

It didn’t take long before Randy was promoted from weekends to the evening shift at KPUG. All that free time in the mornings and afternoons allowed Randy to attend Western Washington State College (now Western Washington University). Caine said choosing Western was his best move ever: “In a theater class, before she ever spoke a word, I fell in love with Scallops — who would become my wife.” Randoon excelled in speech and theater classes. He’s an excellent communicator: On the radio, he related to his listeners when just being himself. He could, also, impersonate celebrity voices. Two of his best impressions were those icons of the silver screen Jimmy Stewart and Walter Brennan.

Randoon & Scallops, the early days

There are only a few photos of “Randoon’s,” KPUG days. But, from Icky’s personal collection, there’s a photo that was taken when he was selecting 45s for his air shift. That nifty KPUG wall clock, hanging at the top right in the picture, is still in his possession today. When Randoon was exiting KPUG, the clock was presented to him, as a going away gift, by the chief engineer, the late Pat Hurley.

KPUG: Pickin’ out the oldies

Riverside: KJRB-Spokane

(L-R) KJRB & KJR greats Charlie Brown, Steve West, and Ichabod

Next stop for “Randy Evans” was KJRB-AM in Spokane. It was 1972 and two life-changing events took place: Randy and Scallops were married and he embraced Christianity.” “That almost caused a divorce. I wouldn’t argue with her anymore and I stopped cussing. She didn’t know who I was,” Caine said.

After initially working weekends, “Randy Evans” was promoted to the all-night shift. He recalls, Steve West was the Program Director (PD). Charlie Brown will always be my hero. Rick Hansen and Mike Dalton were such great mentors for me. Scallops drove the station’s promotional vehicle. On-air she was called ‘Treasure Good-times.”

Even as a young jock, Caine’s brain was synced to his community: “I noticed that all the teens in Spokane were cruising the main drag; so I wrote and recorded a comedy/pop song called ‘Crus’n Riverside.’ It resonated with what was trending with teens in Spokane and became a bit of a local hit at KJRB.”

The river is a Spokane landmark

In hindsight, Icky prefers to leave “Crus’n Riverside” in his past. It was the early 70s, a different era, and what seemed amusing back then does not necessarily stand the test of time. “Crus’n Riverside” does deserve mention here because it was the first of several parody or funny songs Caine created, recorded and played on the radio.

The jock who would become Ichabod Caine, has a warm, unassuming and kind demeanor that’s popular with listeners and colleagues. There’s that quick wit, and an ability to adlib as spontaneity presents itself. For example, the time someone accidentally spilled a glass of water in the control room. Randy’s response was automatic: “Someone get some fire. We need FIRE.”

Randoon earned the coveted morning shift, where he worked with legendary KJRB newsman Ross Woodward: “Ross, seldom to never ventured into the control room. But one morning, after I said something he found funny, he actually popped his head in and said, ‘I cringe at corn but I commend wit.’

Early-70s poster: (L-R) Steve West (PD), Scott McKay, Charlie Brown, Randy Evans, John Sherman, Tracy Mitchell, Joe Michaels

Steve West, Icky’s friend and former PD at KJRB, and later his PD at KJR, agreed to share a couple stories about the evolution of Ichabod’s on-air names. West said, “I’ve seen Ichabod through more than one name change. It wasn’t long after I talked him into leaving Bellingham (KPUG) and coming to Spokane that he went from weekends to all-nighter.  Shortly after, I started to hear rumors from KJRB listeners that there was this great blues/soul show that happened for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. They liked the program and said it was hosted by a disc jockey named ‘The Strait.’ This was all news to me and I was the program director: Randy and I definitely needed to have a conversation. Ends up ‘The Strait’ was short for the full name of this mystery DJ. His full name was ‘The Strait of Juan de Fuca,’ and this elusive jock was Randy transforming himself into somebody else, and playing different music, to help him stay awake in the wee hours.”

Working midnight to six in ’73

Becoming Caine: KJR-Seattle

In the spring of 1977, after four years in Spokane, management told Randoon that he was needed at sister station KJR-AM in Seattle. KJR’s morning star, Charlie Brown, was headed for mornings at KLIF in Dallas. Brown had gotten that offer he just couldn’t refuse and Randy was taking over mornings. He learned he was being transferred to KJR when KJRB’s manager, Rod Krebbs, walked in one day and said: “Randy, get ready you are going to Seattle.”

