From the editor: Here you will find a sneak peak into an upcoming article…….Steven L. Smith
Since early June, I have been compiling an in-depth biography on one of Seattle’s best-known radio personalities. The man who would, a few years down the road, become Ichabod Caine took his first radio job at KPUG-Bellingham in 1970. I often listened to his show on KPUG. And my friend, Jay Hamilton (at the time KBFW-Bellingham PD), was Icky’s friend, so I met Ichabod Caine before he was called “Ichabod Caine.”
After two years at KPUG, the young jock headed to KJRB in Spokane. It was sister station to KJR, Channel 95, in Seattle. About four years later, the opportunity came for Icky (still not known as Ichabod or Icky) to move from Spokane to KJR. That was the plan when KJR morning man, Charlie Brown, was lured away from KJR and he accepted a morning gig in Dallas.

That name “Ichabod Caine” came into being when the new jock from Spokane went on-air at KJR. Icky was funny, creative and his talent was such that he had been Charlie Brown’s heir apparent. The problem was Charlie Brown was unhappy in Dallas and he wanted to come back home. After only a couple months away, Charlie was back in Seattle to reclaim mornings at KJR. Ichabod, who said Charlie was his hero, gracefully and happily eased himself into the mid-day slot. Personally, he considered it the best shift in radio anyway. In the late ’70s, changes were taking place at KJR and Ichabod left Channel 95 to work at KPLZ and KNBQ.

In 1983, Caine decided to try something different. He took a job playing country music at KMPS-AM&FM. KMPS-FM, of course, was for many years a giant in the Seattle-Tacoma radio market. Caine spent two non-consecutive decades at KMPS. He took over mornings in 1984, teamed up with Don Riggs and Patti Par. After an amicable parting of the ways with KMPS management in 1994, he worked at other country stations in the Seattle metro. But, come 1998 until 2009, he was back on mornings at KMPS-FM. His “Waking Crew” regulars, near the end of his second run at KMPS, included Scallops (his spouse), Stephen Kilbreath and Randy Scott.
In composing this article, I have had access to many of Ichabod’s private photos, airchecks, celebrity interviews and videos. Also, Jay Hamilton has retained a huge collection of photos and keepsakes from his radio career and his time at KMPS. Among Ichabod’s souvenirs there is a KMPS Fourth of July TV spot. And it so happens that Jay still has the pamphlet that was displayed in the TV ad. The promotion coincided with the national July 4th, 1986 relighting of the Statue of Liberty Centennial Celebration.
When I saw the ad, this being July 4th, 2020, I knew I had to post it here. The timing could not have been better. And, in the next couple weeks here at QZVX, watch for the debut of Ichabod Caine’s biography in photos, sound and video…….Steven L. Smith, editor

Presently editor and historical writer with QZVX.COM in Seattle. Former radio broadcaster and radio station owner, 1970-1999. Journalism and speech communications degrees. I enjoy researching articles and online reporting that allows me to meld together words, audio and video. P.S. I appreciate and encourage reader comments and opinions. View other articles by Steven Smith
Bruce ~
Thank you for the kind words. It’s nice to know that someone else’s memory goes back to before the flood!
Great 4th of July TV spot with Ichabod Crane. Thanks also for mentioning Jay Hamilton – he was a fine KPUG jock when the Earth was young.