Those Cock-eyed Eyebrows

Brooke Baldwin should fire the person that does her make-up. Unless she has had a stroke, there should be no problem getting the eye-brows level with each other.

It is as annoying as Rachel Maddow’s Adam’s apple.

11 thoughts on “Those Cock-eyed Eyebrows

  1. CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin announced today, 2/16/21, that she and her independent, investigative, analytical eyebrows will be leaving the cable network in April.

    The brows, when asked by an adoring press coterie to respond to a disdainful comment from a blogger last year, only fluttered becomingly.

  2. Jason, a fortnightly update: Brooke’s left eyebrow remains a bit higher than her right. Surely you wouldn’t ask her to shave her brows and have the make-up person paint, tattoo or graft on a perfectly symmetrical set?

    Hooray for imperfect perfection. Also for perfect imperfection.

  3. I just tried that, with an app on my phone. I look like myself, just fatter or skinnier depending which side I chose.

  4. From what I have read…our faces are not exactly equally divided!…Half of our face is usually slightly more developed/balanced, compared to the other half…Photographers/cameramen know this, as do most of the Hollywood types, and want their “best side” featured…Anyway, didn’t Ms. Baldwin suffer a Covid 19 attacl a couple of months ago?…maybe what you notice is yet another side effect!

    1. There used to be a website where you could upload your forward-facing photo and they would cut it in half and make a photo with one side of the face a mirror image of the other. I looked like a totally different person.

  5. Once upon a time, I had my eyelids fixed. It went well. At the time, I asked the doctor if he could fix my left eyebrow which was lower. He said yes. So I had it done. It was perfect. Cost me $1800.00. He put a little tab under the skin near my hairline. I wondered how he pulled it up but never thought to ask. A few weeks later, I was trimming my eyebrows and clipped the fishing line that was tied to the clip. I now have the same old off kilter left eyebrow. Not going to go through another operation.

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