He brought along his own pair of cowboy boots

The “Ichabod Caine” name change took place at KJR. Scallops always said the way he could cross his legs and still plant both feet on the floor reminded her of Ichabod Crane (fictional character from Washington Irving’s short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”). Randy liked the storybook name and the visual image it created. But, to maintain individuality, he decided to change the last name to “Caine.”

But it wasn’t quite that easy. And that is where Steve West’s second story comes into play: “By then I was the PD at KJR in Seattle and I wanted Randy to come over from Spokane to replace Charlie.  Everything was set except for one key element; his name. His wife, Scallops, was the main negotiator and the final hurdle was when she said, ‘Randy really wants to be ‘Ichabod Caine.’  I basically said, ‘No, that just won’t work, to which she replied, ‘well, that’s who he thinks he is. He even calls himself that in the shower.” So, how could I argue with that logic? Randy came to KJR as ‘Ichabod’…the start of a long, hugely successful career in Seattle radio.”

When Seattle Times columnist, Victor Stredicke, learned that KJR was replacing Charlie Brown, he asked Ichabod how he would go about filling Charlie’s big shoes. Icky replied, “I can’t…. but I brought along my own pair.” Life can interfere with the best of plans. After a couple months in Dallas, Charlie Brown realized he was not meant for Texas and vice-versa.  When Charlie came home to KJR, Ichabod happily relinquished the morning shift: “It worked out well. My friend and radio hero was back home. I got a pay raise and assigned the midday slot, which I consider to be the ‘best’ shift in radio.”

Olympia Beer Promo: (L-R) Front-Sunshine Sherry; 2nd row-Gary Lockwood, Mark Jeffries; 3rd row-JJ Jackson, Chet Rogers, Icky; Back: Tracy Mitchell & Charlie Brown

Randy Rowland, a veteran radio deejay and long-time PA announcer for the Seattle Seahawks, is one of Icky’s closest friends. Rowland remembers that when Charlie Brown returned to Seattle, KJR pretty much allowed Ichabod to move his morning show style and funny bits back to middays. Rowland said, “Ichabod’s delivery was always natural, injected with his own kind of unique energy. He transitioned out of KJR when PD Tracy Mitchell took the station in a new direction that emphasized a tighter and a higher energy approach. When Icky learned what Mitchell planned to do at KJR, his response back to me was: ‘What a nice way of saying, you’re fired.”

At the KJR-AM reunion in ’95, which was broadcast on KJR-FM, Ichabod demonstrated for deejay Kacie Sommers the proper inflection when articulating those renowned KJR call letters. That clip is below and it’s followed by an aircheck of Icky working middays in 1979. In these segments he gets to say “KJR” a whole lot of times.

Cut 1-Icky & Kacie Sommers, 1995 KJR Reunion; Cut 2-Ichabod, midday shift at KJR in ’79 – Run Time 3:06

Tacoma Bound: KNBQ

In the late ’70s, as Ichabod’s era at KJR was winding down, Gary Bryan was programming KNBQ-FM in Tacoma. Bryan’s efforts were paying off: The station was beginning to make some noise. In 1980, Icky’s friend, Randy Rowland, was on the KNBQ staff when Bryan decided to hire Icky as the morning show host. It didn’t take long before Caine and his newsman, Mark Pierce, doubled the ratings. Rowland said, “Ichabod wasn’t afraid to live his life on the air.” Caine believes that approach to life and his career has paid big dividends down the road. When Icky was employed by KNBQ, he wrote and sang another funny and topical tune. It was truly a “Seattle kinda rain song” that listeners could relate to.

“Call me Insane, I love the Rain,” KNBQ, 1981 – Run Time 2:04

Waking ‘Em Up at KPLZ

Next stop was KPLZ-FM in Seattle, as the morning show host. Newsman Bill Rice remembers Icky being a very giving person: “He didn’t care who ended up being the funniest person in the room. Icky cared more for the show, not who was credited with the best line.” Ichabod’s tenure at KPLZ ended abruptly when management decided to switch format and everyone on the air staff was let go.

Headin’ to the Country: KMPS


Radio&Records, 1984 

Ron Norwood, PD of country station(s) KMPS AM&FM, had always liked Ichabod’s positive and natural style. In 1983, Norwood hired Icky to “be himself” on-air at KMPS. Norwood’s philosophy was, “If you find a natural jock, just let ‘em do their thing.” Ichabod felt right at home playing country music and handling afternoon drive on KMPS-AM: “I went from sex, drugs and rock and roll…..to God, family and Country; greatest move of my career.” Before long, Norwood tapped Caine to replace Jay Lawrence, who had previously taken over mornings from longtime KMPS morning personality, Phil Harper. As KMPS realigned staff, a Seattle newspaper columnist asked Icky (for the second time in his life) how he planned to fill the former morning man’s shoes. His answer was simple, “I don’t know, he took them with him.”

“Radio&Records” reported (Oct. 1984) that the KMPS morning show was a team effort and that team included Ichabod Caine, Don Riggs with news, and Patti Par traffic reports. Icky’s first run at KMPS lasted a decade. Then circumstances changed and the station and Icky parted ways: Caine had launched a new Christian show “Honky Tonk Sundays” that was catching on around the country. His new project was popular and gaining affiliates, yet back home KMPS management declined to run the show. Caine saw that as a big problem.

Croonin’ in the summer of ’72

Before taggin along with Ichabod to his next stop at K-106, it’s time to acknowledge that Caine’s skill set and ability to adlib allowed him to become more than just “another deejay” or “another radio personality.” In high school he had been in a rock band and, also, played country tunes. At Western Washington State College, Icky had excelled in speech, drama, and theater. As part of Western’s “Summer Stock,” 1972 and ’73 seasons, he was cast as the male lead(s) in the musicals: “Around the World in 80 Days” and “Guys and Dolls.” Ichabod’s self-confidence and poise were such that, during his first run at KMPS, he became a one day a week regular on local television. Caine explained, “On Thursday nights I had a featured segment on KING TV’s “Evening Magazine.” It was called ‘Ichabod’s Weekend” and my role was to give viewers ideas of fun or even crazy things to do on the weekend. What made it easy and enjoyable was Scallops directed and produced my part of the show.” 

Next is a short highlight video of Caine’s appearances on “Evening Magazine.” It includes an amusing KMPS 4th of July commercial. That’s followed by Icky singing, dancing and scuba diving. All that activity takes place before he bails out of an airplane and free falls toward earth at 140 MPH. (It is funny and creative stuff. You can watch the whole 5-minute “Evening Magazine” video montage — which includes some great original bits — in the attached “Ichabod Caine Media Library.”)


“Evening Magazine” Highlights Reel – Run Time 2:24

Next Stop….Kickin’ Country

When word got out that KMPS had decided against airing Ichabod’s new show “Honky Tonk Sundays,” K-106 (“Kickin’ Country” in Bellevue), approached Caine. They said they’d be more than happy to run his gospel show as long as he agreed to become their Monday through Friday morning drive air personality. Icky eagerly jumped on board.

As Caine joined the station, it was apparent that “Kickin’ Country” was serious about improving their ratings. In 1994, they cross promoted his move to K-106 with a series of high-profile TV ads. The “gunslinger” themed spots were a joint project carried out by Ichabod and Rick Wells (Rick Wells Video Productions).

K-106 TV ads – Run Time 1:42

“Kickin’ Country” was by 1996-’97 giving KMPS a real run for its money. With radio broadcasting being as competitive as it is and was, KMPS simply purchased “Kickin’ Country.” The new management immediately changed the station’s format, fired most of the staff, and offered Icky the afternoon drive shift back at KMPS. He thought about it, but this time around it was his turn to decline the offer from KMPS. Caine wanted to try something new.

Cowboy Caine

Ichabod became morning man and PD for 104.9 FM “The Cowboy.” The Cowboy played “classic country” that featured more traditional artists than the typical “modern country” competitors. Caine said, “I loved the experience of hiring and coaching talent. I even had the joy of hiring ‘Moskowitz’ to do ‘Music with Moskowitz.’ For the record, at ‘The Cowboy’ I had the greatest general manager I ever worked with — my wife, Scallops.”

The Homecoming: KMPS

After a couple of positive bumps in the ratings at “The Cowboy,” the then PD of KMPS-FM, Mark Richards, again offered Ichabod a job. Caine was intrigued by the offer, soon an agreement was reached and Icky was headed back to KMPS.

Flying high with the Blue Angels….and Icky didn’t throw up either!

Ichabod’s second run at KMPS began in Jan. 1998. He was reunited with long time newsman Don Riggs: “It felt like I’d never left, except now “Honky Tonk Sundays” was being aired by KMPS.” As ratings steadily increased, Scallops negotiated a morning show budget that allowed Icky the freedom to act “spontaneously.” For example, when the ferry boats discontinued selling coffee and donuts, Ichabod arranged to deliver free java and pastries to the passengers.

Another example, when hosting the St. Jude Telethon, Caine was authorized to give generously on behalf of KMPS. Icky had budget authority and was able to purchase extravagant giveaway prizes for his morning show promotions. He was always looking for ways to thank his listeners for their loyalty and to attract new listeners.

As a result of his positive and natural style, Ichabod continued to share his life on-the-air. His love of scuba diving led to his asking listeners to drop by as he broadcast live underwater from the Seattle Aquarium (See the video “Ichabod Swims with the Fish” in the “Ichabod Caine Media Library.”)

The Har Har-Harley

Motorcycles are a big part of Ichabod’s life. At one point, as a promotion, he commissioned his friend and local artist “Fireball” John Jackson to build and design a mini-motorcycle embossed with the familiar KMPS “bandana” logo. (Jackson also built the 911 Memorial in Cashmere, WA. See video in the “Ichabod Caine Media Library.”) Icky explained, “the ‘Har Har-Harley’ often appeared at station remotes and kids could have their pictures taken while seated on that cool little bike.”

Caine strongly supports law and order. His appreciation for law enforcement personnel led to the creation of a band known as “Ichabod Caine, and the Waking Crooners.” When Icky wasn’t appearing with his police officer friends at the many worthwhile community fundraisers they participated in, he might have been on his Harley “headin’ down the highway lookin’ for adventure” as the leader of “The Headless Horseman” — a gang of bikers/KMPS listeners who would take part in “rides for charity” all around the Pacific Northwest.

(L) Ick and his Harley in Port Townsend. (R) The Headless Horsemen (Icky is in the back row wearing the orange shirt)

Show Prep and Sustenance

Show prep, along with coffee, burgers, fries & Scallops can’t be beat!

It was always of the utmost importance to Ichabod that he present his listeners with a well prepared show. Once his air shift was over, he’d head to a nearby eatery and spend a couple hours on the next day’s show prep. He wouldn’t leave the restaurant or cafe until all of his planning was complete. Once he felt satisfied with his progress, he’d head home knowing that the rest of the day could be devoted to Scallops and their two sons. Veteran deejay, Jay Hamilton, who met Ichabod in the early 70’s and worked with him at KPUG and KMPS, told QZVX: “During all my years in broadcasting, I’ve never personally known anybody who did as much show prep as Ichabod. It seemed to me he almost spent more time prepping a show than in actually doing the show. He never went into a show cold. I thought it was pretty amazing. His dedication was especially noticeable when he did mornings at KMPS in the ’80s.” 

Ichabod’s Faith Card

Ichabod believes that surrounding himself with outstanding talent has been the key to producing a great morning show. He was always looking for people, other than himself, to showcase on-air. Caine said, “Ichabod and The Waking Crew” wasn’t just a name it was a cast of characters: Don Riggs and Patti Par his first time around at KMPS and, the second time around, Scallops, Stephen Kilbreath, and Randy Scott. KMPS and The Waking Crew hosted many country stars, athletes and other celebrities — national and local, spiritual and political. Caine said, “the three usually taboo topics — sex, politics and religion — had their own segments on the morning show! We relied heavily on KMPS listeners who, on a daily basis, contributed their own stories and their unique and personal sense of humor.”

History reveals that many of the best known names in country music, movies, television and politics, including Garth Brooks, Wynonna Judd, Kenny Rogers, Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, Merle Haggard, Charlie Daniels, Glen Campbell, Carrie Underwood, President Jimmy Carter, fitness guru Richard Simmons, NASCAR great Bobby Allison, and actor Richard Corbin have made appearances on Ichabod’s morning show or his nationally syndicated weekend gospel shows “Honky Tonk Sundays” or its precursor “Country Club.” In 2009, country music sensation Billy Ray Cyrus was interviewed by Icky on Waking Crew TV (Watch the video in the “Ichabod Caine Media Library.”)

Top (left) backstage with Garth Brooks; (right) with Wynonna; Bottom (left) with Richard Simmons at a curling rink; (right) with Barry Corbin of Northern Exposure TV Series

This compilation of clips, from Ichabod’s personal collection, highlights interviews with big name country music legends. First it’s Kenny Rogers joking around and another of Ichabod’s parody songs. Then it’s the Rhinestone Cowboy, Glen Campbell, followed by Merle Haggard. These guests were on Icky’s morning show 0r his nationally syndicated weekend gospel shows “Honky Tonk Sundays” and “Country Club.”

Legends: Cut 1- Kenny Rogers (1992); Cut 2- Glen Campbell (2009); Cut 3- Merle Haggard (1999) – Run Time 5:33

“Two Ladies and the President” would be a good title for the next set of clips. First it’s Wynonna Judd, then former President Jimmy Carter, and finally country music superstar Carrie Underwood. These recordings originated from Ichabod & The Waking Crew’s morning show on KMPS.

Two Ladies & the President: Cut 1- Wynonna Judd (2009); Cut 2- President Jimmy Carter (2009); Cut 3- Carrie Underwood (2009) – Run Time 5:24

American Country Countdown, Nov. 1990

For decades, until his retirement, Ichabod Caine was a prominent and respected radio air personality. “American Country Countdown” (ACC) has been a staple of country radio since 1973. The host with the longest run was the late Bob Kingsley. In Nov. 1990, when Kingsley was vacationing, Ichabod was one of two jocks chosen (the other being Terry Dorsey of KSCS-Dallas) by Kingsley as guest hosts. ACC was one of the most listened too syndicated radio shows in the world. For example, when this editor was searching for a recording of Ichabod’s ACC appearance from all those years ago, I located it in Austria! A collector there has copies of most of the ACC shows and he agreed to share Icky’s appearance.

Bob Kingsley’s note to affiliate radio stations. dated as Nov. 3, 1990

The ACC aircheck below is in reverse chronological order. It begins with Bob Kingsley (Nov. 10, 1990) thanking Terry Dorsey and Ichabod Caine, the hosts of the prior two shows. That is followed by Ichabod introducing American Country Countdown on Nov. 3, 1990. From there, he begins counting them down from the top. Then we cut to the #2 and #1 country hits in the nation. (Ichabod’s full appearance on ACC is available — the 40 song countdown scoped version — in the “Ichabod Caine Media Library.”)

Cut 1 – Bob Kingsley, after his vacation, on Nov. 10, 1990; Cut 2 – Ichabod Caine  guest hosts ACC prior week of Nov. 3, 1990 – Run Time 5:36

Recognition and Awards

Locally, regionally and nationally Ichabod Caine has been recognized for his exceptional talent and his commitment to community involvement. In 2007, in large part due to the efforts of Icky and The Waking Crew, KMPS-FM won the 15th annual “Best of Western Washington” award as presented by KING television (See the presentation of that award in the “Ichabod Caine Media Library.”)

On three occasions, Caine was nominated for “Air Personality of the Year,” an award created and presented by “Billboard Magazine.” In Jan. 1998, coinciding with his much anticipated return to mornings at KMPS, Ichabod was featured as Billboard’s “Broadcaster of the Week.”

As the accolades rolled in, come 2004, Caine and The Waking Crew were nominated for the prestigious “Radio&Records Personality/Show of the Year” award. 

Radio&Records, article published on May 7, 2004 

Ichabod Caine and the Waking Crew regulars at KMPS-FM were Icky in the head high chair, Stephen Kilbreath (affectionately called Wounded Bird because of his sweet empathetic nature) doing news and traffic. Ichabod’s “tail gunner,” Randy Scott, ran the board, and Ichabod described him as the “funniest” person he’d ever worked with. Scallops, Icky’s wife as you will recall, was the producer and an on-air talent who held it all together. Caine said of that group, “it was the best sounding radio I’ve ever been a part of.” As 2009 was coming to an end, listeners by the thousands were disappointed to learn that one of the top-rated morning shows in the Pacific Northwest was coming to an end. Ichabod’s second decade at KMPS ended on the day he and Scallops signed off the air for the last time in Dec. 2009.

The KMPS Waking Crew: (L-R) Randy Scott, Icky, Scallops and Stephen Kilbreath, circa 2009

While holding the reigns as one of Seattle’s premier morning radio personalities, Ichabod recorded another memorable parody tune. This one gave a nod to Hank Snow’s 1962 classic country record “I’ve Been Everywhere.” The original lyrics were sprinkled with the names of a multitude of cities in mainly the U.S. and Canada, which generated public interest and boosted record sales for Snow. Ichabod put new words to the old standard. It was a collaborative effort with sometimes “Waking Crooner” Sean Herriott aka “Marty the Dancing Spleen.” The parody followed the original winning formula, but substituted the names of cities in the Pacific Northwest that were familiar to KMPS-FM listeners.

I’ve Been Everywhere- A Parody by Icky Caine and “Marty the Dancing Spleen” on KMPS-FM – Run Time 1:28

Ichabod has a large collection of career memorabilia including photos, airchecks and videos. Much of the material was not previously shared online or otherwise. From those recordings, some of which date back 50 years, Ichabod has created an aircheck that chronologically follows his life as a disc jockey. Radio stations acknowledged do not include every stop along the way in Icky’s long career, but KPUG, KJRB, KJR, KPLZ and KMPS are represented here.

Icky’s Career Retrospective includes KPUG, KJRB, KJR, KPLZ, KMPS. Other notable voices include Ross Woodward & “Treasure Goodtimes” (Scallops) at KJRB, Les Parsons at KJR, The Waking Crew at KMPS – Run Time 6:53

For now, radio is in the past for Icky and Scallops. They know that life moves on and new opportunities to “make a difference” will unexpectedly and spontaneously present themselves.  The two “kids,” who met in a college theater class in Bellingham in the early ’70s, have been happily married for 45 years. And, for most of their married lives, they have been bound by their Christian faith. To this very day, Ichabod “hangs” regularly with their two grown sons. In fact, they’ve formed their own three member motorcycle club: “The Iron Bulls” are looking forward to “doing Sturgis” for the third year in a row.

California Aircheck.com,” operated by George Junak, has been providing radio industry professionals with audio and video airchecks since 1980. The company’s goal is to film/record in action, the best personalities at America’s top radio stations. “California Aircheck” first filmed Ichabod Caine in 1990. They revisited Caine and The Waking Crew at KMPS in 2009. The “California Aircheck” website described it this way: “ICHABOD CAINE at Seattle’s legendary KMPS has one of the best Country morning shows in the country. How good? Back in the mid 90’s, he jumped ship for rival KRPM (K-106-FM). How often do you get asked back? Usually zero. Phones, bits, Ichabod & The Crew have got it all.” Below is an edited version of the original 30-minute long video aircheck.
Ichabod Caine: 2009 Waking Crew from “California Aircheck.com” – Run Time 5:57


We’ll wrap this bio with a segment from another video, this one dating back to 1990…..the first time “California Aircheck” stopped by the KMPS studio to visit with Ichabod Caine.

Ichabod Caine: 1990 video from “California Aircheck.com” – Run Time 2:43
A closing comment from Icky:

“Since I am often asked about my footwear, for the record, I was always more comfortable in boots,” Ichabod Caine, 2020.


Thank-yous & Credits:

The editor wishes to thank the following parties for their cooperation and assistance: California Aircheck.com, California Aircheck.com, Rick Wells (Rick Wells Video Productions), Radiowest.com, Sam Lawson, Tim Shook, Gary “Shannon” Burleigh, Ichabod Caine, Jay Hamilton, Steve West.

(L-R) Tom Murphy, Icky, Pat O’Day, 2019 KJR reunion

Ichabod Caine would like to personally thank Pat O’Day and “World Famous” Tom Murphy. Icky told QZVX, “the two greatest radio communicators I ever heard were Pat O’Day and Tom Murphy. I met both of them together when I was a student at the Ron Bailie School of Broadcast. I never had the privilege of working with either of these radio icons, but I consider them to be my mentors.

Ichabod Caine Media Library (Videos, Airchecks, and Print Articles)

Icky in Video

Evening Magazine, King 5, full video montage (during his first run at KMPS) View Here

Ichabod Swims with the Fish (Seattle Aquarium) 2006) View Here

15th annual “Best of Western Washington” Award in 2007 goes to KMPS-FM View Here

Waking Show TV, Billy Ray Cyrus & Icky talk baseball and music, June 2009 View Here

911 Memorial, Cashmere, WA: Designed and built by “Fireball” John Jackson. Video by Icky & Scallops View Here

Icky in Sound

KMPS-FM: Ichabod & The Waking Crew, Full show courtesy of “The New…BigAppleAirchecks.com – Your Full Service Aircheck Source.”  This aircheck has excellent sound and is archival quality. Recorded the day before their final program, Dec. 17, 2009 Listen Here

KMPS AM&FM Airchecks: Cut 1 -KMPS-AM (circa 1983-’85); Cut 2 -KMPS-FM (Oct. ’85). It includes Icky, Don Riggs, Patti Par and Scallops; Cut 3 -Ichabod’s show opening jingle 2006 Listen Here

American Country Countdown: Ichabod Caine guest host for Bob Kingsley (40 song scoped aircheck). Nov 3, 1990 Listen Here

& American Country Countdown printed “playlist” sent to affiliates for above show, Nov 3, 1990) Read Here

Honky Tonk Sundays: Merle Haggard, (full show) Sept. 1999 Listen Here

Honky Tonk Sundays: Charlie Daniels, (full show) 1994 Listen Here

Country Club (a precursor to Honky Tonk Sundays): (full show) July 1992  Listen Here

Jimmy Carter & the KMPS Waking Crew: (full interview) Feb. 2009 Listen Here

Glen Campbell & the KMPS Waking Crew: (full interview) Feb. 2009 Listen Here

Nascar driver Bobby Allison & the KMPS Waking Crew: (full interview) Feb. 2009 Listen Here

Wynonna Judd & the KMPS Waking Crew: (full interview) June 2009 Listen Here

Carrie Underwood & the KMPS Waking Crew: (full interview) June 2009 Listen Here

KJR-Seattle: Cut 1- Icky’s morning show Mar. ’77; Cut 2- Midday show July ’77; Cut 3- Herr Lumber ad ’79 Listen Here

KPUG-Bellingham: Randy Evan’s Show (with the voice of longtime KPUG news director Terry Allen). Aug. ’72 Listen Here

Icky in Print

Icky’s KMPS “Faith” Card WITH BIO Read Here

Ichabod is a “faithful” dinner speaker: Shoreline News, March 2019  Read Here

Caine article in Billboard Magazine: Jan. 24, 1998 Read Here

Ichabod follows his “faith” to K106: Seattle Times, Jan. 27, 1994 Read Here

Caine exits KMPS for K106: Kitsap Sun, Jan. 9, 1994 Read Here

Charlie Brown leaves KJR (Ichabod will take his place): Victor Stredicke, Seattle Times, May 1977 Read Here

Charlie Brown returns to KJR, Ichabod moves to middays: Victor Stredicke, Seattle Times, June 1977  Read Here



20 thoughts on “Raisin’ Cain with Ichabod Caine

  1. I grew up listening to Icky and the waking crew. Good memories reading this article. Now I live in Florida but I miss a good DJ like Icky back in the 90’s. Thanks for writing.

  2. I was so happy to come across this story. I have missed Icky since he left KMPS. I was heart broken when he left KMPS, then Randy and Stephen. They were my morning family. I spend a tremendous amount of time in my car and they were always there to make the Puget Sound commute bearable. Everyone at KMPS seemed to become my family and when everything changed (not for the better) I finally changed the radio channel. I’ve often wondered what Icky is up to currently and hope he’s enjoying retirement.
    I’ve tuned in to Fitz in the morning. His style, friendliness, family friendly show has become my number one. (I’m a P1) He reminds me of Icky in many ways. He mentioned Icky during the St Jude radiothon and I thought “Boy, I’d like to have Fitz bring Icky in for a visit” the two of them would be hysterical. Stephen Kilbreath would be another great guest with his ability to name songs from 1 or 2 notes. Happy to see him on channel 5 now and then. If Icky wants to come out of retirement, I’ll be happy to tune in.

  3. Remembering the Voice of Channel 95

    This summer day began quite gray
    while hearing Pat had passed away.
    The voice of Channel 95
    has signed-off one last time.

    This rock promoter’s unique sound
    broke barriers. He broke new ground.
    O’Day (like Dick Clark) had a way
    of spinning vinyl gold.

    A pastor’s kid, Pat loved his dad.
    He loved God, too, but Pat was rad.
    He found success and lost his way
    for way too many years.

    He came to know the stars by name.
    Intoxicated by his fame,
    Pat stumbled forward with the hope
    he’d gain what mattered most.

    The drugs and booze would take their toll,
    but in the end Pat knew his soul
    belonged to One who gave His life
    to set the captive free.

    Pat left this world while pointing to
    the Savior who had made him new.
    The one-time king of KJR
    has claimed a lasting crown.

    Peace to his memory!

    by Chaplain Greg Asimakoupoulos

  4. Radiofollower…I am pleased you enjoyed the post. It is my goal to write about many of the better known Seattle radio personalities, hopefully while they are still with us. Icky had a loyal and large following, but of course, listeners have different tastes. I had mentioned to Icky the Snohomish station, his short time experience after he’d retired from KMPS. But I think he saw that as very brief retirement endeavor he did not consider of enough importance to discuss. I figured it would be mentioned and could be addressed here in comments. He also did not delve into the details of his time setting up an internet only radio station that operated from his home…Wild Boar Radio.

  5. Thanks for the article Steven. I have never been a fan of Ichabod Caine and was glad when he left KMPS the first time only to be disappointed to find that he went to KRPM which was the station I listened to all the time.
    I did notice that you didn’t mentioned the short time he was on Andy’s station KKXA in the morning although he was never actually in the station (more voicetracking).I was surprised when he showed up on KKXA and glad when he was off-air there.Anyway, good interesting article here…thanks.

  6. Mike…it all began nearly a year ago with Jay Hamilton showing me a few photos of Icky when he was still Randy at KPUG. I thought I would post them, but wanted to check because Ick was probably only 19 or 20. My KJR connection, Gary Shannon said he would call Icky. They got together and Icky said he had some photos he would rather see published. Then the idea of a full bio came up. Icky wanted to do the first draft, which he did very well. But lots of delays came up as usual and we began working on a final draft in June of this year. When I sent back my reworked version of his story…with many audio cuts and photos added….he was pleased with the content and flow. Basically he decided that if it was going to be a feature of that length with so much material then he had personal photos, videos including from “Evening Magazine”…and audio that far surpassed my original mock up. So we spent about a month and a half editing audio, video, getting quotes from Jay Hamilton and Steve West, and locating even more elusive items like a copy of Icky guest hosting the American Country Countdown Syndicated Show…. which we got in Austria. The Ichabod Caine Media Library was a convenient way to host some of the material that was too long, or for one reason or another it could not all go in the bio. I must say Icky tells a good story and much of this is word for word from his own draft…but it has been fleshed out with more words, sounds, videos and photos.

  7. Simply brilliant Steven! You outdid yourself this time! Icky had such a long and diverse career, managing all that information was absolutely mind-boggling … but somehow you cleared that mountainous barrier … and made it a truly smooth read.
    And, oh yeah, Icky and Scallops have had one interesting journey … so far. ‘Twas fun for me to be there at the trail head.

    1. Gary…Mr. Ick had such an incredible collection of history that at times figuring out where to put it all was a challenge…and figuring out what best fit where. Thank you for your ongoing assistance. I would rather be compared to 007 than Lurch of the Addam’s Family.

  8. WOW! Such a fantastic collection of memories from one of the greatest air personalities of the Pacific Northwest. Ichabod was real, always himself, on the airwaves. That is why listeners connected so easily with Icky.

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